T-Bronx5Y-10Y-Bund .. la notte dei morti viventi (vm18)

facciamo mente locale : la BCE dice che rialzerà due volte 0,25 per marzo, l'euruzz è forte sia contro $ che contro yen
alur perchè in eu facciamo un nuovo massimo al giorno mentre gli US stanno cazzeggiando in laterale da 4 gg?
fossi un hedge avrei già montato una position short Eu-long , voglio diventare un rogue trader :D

USRogue trader who lost $81m will keep his job, says Mitsui
Patrick Hosking
# Dealer hid bad bet on naptha price
# Team set up to liquidate positions
Mitsui, the Japanese conglomerate, launched an investigation yesterday into how a rogue trader had been able to conceal a disastrous investment strategy for more than six months before confessing to an $81 million (£42 million) loss.

The unnamed 35-year-old Singapore-based trader hid the losses after making wrong bets on the price of naptha — the raw material used in the petrochemical industry. The trader worked for the Japanese group’s Mitsui Oil (Asia) (MOA) offshoot, one of the most active players in the naptha futures market.

Market participants suggested that the trader may have been wrong-footed by the volatile path of naptha, which spiked to a peak in July before falling back 20 per cent. A flood of Indian exports had hit the price, which was already weakening because of unexpectedly muted demand in Asia.

Mitsui said that the trader had confessed to the deception after a routine inquiry by company administrators in early November. The deception began in the spring, it said.

A task force had been set up to gain a clearer picture of the incident, while liquidating the trader’s outstanding positions. The final figure for losses might still fluctuate slightly, Mitsui said.

The company emphasised that the episode was not large enough to dent group profits, which are forecast to be 300 billion yen (£1.33 billion) for the year to March 2007.

MOA’s future appeared to be in doubt yesterday. One Mitsui official, Takashi Yamashiro, deputy chief operating officer of the energy division, told journalists in a trembling voice: “The significance of MOA’s existence has vanished as of today.”

MOA would go into the red by about $63 million as a result of the trading losses, Mitsui said.

The group declined to name the trader, but said that the individual had been working for it since 2001 and was the only person responsible for trading naptha. He had not been fired, officials said, and it was not clear what action would be taken against him.

MOA was founded in 1992 and had 32 employees. Observers questioned whether there was proper division between the back office and the dealers — the usual failing that allows rogue traders to conceal their losses.

Mitsui is not the first victim of volatile energy prices. Amaranth Advisors, the American hedge fund, closed its doors after booking more than $6.5 billion of losses on natural gas positions this year.

The Mitsui episode had echoes of Nick Leeson, the Singapore-based Barings trader, who brought down the bank after concealing mounting losses on Nikkei futures.

Singapore’s markets were also rocked in 2004 when China Aviation Oil racked up losses of $550 million on options and other derivatives.

Mitsui, which was founded in 1949 and is listed on the Tokyo stock exchange, is a trading conglomerate whose interests span iron production, steelmaking, energy, transport and textiles, as well as commodities dealing.

The group’s mission statement says: “We will contribute to the creation of a future where the dreams of the inhabitants of our irreplaceable Earth can be fulfilled.”
Fleursdumal ha scritto:
facciamo mente locale : la BCE dice che rialzerà due volte 0,25 per marzo, l'euruzz è forte sia contro $ che contro yen
alur perchè in eu facciamo un nuovo massimo al giorno mentre gli US stanno cazzeggiando in laterale da 4 gg?
fossi un hedge avrei già montato una position short Eu-long , voglio diventare un rogue trader :D

USRogue trader who lost $81m will keep his job, says Mitsui
Patrick Hosking
# Dealer hid bad bet on naptha price
# Team set up to liquidate positions
Mitsui, the Japanese conglomerate, launched an investigation yesterday into how a rogue trader had been able to conceal a disastrous investment strategy for more than six months before confessing to an $81 million (£42 million) loss.

The unnamed 35-year-old Singapore-based trader hid the losses after making wrong bets on the price of naptha — the raw material used in the petrochemical industry. The trader worked for the Japanese group’s Mitsui Oil (Asia) (MOA) offshoot, one of the most active players in the naptha futures market.

Market participants suggested that the trader may have been wrong-footed by the volatile path of naptha, which spiked to a peak in July before falling back 20 per cent. A flood of Indian exports had hit the price, which was already weakening because of unexpectedly muted demand in Asia.

Mitsui said that the trader had confessed to the deception after a routine inquiry by company administrators in early November. The deception began in the spring, it said.

A task force had been set up to gain a clearer picture of the incident, while liquidating the trader’s outstanding positions. The final figure for losses might still fluctuate slightly, Mitsui said.

The company emphasised that the episode was not large enough to dent group profits, which are forecast to be 300 billion yen (£1.33 billion) for the year to March 2007.

MOA’s future appeared to be in doubt yesterday. One Mitsui official, Takashi Yamashiro, deputy chief operating officer of the energy division, told journalists in a trembling voice: “The significance of MOA’s existence has vanished as of today.”

MOA would go into the red by about $63 million as a result of the trading losses, Mitsui said.

The group declined to name the trader, but said that the individual had been working for it since 2001 and was the only person responsible for trading naptha. He had not been fired, officials said, and it was not clear what action would be taken against him.

MOA was founded in 1992 and had 32 employees. Observers questioned whether there was proper division between the back office and the dealers — the usual failing that allows rogue traders to conceal their losses.

Mitsui is not the first victim of volatile energy prices. Amaranth Advisors, the American hedge fund, closed its doors after booking more than $6.5 billion of losses on natural gas positions this year.

The Mitsui episode had echoes of Nick Leeson, the Singapore-based Barings trader, who brought down the bank after concealing mounting losses on Nikkei futures.

Singapore’s markets were also rocked in 2004 when China Aviation Oil racked up losses of $550 million on options and other derivatives.

Mitsui, which was founded in 1949 and is listed on the Tokyo stock exchange, is a trading conglomerate whose interests span iron production, steelmaking, energy, transport and textiles, as well as commodities dealing.

The group’s mission statement says: “We will contribute to the creation of a future where the dreams of the inhabitants of our irreplaceable Earth can be fulfilled.”

Perchè i carry si indebitano in valute deboli e comprano valute forti :cool:
leo-kondor ha scritto:
e dove vai?

comunque, di a luigir di darmi qualche informazione su come è andato, che poi ci penso io se mi piace o no :D

ho spedito un msg a luigir, appena legge son sicuro verrà a fare una capatina qui

dan24 ha scritto:
dai recuperati i 41000....UPPP

oggi un bel 180 punti di range giornaliero....che figata




potrebbe cappottarsi dall'altro lato, che so, a 42500 ... :D
f4f ha scritto:
hai ragione sulla spesa dello Stato
ma... lo Stato non esiste ''per sè'', è fatto dai nostri concittadini
essi , alcuni di essi, s'approfittano
altri non voglionio vedere
tu e io non abbiamo voglia di controllare...
democrazia è darsi da fare, non solo protestare :rolleyes:

Per una volta scusateci ....l' OT.......

Sono d' accordo ...sono d' accordo ...però gli organi dello stato, i funzionari
( a ogni livello ) ...ci sono ..e noi li paghiamo profumatamente ....
( e sono anche lavoratori privilegiati .. sono pagati ..bene ..posto
di lavoro non a rischio ...e lavorano 36 ore ..anzichè ...40 ... )
essi ..devono controllare ...devono occuparsi delle cose ...e devono
eliminare le sacche di inefficienza e diminuire-tagliare gli sprechi dei..
NOSTRI...soldi ....e un qualsiasi governo ...DEVE ...andare a tagliare
gli sprechi ....oltre a farci pagare le giuste tasse ....
giomf ha scritto:
Sono d' accordo ...sono d' accordo ...però gli organi dello stato, i funzionari
( a ogni livello ) ...ci sono ..e noi li paghiamo profumatamente ....
( e sono anche lavoratori privilegiati .. sono pagati ..bene ..posto
di lavoro non a rischio ...e lavorano 36 ore ..anzichè ...40 ... )
essi ..devono controllare ...devono occuparsi delle cose ...e devono
eliminare le sacche di inefficienza e diminuire-tagliare gli sprechi di..
NOSTRI...soldi ....e un qualsiasi governo ...DEVE ...andare a tagliare
gli sprechi ....oltre a farci pagare le giuste tasse ....

allora basta dx e sx
facciamo la rivoluzione a pancia piena del Gipa
andiamo a rompergli e bae mattina e sera per 'omissione di pubblico servizio'
andiamo alle assemblee comunali
denunciamoli tutti
qst governo è stato eletto dai partiti, non dagli elettori, a causa di una legge 'porcata'
e già prima i parlamentari rappresentavano altri interessi e non i nostri
riprendiamoci il nostro paese
leo-kondor ha scritto:
potrebbe cappottarsi dall'altro lato, che so, a 42500 ... :D

ovvio infatti si sale....

ho sbagliato time e strumento..indi per cui devo perdere soldi...la legge è questa....

ma se devo perdere soldi li perdo per bene...mika 200 euri intraday... :)

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