OT: Topic del cazzeggio (3 lettori)


Age quod Agis
Certo che leggere "di la'" profluvi di puro ottimismo intrisi di una sana incoscienza...nn so ... poi mi ricordo il carnet ordini aziendale e telefono ai miei colleghi ed è pari e patta...di tanto in tanto mi piacerebbe avere un simile spirito...


Certo che leggere "di la'" profluvi di puro ottimismo intrisi di una sana incoscienza...nn so ... poi mi ricordo il carnet ordini aziendale e telefono ai miei colleghi ed è pari e patta...di tanto in tanto mi piacerebbe avere un simile spirito...

e squaletto come gli va con ubs???

a me andar di là ...mi viene il mal di mare:titanic:


Forumer storico
Viagra program a success in Mexico City

Last update: 2:01 p.m. EST Feb. 13, 2009

MEXICO CITY, Feb 13, 2009 (UPI via COMTEX) -- Seniors in Mexico City say a government program that provides them with free Viagra has been a welcome addition to their lives.

Senior Mexico City residents such as grandfather-of-six Angel Posadas Sandoval, 74, say the program enacted by Mayor Marcelo Ebrard has offered area seniors a chance to rekindle the romance with their wives, The New York Times reported Friday.

Bernarda Valenzuela, 77, said the city program that provides the erectile dysfunction medication free to seniors over the age of 60 assists a typically overlooked age group.

"Nobody pays attention to us," Valenzuela, who lost her husband years ago, said to the Times. "Those children who care for their parents only worry about giving them food and changing their clothes, as if we were children. They forget that we feel many things, even sexual things. We're not made of wood."

The Times said the free Viagra program marked another imaginative public effort by Ebrard, who has created artificial beaches at area pools and the world's largest skating rink in Mexico City.

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