Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

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altre paroline sulla triste vicenda

HE HAGUE (AFN) - De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) In 2006 a careful decision taken by SNS to authorize the acquisition of Bouwfonds Property Finance of ABN Amro. That said former supervisors DNB Friday in a hearing in the House.

According to former board member Arnold Schilder, the real estate arm of Fund of good conduct and there were no signs of fraud. In addition, the risks inherent in real estate then evaluated differently. ,, That changed only in the course of 2008,'' said Painter.

Property was then, an attractive sport,'' said Painter. The yields were good and the risks were estimated as low. He said not to see how DNB based on the information available to other decision could come.


The line DNB in such acquisitions, according Painter time: allow, unless. The transaction was not as controversial, because Bouwfonds Property Finance is already a subsidiary of ANB Amrowas, and is therefore not discussed in the management of DNB, said the former director.

According to former director Rudi Kleijwegt supervision is based on the knowledge of the past authorized the acquisition, which SNS finally on the brink of the abyss. ,, There are some aspects that we would judge differently now,'' he said.

Ex-director Lex Hoogduin called the ultimate nationalization of SNS, disappointing and shocking''. That it was, according to him shows that the Intervention has not worked. He also was not convinced of the need for expropriation.
altre paroline sulla triste vicenda

HE HAGUE (AFN) - De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) In 2006 a careful decision taken by SNS to authorize the acquisition of Bouwfonds Property Finance of ABN Amro. That said former supervisors DNB Friday in a hearing in the House.

According to former board member Arnold Schilder, the real estate arm of Fund of good conduct and there were no signs of fraud. In addition, the risks inherent in real estate then evaluated differently. ,, That changed only in the course of 2008,'' said Painter.

Property was then, an attractive sport,'' said Painter. The yields were good and the risks were estimated as low. He said not to see how DNB based on the information available to other decision could come.


The line DNB in such acquisitions, according Painter time: allow, unless. The transaction was not as controversial, because Bouwfonds Property Finance is already a subsidiary of ANB Amrowas, and is therefore not discussed in the management of DNB, said the former director.

According to former director Rudi Kleijwegt supervision is based on the knowledge of the past authorized the acquisition, which SNS finally on the brink of the abyss. ,, There are some aspects that we would judge differently now,'' he said.

Ex-director Lex Hoogduin called the ultimate nationalization of SNS, disappointing and shocking''. That it was, according to him shows that the Intervention has not worked. He also was not convinced of the need for expropriation.

lo posti anche in oladense pls

a me fa pensare che il ministro abbia scelto per top manager di sns uno che era in ABN a suo tempo
visto che poliziotto buono poliziotto cattivo funziona???

già contenti con 20!!!!!!!! :)

Ragazzi sono stato impegnato su altri fronti con risultati medi, ma vi sto rileggendo e se ci accontentiamo di 20 siamo solo dei ton.ti. Ormai siamo in ballo e dobbiamo arrivare fino in fondo tutti uniti :up:
Ricorso Esproprio Obbligazioni subordinate Sns Bank NV

Buonasera stiamo perdendo vigore nella discussione per combattere e aggiungere idee utili per risolvere positivamente questa ingiustizia per ora perpetrata.:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
Ti ho seguito e apprezzato...il Piller è proprio sinonimo di rigidità teutonica...a senso unico...

bisgona essere onesti, saranno anche rigidi ma certamente sono coerenti e i risultati sono dalla loro parte. Noi continuiamo a cambiare bandana e a volte mi viene davvero il dubbio che non siamo migliori della classe politica che ci rappresenta.
bisgona essere onesti, saranno anche rigidi ma certamente sono coerenti e i risultati sono dalla loro parte. Noi continuiamo a cambiare bandana e a volte mi viene davvero il dubbio che non siamo migliori della classe politica che ci rappresenta.
Dissento ma capisco quello che esprimi...però permettimi di affermare che non si può generalizzare. Ti faccio un piccolo esempio: io amministro un Comune dove quando facciamo i Consigli Comunali non accendiamo neppure più nemmeno in pieno inverno il riscaldamento per risparmiare mentre assistiamo tutti i giorni a notizie di sprechi inimmaginabili e ruberie di ogni genere in altri contesti. Quindi io sarei per premiare chi fa una buona amministrazione e una buona politica e punire il resto...ma non punire con il solletico di una piuma...punire con la roncola (in senso figurato). Come vedi soprattutto in Italia è facile generalizzare ma non risponde alla reale fotografia della situazione in cui ci troviamo.

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