Standard & Poor's (S & P) increases its rating on the insurance activities of SNS REAAL (SR.AE) to A-(from BBB) with a negative outlook. In early February, SNS REAAL Insurance Operations, or SRIO, already put following the nationalization of SNS REAAL and enhancement on CreditWatch Positive reflects therefore the strategic position of the group in the short term, according to S & P. The continuing uncertainty SRIO is therefore to give the outlook, best weather the U.S. credit evaluator. The negative outlook is mainly due to the risks in the long term. Thus, there remains uncertainty about the capital position of the group. Also affect the rating is the restructuring plan for SNS REAAL, which the European Commission has yet to give approval. There are also risks for implementing the strategy, said S & P
MARKET TALK: S&P verhoogt rating verzekeringstak SNS, outlook negatief -