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03/07/2012 10:10 tr generali <gasi.mi> lancia bond 30 anni callable dopo 10 anni, almeno 500 mln euro, rendimento indicato in area 10,25% - lead
ING Bank issued EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 3 years
Guidance: Mid swap +125 bp
ING Bank issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 3 years. Expect a spread of 125 bp is over mid swap. The transaction is supported by BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, ING Bank and German. of the transaction:

Issuer: ING Bank NV
Rating: A2, A +, A +
Format: senior unsecured
Volume: n.bek. (Benchmark)
Coupon: . n.bek
Guidance: Mid swap +125 bp
running time: 07/10/2015
Settlement: 7/10/2012
Listing: Amsterdam
denominations: € 1000, € 100 000 minimum order
Bookruner: BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, German Bank, ING
Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo issued EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 3 years
Guidance: Mid swap +420 bp (coupon of 5%)
The Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 3 years. Expect a spread of 420 bp over mid swap, which corresponds to a coupon of about 5%. The transaction is supported by Banca IMI, BNP Paribas, Citigroup and Credit Suisse accompanied. of the transaction:

Issuer: Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Rating: A3, BBB +, A-
Format: senior unsecured
Volume: n.bek. (Benchmark)
Coupon: 5% expected by
Guidance: Mid swap +420 bp
running time: 07/10/2015
Settlement: 7/10/2012
Listing: Luxembourg
Denomination: EUR 100,000
Bookruner: Banca IMI, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Credit Suisse
RBI issued EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 5 years
Guidance: Mid swap +175 bp
The Raiffeisen Bank International AG issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 5 years. Expect a spread of 175 bp is over mid swap. The transaction is accompanied by DZ Bank, HSBC, Raiffeisen Bank International and UBS. of the transaction:

Issuer: Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Rating: A2, A, A
Format: senior unsecured
Volume: n.bek. (Benchmark)
Coupon: . n.bek
Guidance: Mid swap +175 bp
running time: 10/07/2017
Settlement: 7/10/2012
Listing: Luxembourg
Denomination: EUR 100,000
Bookruner: DZ Bank, HSBC, Raiffeisen International and UBS
Vale plans to EUR bond
The Vale SA . plans to issue a EUR bond. Vale is one next to Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company. Currently running a conference call with institutional investors. The transaction is supported by BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole CIB, HSBC and Natixis. Further details are not yet known.

of the transaction:

Issuer: Vale SA, Rio de Janeiro
Rating: Baa2, A-, BBB +
Format: senior unsecured
Volume: n.bek. (Benchmark)
Coupon: . n.bek
Guidance: . n.bek
Running time: . n.bek
Bookruner: BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole CIB, HSBC and Natixis
MT-Energie GmbH - Issue Size EUR 13.6 million
Company sees itself well in the case of international expansion plan
The MT-Energie GmbH, a leading biogas plant manufacturer, sees itself well on target for 2012 in the further expansion into international markets. At the same time keeps the investment backlog in the German market through the amendment of the Renewable Energy Law at the beginning of the year and is expected to continue well into the third quarter. The positive development of foreign business can compensate for this decline in parts, so that the MT-energy remains in the overall performance of a group of more than EUR 190 million starting in 2012. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) and net income will be compared with the exception of 2011 declined noticeably. For 2013, total return assumes a growth in total income and profit figures. The placement of the MT-energy bond on 30 June 2012 as planned. Investors subscribed securities totaling EUR 13.6 million. sales success in South-Eastern Europe and Italy in MT-energy can be realized in the current year, approximately 17 projects. This is for larger, higher-priced biogas plants with an average of 1 MW. Overall, the Lower Saxony, it accomplished so far nearly 40 plants in Italy, mainly in the north of the country. Initial projects are already under contract for 2013. At the beginning of next year will be in Italy amended the Act feed-in tariff for electricity from biogas plants. The average investment size will then move in the segment 600 kW, and the feed-in tariffs will be until further notice in comparison with Europe still be a leader. From 2013 MT Italia expects a rising service business in the most developed European biogas market in Germany. In Slovakia, the MT-energy currently implemented with a major investor in eight projects in the order of 500 kW to 1 MW per unit. The plants are planned mainly in western Slovakia near Bratislava, the input materials are mainly agricultural Art Other projects are already in the final negotiations and in preparation for 2013. In the largest eastern neighbor Poland is in the current year also the first reference plant in the building. Other projects will follow. France: not only electricity, and gas exist in France since the creation of Gaseinspeisegesetzes the end of last year, in addition to the power supply also good conditions for the injection of biomethane into the local natural gas network. It is therefore a significant demand for biogas upgrading plants for upgrading of biogas to natural gas to sense level. MT-Energie is the group company MT-biomethane in this area strongly represented, and assumes that the French market will be one of the most promising European markets for the business area of biogas upgrading. comment Torben Brunckhorst, managing partner of MT-Energie GmbH '2012 is the expected transition year for the biogas industry and MT-Energy: Less construction, for more service and repowering in Germany. More new orders from abroad. We benefit from the fact that we have prepared in time for the international business. Already in 2009 we have implemented international projects, we are now active in over 10 countries. The financing proceeds from the issue of our corporate bond, we also help flexibly perceive opportunities in sales. MT-energy abroad - as well as in Germany for years - perceived as a solid and reliable partner of the mainly agricultural operators of biogas or biomethane plants'. About the MT-Energie has the MT-Energie GmbH founded in 2001 and is one of the leading plant Europe in the future, biogas industry. MT-energy can offer the entire portfolio of biogas technology. In addition to the design and construction of facilities will all operators, regardless of manufacturer, technical service and the biological process, ie, laboratory analysis and advice offered. Through its subsidiary MT-biomethane GmbH is the MT-Energie also a leading provider of biogas purification technology. With this method, biogas can be purified to natural gas quality and fed into the general gas grid, resulting in a variety of uses for this energy
questo è quanto:

MILANO, 3 luglio (Reuters) - Generali <GASI.MI>, per il bond lanciato stamane della durata di 30 anni, callable dopo 10 anni, poco dopo le 11 italiane gli ordini hanno superato un miliardo di euro, con circa 100 ordini. Lo dicono a Reuters fonti vicine all'operazione. In precedenza due lead manager dell'operazione hanno precisato che per il nuovo bond è stato proposto un rendimento nell'area di 10,25%, all'interno di un range tra 10,125% e 10,375% e che l'ammontare sarà benchmark, vale a dire di almeno 500 mln di euro, aggiungono. Il bond verrà utilizzato per rifinanziare il bond emesso da Generali per 750 milioni con cedola 6,90%, scadenza 2022, con una call che scade il 20 luglio prossimo, hanno detto a Reuters fonti vicine all'operazione. [ID:nL6E8I2ECL]. Generali ieri ha sondato il terreno tra gli investitori per scioglere il dilemma se esercitare la call sul vecchio bond e quindi rimborsarlo e rifinanziarlo con una nuova emissione, oppure non esercitare la call del vecchio titolo, cambiando la cedola. La decisione di emettere un nuovo bond risulta molto più costoso in termini economici per l'emittente, ma più solidale con la 'buona pratica' di mercato. "L'emittente ha preferito mantenere un buon rapporto con il mercato ed esercitare la call, anche se economicamente molto meno vantaggioso" dice a Reuters uno dei lead manager dell'operazione. ((Redazione Milano,
Vale SA - duration 10.5 years, Guidance: Mid swap +185 bp
The Vale SA . issued a EUR benchmark bond with a maturity of 10.5 years. Expect a spread of 185 basis points over mid swap. Vale is one next to Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company. The transaction is supported by BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole CIB, HSBC and Natixis. of the transaction:

Issuer: Vale SA, Rio de Janeiro
Rating: Baa2, A-, BBB +
Format: senior unsecured
Volume: Benchmark
Coupon: . n.bek
Guidance : Mid swap +185 bp
running time: 01/10/2023
Settlement: 7/10/2012
Listing: Luxembourg
denominations: € 1000, € 100 000 minimum order
Bookruner: BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole CIB, HSBC and Natixi
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