posto qui un'eccitante notizia relativa al fallimento LB
non uso il 3d del capter 11 perchè se no mark si arrabbia
mi sembra comunque un contributo interessante e denso di contenuti
se la signorina si è insinuata come creditore, possiamo spostare sul 3d apposito...
ce ne sono di storie come queste...
American Express sues over topless club tab
Scores patron claims most of massive $241,000 bill is bogus
NEW YORK - American Express is suing the CEO of a communications company for payment of $241,000 worth of disputed credit card charges at a Manhattan topless club.American Express says in papers filed in state court that Savvis Inc. chief executive officer Robert A. McCormick was in the club Scores in October 2003 with at least three other men.
After McCormick got the $241,000 corporate credit card bill, Savvis called American Express and complained that some of the charges were fraudulent, the lawsuit says. The communications company said its chief disputed all but about $20,000, according to the lawsuit.
"We firmly believe that Mr. McCormick was the victim of fraud," said Deena Williamson, Savvis's deputy general counsel. She declined to comment further.
Court papers say American Express asked McCormick several times to provide in writing his basis for calling the charges fraudulent. McCormick failed to respond, and when he was billed again he once again objected to the charges, the lawsuit says.American Express says McCormick finally responded in writing in September 2004, reiterating that some charges on the Scores bill were bogus, the lawsuit says.
Scores has been paid in full, American Express's court papers say, while neither Savvis nor McCormick has paid any of the charges. Failure to pay is a violation of the American Express corporate credit card agreement, court papers say.
An American Express spokeswoman, Judy Tenzer, said she had no comment.
come da prassi, il CEO se ne è andato con una barca di soldi di "trattamento di fine rapporto"...