Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE T-Bond,Bund,Gold: The pirates of deflinflation island (4 lettori)


Forumer storico
... t-bond ecchilo quà ... le 2 alternative ... entro martedì si decide tutto !
parafrasando Fugnoli, il mercato ha la tentazione di vendere il tbond. Bisogna vedere la FED cosa ne dice... (e alla fine non si andrà da nessuna parte... :D )
e come disse correttamente Fugnoli :p il mercato ha la tentazione di vendere il dollaro, occhio a EURUSD su livello topico 1.325, sembra che voglia andare in area 1.38


फूल की बुराई
Ho tesoruccio mio ! :D:D:D:D:godo::godo::godo::godo: ... mi sei diventato geloso ? :prr:

... any-rekkia-way ... che ne penzi del t-bond ? ... io sono già in posizione pecorina :sorpresa: entrato a 134 pdc credendo fosse ottimo prezzo ed illuso da finto crollo di ieri e dalle palesi divergenze, leggendo in giro ho visto pure di possibili target a 138 :eek::eek::eek: ... sono esterefatto ! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: ... tu che ne penzi in merito ? :-?

... ravanando sulle news mi pare che martedì dovrebbero tajare i tassi ancora di 0,5% e portarli a 0,5% appunto ... che dici ... ci romperanno le bal.le fino a martedì ? ... minghia pupazza altre 3 figure di bronx ?!?! :rolleyes::rolleyes::down::down::wall::wall:

io sono entrato a 135 , tanto erano già saliti prima del dato sui sussidi di disoccupazione e quindi dove azzo andavano prima che lo spoore decidesse a sua volta:titanic:
i fedfund dic sono a 99,80, quindi scontano un taglio dello 0,75:rolleyes:
ci avevo pensato anche io a cercare un gioco con il jun, ma con sti volumi non è aria ditro, oggi ha fatto due scambi e ha un spread bid-ask megagalattico, quasi una figura
non rimangono che le opz , ma anche qui bisogna stare attenti perchè quei capzo-ni di iw stanno facendo casino con l'informativa e l'immissione ordini:down:


फूल की बुराई
parafrasando Fugnoli, il mercato ha la tentazione di vendere il tbond. Bisogna vedere la FED cosa ne dice... (e alla fine non si andrà da nessuna parte... :D )
e come disse correttamente Fugnoli :p il mercato ha la tentazione di vendere il dollaro, occhio a EURUSD su livello topico 1.325, sembra che voglia andare in area 1.38

stanno arrivando tonn di carta igienika ecologica sul mercato:D , ieri l'asta di 2 anni crukka a malapena è stata sottoscritta tutta, un 3 anni americano ha avuto anch'esso richiesta in declino , vedremo cosa succederà quando arriverà il grosso:specchio:


फूल की बुराई
Posturepedic Trade’ in T-Bills Ensures Loss: Chart of the Day

By Michael J. Moore and Daniel Kruger
Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Four-week Treasury bills, considered the world’s safest asset, now guarantee investors a loss at maturity with rates on the securities negative.
“We’re referring to that as the Sealy Posturepedic trade,” said Mitchell Stapley, who oversees $22 billion as chief fixed-income officer for Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Fifth Third Asset Management. “If you’ve got too much money that if you stuff it under the mattress it’s too lumpy to sleep, you might as well take a negative yield on T-bills.”
The CHART OF THE DAY shows that the yield on the shortest duration U.S. government debt has fallen from 3.38 percent in January to negative 0.03 percent as investors seek to preserve capital during the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Investors seeking safety from losses in equity and credit markets were willing to receive zero percent interest when the Treasury sold $30 billion of four-week bills on Dec. 9, the same day three-month bill rates turned negative for the first time since the U.S. began selling the debt in 1929. Yields on two-, 10- and 30-year securities touched record lows this month.
An investor who bought $1 million in three-month bills at the closing rate of negative 0.01 percent on Dec. 9 would realize a loss of $25.56 when the securities mature. Bills are sold at a discount and appreciate to par at maturity.


फूल की बुराई
ora i rikkioni stanno scendendo perchè tra un pò c'è l'asta dei 10y
leggendo un pò in giro c'è che dice che il 10y arriverà al 2,5% , chi dice che ora è prezzato fair, e chi è in bolla irrazionale , la solita macedonia

Treasuries Climb After Jobless Claims Rise More Than Forecast

By Dakin Campbell and Lukanyo Mnyanda
Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Treasuries rose, pushing yields near record lows, after a government report showed first-time claims for unemployment benefits surged to a 26-year high, fueling demand for relative safety of U.S. debt.
Government debt is on pace for a sixth consecutive week of gains after the Labor Department said initial jobless claims rose more than forecast and the number of workers staying on benefit rolls reached the most since 1982. One-month bill rates fell below zero for the first time as investors seek a haven from losses in equity and credit markets.
“The weak data is leading the market to think the Fed will still keep rates lower for longer,” said Carl Lantz, an interest-rate strategist in New York at Credit Suisse Securities USA LLC, one of the 17 primary dealers that trade with the Federal Reserve. “It’s too early to think about any type of V- shaped recovery.”
The yield on the benchmark 10-year note dropped six basis points, or 0.06 percentage point, to 2.64 percent at 10:56 a.m. in New York, according to BGCantor Market Data. The 3.75 percent security due in November 2018 gained 1/2, or $5 per $1,000 face amount, to 109 21/32. The yield touched 2.505 percent on Dec. 5, the lowest level since at least 1962, when the Fed’s daily records began.
The two-year note yield fell four basis points to 0.81 percent. It dropped to a record low of 0.77 percent on Dec. 5.
The Treasury will sell $16 billion of 10-year notes today.
Treasuries of all maturities have returned 11.9 percent this year, according to Merrill Lynch & Co.’s U.S. Treasury Master Index, the best performance since the securities gained 13.4 percent in 2000.
Financial Turmoil
Yields on one-month bills fell to minus 0.03 percent, from 0.01 percent yesterday. The government auctioned $30 billion of the securities on Dec. 9 at zero percent for the first time since it began selling them in 2001. Three-month bill rates fell to minus 0.01 percent the same day and were 0.01 percent today.
Treasuries surged this year with government bonds across the world as the U.S. housing slump pushed up the cost of credit globally and central banks around the world cut benchmark rates. The monetary authorities in Switzerland, Taiwan, South Korea and South Africa lowered interest rates today.
Futures contracts on the Chicago Board of Trade show 88 percent odds the Fed will lower its 1 percent target rate on overnight loans between banks to 0.25 percent on Dec. 16. The probability was 64 percent a week ago.
Yield Spread
The House of Representatives voted last night to approve emergency loans for General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, shifting the focus to the Senate, where Republican opposition threatens to delay or kill the legislation.
“The growing feeling is that the Senate doesn’t have the votes for their bailout, and I think the market is worried about that,” said Tom di Galoma, head of Treasury trading at Jefferies & Co., a brokerage for institutional investors in New York. “If you don’t get this bailout, we will be off to the races again.”
The difference in yield, or spread, between two- and 10- year notes was 1.83 percentage points, close to the widest this month and down from a five-year high of 2.62 percentage points on Nov. 13.
The $5.3 trillion market for U.S. government debt may be a bubble waiting to burst, according to analysts and investors.
Treasuries have “absolutely” entered a bubble, said David Brownlee, who oversees $15 billion as head of fixed income at Sentinel Asset Management in Montpelier, Vermont. “There is very little rationality in my mind to bills trading at zero.”
10-Year Auction
The U.S. trade deficit unexpectedly widened in October as faltering global demand led to a third consecutive drop in exports, signaling the American economy is sinking even faster than previously estimated. The gap expanded 1.1 percent to $57.2 billion from a revised $56.6 billion in September, the Commerce Department said in Washington.
Gains in debt may be tempered before the Treasury’s 10-year note auction today, part of record debt sales to fund U.S. financial rescues. The Treasury sold $20 billion of the securities on Nov. 12 at a high yield of 3.783 percent, down from as high as 5.21 percent at a sale in June 2007. A $28 billion auction of three-year securities yesterday drew less demand than the previous sale.
“Given that we have run so far, so fast, we could see the market give up a bit,” said Martin Mitchell, head government bond trader at the Baltimore unit of Stifel Nicolaus & Co. “I’m not a seller into that; I’m a buyer once the correction happens because I think yields will go lower.”
$2 Trillion
Private analysts estimate the government’s borrowing needs may reach $1.5 trillion to $2 trillion in the 12 months through Sept. 30, 2009, Treasury Assistant Secretary Karthik Ramanathan said yesterday. The U.S. budget deficit swelled to $164.4 billion in November, the second straight month it widened, the Treasury Department said yesterday. The shortfall was $98.2 billion a year earlier.
The “Treasury needs to be prepared to meet additional financing needs if necessary,” Ramanathan said in New York. Public spending and a slowing economy will require “conventional” ways to raise money, such as increasing the size and frequency of debt issuance, selling cash-management bills when short-term funds run low and reintroducing securities when necessary, he said. “Novel approaches” also may be needed, he said.


Forumer storico
stanno arrivando tonn di carta igienika ecologica sul mercato:D , ieri l'asta di 2 anni crukka a malapena è stata sottoscritta tutta, un 3 anni americano ha avuto anch'esso richiesta in declino , vedremo cosa succederà quando arriverà il grosso:specchio:
metti sulla bilancia
-altra nuova carta igienica
-la FED che compra il breve, ma forse anche il lungo, con il funny money
boh :-o

il dollaro ha rotto, qui siamo tutti guru e un po' cowboys :-o



Forumer storico
Esteban wrote : E' strano che il gas non segua il crude .


no no è tutto normale, il gas in dicembre è sempre debole di suo, i dati sulle scorte non fanno che segnalare minor consumo e quindi la debolezza continua.
Stagionalmente parlando il gas segna i minimi sempre a gennaio, al max prima metà di febbraio e poi riparte ... siccome un pò tutte le mp stanno andando a testare dei minimi per trovare una base di ripartenza è molto probabile che pure al gas faranno fare il test a 5 o 4 $ prima di ripartire.

Comunque non credo subito ... se il bischero arriva tra metà-fine gennaio sui minimi è da tenere in serie considerazione per un long pure qua. ;-)

La scadenza da considerare per il long sarebbe quella di giugno 2009 ... da tenersi un pochino.


P.S. : adesso non farti impressionare dal grafico di MRCI, più che il prezzo guarda il tempo; il grafico previsionale serve più che altro a dirti che da febbaraio ad aprile le quotazioni del gas segnalano forza e quindi tendono a salire.


Nuovo forumer
... t-bond ecchilo quà ... le 2 alternative ... entro martedì si decide tutto !


Ciao Andrea
sono anch'io a soffrire su questa bestiaccia e il mio pdc è anche parecchio brutto (129 :sad:)
Comunque per un attimo abbiamo visto 132,xx: cerchiamo di essere ottimisti (anche se vederlo già in risalita è dura).
138 non lo voglio vedere!


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