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Pending home sales fall 1.1% in Sept.

By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last Update: 10:03 AM ET Nov 1, 2006

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - A gauge of future home buying fell 1.1% in September, a signal that sales will be roughly flat for the next few months, the National Association of Realtors said Wednesday.
The pending home sales index fell 1.1% in September after a 4.7% increase in August. The index is down 13.6% in the past year. Home sales are also down about 14% in the past year, while building permits have plunged 27%.
The pending home sales index is based on contracts to buy existing homes signed in September. Sales typically close a month or two later, when they would be recorded in the industry trade group's existing home sales index.
Earlier Wednesday in a separate report, the Mortgage Bankers Association said applications for mortgages tumbled 3% last week. Applications for purchase loans fell 1.8% to a three-year low, despite lower mortgage interest rates. See full story.
"The present level of home sales is relatively high in historic terms, and we can expect generally minor movements around this level," said David Lereah, chief economist for the realtors' group. "We don't expect to see any changes of note until early next year when we're likely to see a modest lift to home sales."
"The market currently is a little lower than expected as buyers try to time their entry," Lereah said. "In the meantime, there's some buildup in demand that will move when consumers realize that conditions are optimal for them."
Regionally, the pending home sales index rose 2.1% in the Midwest, but was down 18.5% year-on year. Pending sales fell 0.4% in the West and are down 15.2% in the past year. Pending sales fell 1.3% in the South and are down 9% year-over-year. Pending sales fell 5.9% in the Northeast and are down 15.9% in the past year.
Rex Nutting is Washington bureau chief of MarketWatch.
U.S. Sept. construction spending falls 0.3%

By Robert Schroeder, MarketWatch
Last Update: 10:04 AM ET Nov 1, 2006

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Outlays on U.S. construction projects fell 0.3% in September, led by drops in spending on private residential construction and federal building projects, the government said Wednesday.
Private residential construction spending fell 1.1% in September after declining by 1.6% in August, according to the Commerce Department.
In a reflection of the ongoing housing slowdown, September marked the sixth consecutive month that spending on private residential construction fell. Over the past twelve months spending is down 6.9%
Overall private construction spending dropped by 0.7%. But it is up 0.6% in the past year.
Spending on federal construction projects dropped by 1.5% in September.
Total construction spending was revised to neither rise nor fall in August.
Economists surveyed by MarketWatch were expecting construction spending to be flat in September. See Economic Calendar.
Private residential construction was revised to drop by 1.6% in August. Weakening housing markets and falling home prices are contributing to stretched consumer budgets in U.S. households and are taking a toll on consumer confidence. Read more about consumer confidence.
Meanwhile, state and local construction spending rose by 1.1% in September, and public construction outlays climbed 0.9%. The other gain was in private nonresidential construction spending, which was up 0.1%.
Robert Schroeder is a reporter for MarketWatch in Washington.
Manufacturing sector growth slows in October
Wednesday November 1, 10:14 am ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Growth in U.S. factory activity slowed more than expected in October, according to a survey published on Wednesday.
The Institute for Supply Management said its index of national factory activity fell to 51.2 in October from 52.9 in September, below economists' median forecast for a slight rise to 53. A reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing.

The prices paid index, which measures inflationary pressure in the factory sector, dropped to 47.0 from 61.0 in September.

New orders, a gauge of future growth, dropped to 52.1 from 54.2, while the employment index climbed to 50.8 from 49.4.
Il fenomeno interessante di queste sedute è il calo dell'oil il calo dei rendimenti e la forza del gold come se il mercato scommettesse su una futura aggressiva politica sui tassi della FED (al ribasso) in pieno stile reflazionistico per ristimolare la crescita che è in rallentamento. (e la correlazione tra la pendenza della curva dei tassi USA ed il gold è molto forte)
In questo scenario gli utili sostengono l'azionario.
Stranamente il dollaro non segue nella debolezza... (potrebbere essere perchè si stanno chiudendo i carry...).

Se invece il mercato fa salire l'oro per paure inflazionistiche (mi sembra improbabile allo stato attuale) vi sarebbe comunque qualche mercato che mentirebbe....
Fleursdumal ha scritto:
Bonjour a tout les bondaroles

attendant les payrolls

avucattttt se ti dò un pezzo di carta excell dove in dde mi faccio il prezzo dello spread tu riesci a ricavarci un grafico ? ho fregato qualche morellino dalla cantina di dan quindi ti ricompenso con un paio di quelli :D :V :D :help:

per quel prezzo ti faccio anche il gain :lol: :lol: :lol:
manda quando vuoi in MP :D
Io ho 10 put 116 dec le buttero nel cess.. poco male,certamente venerdi avro le idee piu chiare al momento sembra che si stanno buttando su oro 617 bond e azioni allo stesso istante in una inarrestabile frenesia.
In questi momenti servono nervi saldi e calma assoluta.
Ho mollato tutto il grosso a 116.50 circa,ma ho 2 entrate a 117.20 e 117.80 5 e 5 a copertura dei long di giugno che mantengo ancora ed anzi avvalorano la tesi che la vola salira e si potranno fare buone occasioni sulle discese.
Ma francamente bisogna essere veri fenomeni.
Ieri sera stavo per entrare massicciamente sulle 117 put,ma l'esperienza mi ha fatto desistere l'animale lo conosco molto bene.
Impossibile prendere questo movimento non c'è da sconfortarsi,c'è solo da prendere atto che molti hedghe sono in azione e presto scorrera il sangue.
Commodities currency in salita in modo assurdo,vedremo ma al momento ammetto di aver toppato sulla profondità della discesa.
Ciao a tutti
ma quanto costa un morellino? essendomi dato solo ai vini autoctoni ho perso di vista il resto :D

T-Bronx 113 tra un pò arriviamo alla zona calda , domani la grande giornata
tutti gli ultimi sottodati danno mercato del lavoro in buono stato
Scusate se sono forse "fuori tema"... ma uno sepmib short da 200 lo vedete spacciato allora? a dead man walking ... ? :-?
Un'altra domanda da "ignorante" qual sono: vedo il bund e simili in volata, e altrettanto l'azionario... come mai salgono entrambi contemporaneamente? Uno dei due non deve venir giù malamente? :-? va bè, se sono domande troppo stupide non picchiatemi, una risposta con la faccina " :D " è sufficiente...

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