Portafogli e Strategie (investimento) Portafoglio, asset allocation, retirement

Il cervello umano è impostato per edulcorare i ricordi più spiacevoli.

It’s so common for people’s memories about a time to become disconnected from how they actually felt at the time.​
I have a theory for why this happens: When studying history, you know how the story ends, which makes it impossible to imagine what people were thinking or feeling in the past.
When thinking about our own lives, we don’t remember how we actually felt in the past; We remember how we think we should have felt, given what we know today.

Col senno del poi è tutto semplice e charo.

So much of what matters in investing – this is true for a lot of things in life – is how you manage the psychology of uncertainty. The problem with looking back with hindsight is that nothing is uncertain. You think no one had anything to worry about, because most of what they were worrying about eventually came to pass.​

Il pessimismo ragionato fa sembrare le persone più intelligenti.

Understanding why economic nostalgia is so powerful – why it’s almost impossible to remember how uncertain things were in the past when you know how the story ends – helps explain what I think is the most important lesson in economic history, that’s true for most people most of the time:​
The past wasn’t as good as you remember. The present isn’t as bad as you think. The future will be better than you anticipate.

A Message From the Past (Thoughts on Nostalgia)
Siamo a nuovi massimi per l'azionario e per l'oro. Manca ancora il bitcoin all'appello. E' difficile fare previsioni ma la massa monetaria globale è su nuovi massimi.


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