Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters
Ho spedito ieri mattina i mandati/documenti all'indirizzo di posta certificata ricevendo il messaggio di errore. Ho inserito i dati nel file ricevendo il messaggio di conferma.
Sono a posto o devo reinviare il tutto al nuovo indirizzo email?
Io una raccomandata (per quello che costa) alla banca che ha posto in essere le operazioni di acquisto, con relativa diffida e messa in mora nel porre in essere qualsiasi azione o comportamento diretto o indiretto che possa privarmi della titolarità e possesso dei miei titoli senza la mia autorizzazione ......la farei....in futuro forse potrebbe servire.
Ultima modifica:
Non è un sunto, pesco le cifre

ISIN Xs0310904155 = issued 350 mio / outstanding 250 mio EUR
ISIN XS0382843802 = issued 100 mio / outstanding 100 mio USD
ISIN Xs0468954523 = issued 320 mio / outstanding 320 mio EUR
ISIN XS0172565482 = issued 200 mio / outstanding 10,95 mio EUR
ISIN XS0552743048 = issued 500 mio / outstanding 262,342 mio EUR
ISIN XS0363514893 = issued 200 mio / outstanding 40,7 mio EUR

Equity 200 mio (?)

Tot >1200 mio
"Sub ed equity partecipano per 1000 mio"

Con Equity=0, restano >200 mio per 1000 nominali, media 20...

Cifre a ca..zo :lol:

Sei sicuro che lo str avesse detto equità+sub contributo 1 mld e non solo sub?

In effetti dice che sono i sub a contribuire per 1 mld senza equity ergo media 0
Ultima modifica:
ci sono anche questi di French Faas nieuwssos-ns.nl | Stichting

For information: Dear all / Dear all 1. Introduction / Introduction Thank you for your interest in our foundation. In this mail we give an update of the state of affairs, our activities to date and our policies. Thank you very much for your interest in our foundation. In this email we bieden you with an update on current affairs, our activities so far and our future policy plans. 2. Experienced team / Experienced Team The foundation is formed by an experienced team of specialists. Frans Faas, director, has in the past built a reputation as a defender of bond-and shareholders. He arranged for bondholders include a debt-swap aandelen' at Getronics and Versatel. In stock atmosphere he worked for mismanagement procedures and increasing takeover bids. The Foundation is managed by an experienced team of specialists. Frans Faas, managing director, has in the past build up a reputation as representative for bondholders and shareholders. In the bond holder environment he was ao Actively engaged in the debt for equity swaps (Getronics, Versatel) while in the shareholder environemnt hey Mainly started mismanagement proceedings agains failing top managers or negotiated better deals in a take-over bid. Karel de Vries, member or supervisory board is independent consultant and has various positions in various bond holder committee. Also he is manageing director at the Homburg Bond Foundation. Mr.. William Schonewille is lawyer at Barens Wreath in The Hague and a very profound class action specialist. 3. Objectives / Goals The Foundation aims to protect the interests of lenders to the SNS, under the Intervention are expropriated. We focus consciously on the interests of lenders (and not that of shareholders) in order to avoid conflicts of interest. Although both forms are confiscated, there is a difference in the position of the two categories that will be reflected in the determination of the damage. The goals of the foundation is to act on Behalf of the suppliers or subordinated debt to SNS All which are expropriated According to the 'Intervention act'. Deliberately we focus on the interest of the suppliers of debt (and not on the providers of equity) in order to preventDefault a conflict of interest. Although subordinated bonds as well as shares are confiscated there is a definite difference in the positions of both asset classes All which will Appear When the discussion of the compensation takes place. 4. Legal Procedures / Legal Proceedings As already extensively explained in the press there are primarily two procedures opened against the nationalization of the debt: a Occupation Scripture at the Council of State (focused on the legitimacy of the nationalization as such) b. Proceedings for damages in the Enterprise (aimed at determining a reasonable value of the expropriated assets) These procedures will we actually going to perform. addition, we have two possibilities are not often mentioned procedures c. Complaint to the European Court of Human Rights d. Civil proceedings against the issuer or advisory body about these last two procedures we inform you have at a later stage. As is stated in the press Already we have - thing to approve the intervention act - at first glance to Fulfill two procedures: a Appeal at the State of Council (whereby we doubt the legitimacy of the nationalization Such axis) b. Claim procedure at the Enterprise Chamber (whereby we have to argue That the value of the nationalized debt is higher than zero). These procedures will be definitely applied by our foundation. Apart from That we see in addition two more procedures That Are not Mentioned Often c. File a complaint at the European Counsel for human rights d. Legal proceedings against the issuing entity or advisory We will inform you on the possibilities in due course. 5. Other points / Specific Items a When specifying your interest in the Foundation has a number of people either not the number of bonds Be it entered the market value (instead of the nominal value). You want to check and correct this by mail? b. We act both for subordinated bondholders and holders of participation certificates c. In order to reduce the administrative burden to a minimum, we prefer to communicate via email with as much information as we generalize. If you have specific questions about your personal situation please do not hesitate to take a call or email. a In showing interest for our foundation by filing the application form somepeople forgot to fill in the number of bonds (Submitted or the market value instead of the par / face value of the bonds). Please check this and send a corrective email if and when applicable. b. We represent subordinated bondholders as well as holders of 'participation certificates' c. In order to minimize the administrative burden we prefer to communicate by email and generalize our messages. However if you have any specific questions (on your personal position) feel free to call or email me. 6. Financial contribution / Financial Contribution We propose to cover the costs to the members a sum of € 5 per nominal debt of € 1000 questions. Contribution made ​​on vrijwilige bases and we use as minimum amount € 50 and the maximum amount € 5,000 (€ 1 million so nominal). Account details and payment instructions come in the second update. We count on your understanding. We propose - in order to cover the cost - to ask participants to contribute € 5 per nominal / face value of € 1,000 debt. Contribution is on a voluntarily basis and we would suggest a minimum contribution of € 50 and a maximum contribution of € 5,000 (€ 1 million at face value). Account information and payment instructions will be released at our second update. We appreciate your understanding. Kind regards / Sincerely yours French Faas
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So che è un lavoraccio, ma altrimenti finiremo per intasarvi e stressarvi sempre di più.
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Si, sei a posto. Chi ha inviato le mail prima delle 22.42 di ieri è a posto.
Si, sei a posto. Chi ha inviato le mail prima delle 22.42 di ieri è a posto.

Mi rendo conto della mole di lavoro che state affrontando..... ma non sarebbe una buona idea aprire un semplice post, o usare l'altro, per fare una lista di chi può star tranquillo e chi invece deve integrare la documentazione ?

Una cosa tipo:


Rossi SI NO NO
Bianchi SI SI SI

e via così......
è una ca...a ? :mumble:

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