Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE T-Bronx5Y-10Y-Bund .. il ritorno del figliol prodigo (vm18)

gipa69 ha scritto:
Sicuramente Yen contro euro/dollaro è il cross più importante nel carry per le dimensioni delle valute e per il differenziale dei tassi ma non è l'unico in quanto anche il franco Svizzero contro euro o sterlina o ancore Yen contro valute quali dollaro neozenlandese oppure ancora corona svedese contro dollaro australiano seppure le dimensioni delle valute siano inferiori e quindi le posizioni messe in piedi meno importanti.
Per osservare queste posizioni occorre conoscere il differenziale dei rendimenti dei bond dei singoli paesi e da lì se ne traggono le conclusioni.
Tieni presente che queste posizioni sono state sviluppate in maniera molto specialistica e molto complessa con possibili variazioni di posizione legate non solo ai tassi attuali
ma anche sullle aspettative sui tassi dei singoli paesi in qunato spesso sono le aspettative che muovono i prezzi ed in questo caso la posizione della curva dei tassi sulle posizioni future con scadenza più lontana oppure ancora il differenziale tra i titoli obbligazionari a tasso fisso ed i titoli Tips cioè quelli legati all'inflazione possono aiutare a costruire posizioni.

Spiegazione perfetta.
Cerco di dirlo e spiegarlo da mesi anche in altri forum ,ma gli interlocutori mi danno del parolaio.
Tutti non capiscono il vero market mover quello che fa poi prendere le decisioni e gli swicht,quando poi parte uno a cascata tutti lo seguono.
Tengo principalmente sott'occhio le curve future le aspettative delle aspettative e i flows dei cross yen e franco svizzero ma sicuramente non mi capiranno di nuovo :D .
Grazie gipa.
gipa69 ha scritto:
Personalmente seguo i cross in ottica intermarket e non ci opero comunque cercherò di rispondere alla tua domanda.
Per prima cosa occorre considerare che attualmente il cross Eur/yen è un cross riflessivo, cioè vive di riflesso rispetto all'Usd/Yen che è quello che attualmente detta i ritmi e quindi in caso di chiusura posizioni speculative (e di conseguenza anche il solito movimento di momentum) potrebbe essere quello più reattivo.
Detto questo occorre considerare che l'area di massimo segnata a fine agosto e ritestata venerdi (150,70 circa) con la realizzazione di un doppio massimo è un area che è stata delineata dalle considerazioni di autorità monetaria si un eccessivo aprrezzamento dell'Euro contro yen e quindi hanno una valenza psicologica importante e su quella rottura decisa occorrerebbe chiudere le posizioni short.
Al ribasso al momento a parte il doppio massimo non vedo configurazioni significative al ribasso e anche la candela ribassista al momento non è stata esplosiva (meno che sul cross Usd/yen).
Livello importante su cui aprire uno short è secondo me l'area 148,60 in quanto confluisce un area di resistenza statica ed una possibile trendline ascendente ed inoltre sarebbe il punto di negazione dei minimi ascedenti che si stanno costruendo nelle ultime settimane.
Qualche cartuccia la terrei per l'area 147,90/147,80 in quanto si romperebbe in trading range in essere da agosto.
Ciao :)

Ti ringrazio per la risposta molto esaustiva.
Anch'io vedo nella rottura della tl rialzista una possibile apertura di posizioni short e l'avevo erroneamente individuata in area 149
Grazie ancora e a risentirci
frank73 ha scritto:
Spiegazione perfetta.
Cerco di dirlo e spiegarlo da mesi anche in altri forum ,ma gli interlocutori mi danno del parolaio.
Tutti non capiscono il vero market mover quello che fa poi prendere le decisioni e gli swicht,quando poi parte uno a cascata tutti lo seguono.
Tengo principalmente sott'occhio le curve future le aspettative delle aspettative e i flows dei cross yen e franco svizzero ma sicuramente non mi capiranno di nuovo :D .
Grazie gipa.

Obiettivamente il mercato è fatto anche grazie alle asimmetrie informative e forse sono più comprensibili altri temi.
Il mio/nostro compito di partecipanti ad un forum pubblico lo facciamo informando il più possibili dei potenziali mover dei mercati.... commettendo anche degli errori ma sforzandoci di comprendere... poi se non molti comprendono o accettano il nostro punto di vista forse è anche meglio :D :up:
gipa69 ha scritto:
Il mio/nostro compito di partecipanti ad un forum pubblico lo facciamo informando il più possibili dei potenziali mover dei mercati.... commettendo anche degli errori ma sforzandoci di comprendere... poi se non molti comprendono o accettano il nostro punto di vista forse è anche meglio :D :up:

Concordo ;) - interessantissimo (e spettacolare per come è scritto) l'articolo che hai postato: Stephanie Pomboy Presents: A Yen for Risk :)
Buona serata
Interessante commento macro...
mentre i bond sembrano pressupporre debolezza economica nei prossimi quarti il mercato azionario non sembra scontarlo.Chi ha ragione? solo il tempo ce lo dirà anche se gli indicatori economici, il recente trend dei bond ed una superiore capacità predittiva dei bond rispetto all'equity sembrerebbero dar ragione ai bond.
Comunque secondo l'ultima statistica il GDP cresce al ritmo dell' 1,6% mentre nel primo trimestre cresceva al ritmo del 5,6%. la forzaz degli indici azionari però potrebbero indicare la possibilità di un soft lending dell'economia cioè di una discesa non aggressiva della crescita. In caso di rallentamento della crescita con rallentamento dell'inflazione e quindi discesa dei tassi potrebbero comunque fare bene sia i mercati obbligazionari che quelli azionari.. ma se l'inflazione non rallenta allora potrebbero sbagliare entrambi.
Per l'autore il rallentamento che sembra concretizzarsi non dovrebbe costringere la FED ad ulteriori rialzi ma solo a continuare a lanciare allarmi sull'inflazione per mantenere credibilità sui mercati.
Molti che credono nel soft landing pensano che il comportamento dell'azionario di questi giorni sia il segnale di non preoccuparsi del futuro dato del GDP ma purtroppop non si tiene conto che l'azionario non è sempre un buon predittore di eventuali recessioni economici così come è accaduto nel 2000 e nel 2001.
A marzo del 2000 l'economia era già in rallentamento ma il Nasdaq fece un top, poi nella primavera del 2001 lo spoore crebbe parecchio nella speranza che i tagli dei tassi della FED avrebbero fatto riprendere l'economia e l'azionario ma questo non successe.
L'autore fa notare la similitudine grafica tra l'andamento del GDP di allora e quello di adesso.
Al momento pochi economisti stimano una recessione ma è risaputo l'idiosincrasia degli economisti alle recessioni:
A marzo 2001 un sondaggio di economisti mostrava che il 95% di essi non stimava una possibile recessione.
Nel 2001 una delle cause della recessione era l'eccesso produttivo e anche di carta del settore tecnologico che nopn riuscì ad essere stimolato nenache dal ribasso dei tassi.
Eccessi di offerta potrebbero trovarsi ora nel settore immobiliare, automobilistico e consumo durevoli.

Is The Stock Market Right? - Current Environment
The bond market and the stock market have been at odds in recent weeks. With the recent run up in bond prices, bond buyers are forecasting economic weakness in the coming quarters. The stock market is telling us that it believes that the weakness will not be as significant as bond buyers think. We may get a read on Friday, October 27th when the first pass at Q3 2006 growth is released at 8:30 AM ET. It would not be a surprise to see the number come in below consensus. The consensus forecast has dropped from 3.0% to 2.0% (a 33% decline). A reading between 1.5% and 2.0% may be more likely.
Which Market Is Correct? or Is It Possible That They Are Both Wrong? or Can They Both Be Right? Only time will tell, but the economic indicators (see page 2), recent GDP trends, and history lean toward the bond market having the more accurate forecast (see previous update Housing & The Markets for some insight). If Q3 2006 GDP does come in at 2.0%, it would represent a 64% decline in economic growth vs. Q1's 5.6% reading. A 2.0% Q3 2006 GDP would mean a 52% decline in growth Y-O-Y vs. Q3 2005. The average GDP reading for the last six quarters is 3.48% or 1.74 times more (read better) than the expected 2.0% in Q3 2006. These figures show an economy that is at best slowing down significantly. These figures also tell us that the bond market may be right after all.

However, one cannot ignore the recent strength in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which gives some support to the soft landing scenario for the economy. If we get the Goldilocks or soft landing scenario (slower growth/slowing inflation/steady or lower interest rates), it is possible that both stock and bond investors will do well in the coming months. If inflation does not pull back as the economy slows, both stock and bond holders could be disappointed. With troublesome inflation, many feel the FED may be forced to raise interest rates again, which would harm both stocks and bonds. With GDP numbers falling fast, from where I sit, the odds of the FED raising rates again appear to be extremely slim. The FED will continue to talk tough on inflation in an attempt to retain credibility with the financial markets and general public, but the roughly 64% decline in economic growth between Q1 2006 and Q3 2006, largely caused by a rapidly weakening housing market and expanding trade deficit, will prevent them from backing up the public comments and official statements with any rate hikes.

Many of the soft landing supporters, point to the stock market as a reason to not be concerned about future GDP reports. As the chart below shows, the stock market is not always good at forecasting economic slowdowns or recessions. In March of 2000, the NASDAQ powered to new highs just as the economy, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), was beginning to significantly slow down. In the spring of 2001, once again, stock investors got ahead of themselves pushing the S&P 500 up 18% from April 4th to May 21, 2001. The market thought the Federal Reserve would be able to save the slowing economy with lower interest rates. This is the same talk heard on Wall Street today. Unfortunately, the FED was not able to save the economy (see GDP rate of change in pink) or stocks despite aggressive rate cuts in 2001 (the FED funds rate dropped from 6.0% to 1.5%). After the 18% run up in stocks in 2001, the S&P 500 dropped 40% once it became clear that stock investors got it wrong and the economy continued to weaken. The blue line in the chart shows recent GDP rates of change from Q4 2004 to the last published reading for Q2 2006. While somewhat meaningless due to the low number of data points, it is interesting to note the similar trend in the two series.


On the topic of inaccurate economic forecasts, here are some points taken from an Economist article dated January 13, 2005:

"Should you trust the leading indicators or the forecasts? Embarrassingly, conventional economic forecasts have rarely correctly predicted a recession. In late 1981, when (it later transpired) America's economy was already shrinking, the average forecast for GDP growth in 1982 was over 2%. In the event, output fell by 2%. In August 1990, the very month that America dipped into its next recession, the consensus was that the economy would grow by 2% in 1991; again, output declined. In early 2001, the average forecast for growth that year was also close to 2%. We now know that a recession was already under way. In a survey in March 2001, 95% of American economists said there would not be a recession."

One factor that contributed to the recession in 2001 was the glut of supply in the technology sector (both products and stocks). Even with record low interest rates, it was not possible to stimulate enough demand to offset the excessive inventory levels. It is possible that we are in a similar situation today with the excess supply found in housing, automobiles, and consumer durables. It is also possible that the excess supply will have to be worked off as it was from 2000-2001
gastronomo ha scritto:
Concordo ;) - interessantissimo (e spettacolare per come è scritto) l'articolo che hai postato: Stephanie Pomboy Presents: A Yen for Risk :)
Buona serata

Hai ragione.. oltre che essere divertente scrive e spiega cose in maniera estremamente chiara. :up:
Questo commento tecnico ve lo riporto perchè sono sempre stato appassionato dell'analisi ciclica e perchè l'autore di questo report ha individuato con correttezza questo movimento dell'azionario....


"Bonds & Notes remain in a decisive time and near a decisive level of support. They spiked to new 4-week lows, but are still holding monthly support AND held just above their September 18th lows.

These lows represent the ‘4th wave of lesser degree’ - the ideal target and most important support (from a wave standpoint) for a normal correction. They are also the weekly trend points, making them the most significant level with respect to the prevailing weekly uptrends.
From a daily trend standpoint, Bonds & Notes need to close back above 110-27/USZ & 107-05/TYZ to neutralize their daily downtrends and to signal that a 2-4 week low could be forming.

From a minor wave standpoint, they need to close above 111-06/USZ & 107-14/TYZ (the minor ‘4th waves of lesser degree’ on the way back up) to signal that a new impulse wave is underway.

One additional landmark to watch for: In the 10/21/06 Weekly Re-Lay, I discussed the coincidence of weekly LHR levels & month-opening lows - at 112-04--05/USZ & 108-03/ TYZ - as being potentially magnetic and a target for the next 1-2 weeks (into Nov. 3rd)…

If Bonds & Notes rally to 111-07/USZ & 107-15/TYZ (which is also weekly resistance AND the weekly 8 High MARCs) and set their intra-week highs (this week) at these levels, it would add another weekly LHR - for Oct. 30--Nov. 3rd - at the same levels (112-05/USZ & 108-03/TYZ). This synergy would increase the likelihood of a test by Nov. 3rd.

112-13/USZ & 108-02/TYZ are also the Sept. 29th closing levels in these markets.

So, until Oct. 31st, they represent ‘unchanged’ for the month. >From Nov. 1st on, they represent the monthly 2nd Close Resistance levels… and another target. These resistance levels should be the most decisive for the next 2-4 weeks.

(Note: If Bonds & Notes exceed 111-07/USZ & 107-15/TYZ this week - and particularly if they close above these levels tomorrow or Friday - they will project a rally above 112-05/USZ & 108-03/TYZ.)

Eurodollars did spike down to 94.72/EDM and are trying to reverse higher. It will take a daily close above 94.78/EDM to show the first signs of a reversal higher.

1--4 week traders should have bought Dec. 10-Year Notes at 107-02 down to 106-20 (avg. entry of 106-27/TYZ) and should maintain sell stops at 106-09/TYZ. If/when Notes close above 107-14/TYZ, move sell stops to 106-18/TYZ.



Stock Indices remain on track for a rally into Nov. 6--10th. While the DJIA & SPZ have rallied to new highs - and closer to their major upside objectives - the NQZ has only rallied back to its Oct. 16th high. This could lead to another 3-5 day pullback before a final rally.

One other cycle that should be discussed. It is only evident in the DJ Comp, but is very consistent there…

It is a 29-30 week low-high-low-high-high-high-(high) Cycle Sequence that has been in effect since 2003 and again comes into play in early-December.

This could be indicating that some of the Dow components - like the Utility Average (that has rallied to new highs and removed any near-term bearishness) - could extend their gains into December, even if the others top in early November.

Similar to what is now taking place on a daily basis in the NQ, the indices could sell off in November and then rebound into early December… with only the DJ Utility Average and DJ Comp setting new highs (while the DJIA, SP, etc. top out at lower highs than their Nov. 6--10th peaks).



The Dollar rallied to weekly resistance and turned lower, increasing the potential for a decline in the coming weeks… and months. A daily close below 85.90/DXZ would be the first confirming signal for this scenario.

The Euro dropped to weekly support and then reversed higher. However, it still needs a daily close above 1.2681/ECZ to turn the daily trend up and to confirm a 2-4 week (possibly 1-3 month) low.

The Yen is in a daily uptrend but needs a daily close above .8533/JYZ to neutralize its intra-month downtrend.

It began the week by dropping to weekly support and then reversing higher. This could prompt a rally into early-November. A weekly close above .8495/JYZ would confirm this.

1--4 week traders can buy Dec. Euro 1.2900 call options at current levels and average in down to 1.2562/ECZ. Risk a daily close below 1.2562/ECZ.

1--4 week traders can buy Dec. Yen .8600 call options at current levels and average in down to .8412/JYZ. Risk a daily close below .8412/JYZ.



Gold & Silver are at an important crossroads. They pulled back and spiked below weekly support (and the weekly HLS levels) and then turned higher. Silver dipped into its month-opening range (and tested its daily 21 High MARC, as support) but then closed back above it. Gold remains in a neutral intra-month trend.
These factors could prompt a rally, instead of a decline, into November 2--6th cycles."
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No signal Yet

By Dominick
a.k.a. SPwaver

October 28, 2006

The Oct 14th update stated:

If the SPX reverses early in the week, I will be watching its structure as well as where it finds support, to determine its intentions. Since this rally has become quite strong, there is a possible bullish count that will need to go a bit higher from here. That high shouldn’t be seen without a 20-25 point pullback first. At that point we will need to decide if the pattern needs the higher move

No need to be guessing, as we will simply want to see a confirmation of a reversal and 1360 act as resistance.

Confirmation of a reversal and having 1360 become resistance never happened. After waiting patiently at this new altitude for the SPX to break out of a triangle, it finally dipped on Monday morning to finish off an E wave and then up she went. Up and up, almost to 1390, until Goldman put the brakes on the choppy trading late Friday and we pulled back to a low of 1375. Funny how few traders believed the initial SPX 1360 call, only to get bullish and expect even higher highs last week. But converted bears make timid bulls and the reaction to Goldman’s concern Friday shows this record-breaking bull can lose its legs in minutes.

Readers will know of the SPX 1360 target predicted here all the way back on Aug 14th. A time when there were more bears than bulls in the market and many were calling for a four-year cycle low just around the corner. Back before a serious uptrend created seven consecutive positive closes in the S&P, and before. . . Dow 12K!

Since that call back in August, we’ve had a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy in equities markets. A narrow rally converted some of the bears, who in turn fed the squeeze day after day right into the 1360 target. Even into Friday’s close, I listened to the Squawk box from Trade the News, to hear a large broker buying a thousand S&P contracts, lifting the index slightly of it’s lows. The major indices rallied when the economy looked strong, and then continued to move up when the outlook occasionally became bleaker and rate-cut expectations rose. Everything just had to go up.

And well, on top of that August call being proven correct, it sure was nice to see some other markets start reacting to the levels we’ve been watching. Look at this chart, which shows the upward pressure on the Dow this week materializing within a channel that stretches back for years. It finally found some selling as we reached its mid channel.

Our current working count still calls for that pullback from the last update, which now it seems to have started. My 60-min Trend chart has officially rolled over at this weeks highs and is about mid way through its trip to the bottom. The daily, though, is still pegged to the top since turning bullish back on June 21! It not turning down yet means to only expect a larger correction than we have had so far.

We don’t have any confirmation as of Friday that a top is actually in yet and it’s important to wait for the trigger. Even though it feels like we could still have some room to move, this is a going to be a tough time to try and wring the last drops of profit out of the rally.

So where will we go from here? SPX 1360 was a Fibonacci target and it was met. Now we have Elliott patterns that have taken over. Friday should have begun the first part of the correction. We either finished or will finish an ‘A’ wave early next week. From there we expect a correction of that move, then to roll over again and find support somewhere in the 1360-1365 area. If we’ve topped, there won’t be support there. For the sake of thoroughness, Friday’s drop qualifies for the start of either a zigzag or triangle, leaning towards the zigzag so far. After this correction, I see a bit more of an advance but it’ll be choppy with lots of ups and downs.

Many markets can now be counted as complete. The Dow Jones composite has reached its Major Fibonacci target and is about to complete its Elliott pattern, if it hasn’t already on this week’s action. Eric Hadik, one of the few analysts who also saw a bull run this year instead of the traditional October lows, had expected this rally to continue into early November. With the 1360 target met, and the possible completion of a count from the August 2004 lows (possibly as far as the Oct. 2002 lows), we should see some great action soon.

Going forward, keep an eye on November 1st, when some mutual fund selling might appear. Payroll numbers have been disappointing lately and new numbers on Friday might also be significant, but understanding the current pattern will suggest the appropriate trade. Jake Bernstein’s Sentiment closed at 87, still showing excessive bullishness. Other sentiment readings are not quite there yet, but trending to those levels and should reach them as we top. Continue to expect a major correction anytime after November 1st, but allow for one additional rally if the Dow finds support near the 11,300 - 11,400 area after a few weeks. At that point we could see another high, or retest of any high put in here, leaving 2007 dangling off the cliff of a dangerous sell off.

a.k.a. Spwaver
Altro commento tecnico per non farvi mancare niente.... :D

Market Turning points - 10/28

10/28 Week-end Report:

Let’s start with a recap to put things in perspective. It is still early, but it looks as if the parameters that were set in the last week’s Newsletter for a market top are going to be met, i.e. time frame and price projection/resistance zone. We did pretty well with the short-term as well. I remarked during the week that, although prices continued to move up, the A/D was more lethargic than it had been in previous short-term rallies, and that this signified that we were approaching a top. The Point & Figure projection was for a maximum of 1387 on the SPX. The index did rise a little beyond to 1389, but then ran out of steam and Friday was a down day.

Now what? First of all, I may be wrong, but I do no expect Friday’s high to be the top of the move which started at 1225. However, by breaking a short-term uptrend line on the price as well as on the A/D, a short-term sell signal was generated. How long will it last and how far down will it reach before we have another short-term buy signal?

Let’s begin by looking at the SPX hourly chart. I had mentioned earlier that prices were moving at a steeper and steeper trend. This is represented by three trend lines drawn from different correction points along the uptrend. The green line represents the main trend from the 1225 low and the dashed green line its parallel channel top. The blue line and the blue dashed line denotes another, steeper channel that formed within the main channel. Both dashed lines converged near the level where Thursday‘s top occurred, and this was also very close to where the two long-term pitchforks depicted in the Newsletter came together. The result: a strong resistance level and, combined with the short-term projection a likely place to get a reversal.


Although Friday was a pretty good down day, the A/D negativity was only moderate, as you can see on the chart which is Inserted below the price chart (a strong sell signal normally exceeds -1200). Note also that after breaking the small black trend line, the decline stopped above the blue one. If Monday‘s opening is not too weak, the index should consolidate in that vicinity, and then move back up. Besides the blue trend line which should provide some support, additional support will be provided by the small congestion level to the left (dashed red line), and there is a minor P&F target to 1374. There is also a tendency to rally toward the (black) downtrend line that has just been broken.

We’ll watch carefully to see if the decline stops there, but this is not likely because 1389 represented the completion of a pattern which started at 1278 -- the point of origination of the black uptrend line -- and therefore the correction should be greater than any correction which took place since then. A return to the vicinity of the black trend line is more probable on this move. Beside the trend line support, it is an area of congestion and it corresponds to a valid P&F projection. Actually, that projection can be taken two ways and yields counts of 1363 and 1356. We should be able to get a confirming count from some level of consolidation along the way.

Let’s now take a look at the momentum oscillator. It gave a sell signal shortly after the decline started and, by the end of the day, the fast blue line had already reached an oversold condition. Based on its current reading, it could be in a position to give a buy signal by Tuesday or Thursday. Three to five days should be sufficient for this decline to end and for the index to attempt another rally.

The NDX: In the past couple of weeks, that index showed some notable deceleration in price and, as mentioned in daily updates, this was also a sign that a top was near.

Although the index also made its low in July, it did not really take off until mid-August. Since then, just like the SPX, it has made a series of higher highs and lows which have a resulted in a well-defined channel. The pattern has not yet been broken, but it may soon be. For this to happen, it would have to trade below the red line. In the current correction, prices are likely to find support on the (green) intermediate-term trend line and the congestion level below, and would not be vulnerable to starting an important decline until after the next -- and probable -- final rally of this uptrend.

Un amico ( bravo) mi scrive in replica al segnale de "il Prudente"

Re: Il Prudente
Caro Fernando, non ho ancora approfondito bene la questione, ma devo segnalare che il mio COT Index ha raggiunto valori decisamente negativi come non se ne vedevano da tempo.
Ragion per cui ho tolto il pilota automatico (nel senso che finora lasciavo correre) e sono all'erta.

In Usa il PIL è sceso più del previsto.
La bolla immobiliare si sta sgonfiando (senza scoppiare) e forse porterà altri voti ai democratici dopo quelli di opposizione alla guerra in Irak.
Il petrolio si mantiene calmo ed è un bene.

Anche questo trimestre, il 75% delle aziende ha battuto le previsioni.
Da questo punto di vista siamo in pieno record storico.

Bisognerà, secondo me, iniziare a sganciarsi dal PIL e iniziare a ragionare in termini di PEL (che non è una brutta parola, ma è il prodotto esterno lordo).

Perchè allora i Commercial si coprono? e si coprono vistosamente?

Quien sabe. Ma intanto lo fanno e ci conviene tenerne conto.

Ciao. ZP

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