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Obbligazioni valute high yieldTURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca
The Turkish unemployment rate in Turkey fell to 9.7 percent in May 2018 from 10.2 percent in the corresponding month a year earlier. The number of unemployed declined 2.8 percent to 3.136 million and employment rose 2.3 percent to 29.138 million. Unemployment Rate in Turkey averaged 10.06 percent from 2005 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 14.80 percent in February of 2009 and a record low of 7.30 percent in June of 2012.
C'e' un articolo su Bloomber che in parole povere,di questa mattina dice che Trump sarebbe i.n.c.a.z.z.a.t.o molto per questa questione e tornera' all'attacco.A breve.
08/15/2018 | 05:34am EDT
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey doubled tariffs on some U.S. imports including cars, alcohol and tobacco on Wednesday in retaliation for U.S. moves, but the lira rallied a further six percent after a fresh move by banking authorities to underpin the currency.
Ma delle obbligazione Turchia in dollari non ci vedete un affare? La 2034 8% a 95 in particolare ? Pensare alla Turchia in default tipo Venezuela non vi sembra esagerato?
Ma delle obbligazione Turchia in dollari non ci vedete un affare? La 2034 8% a 95 in particolare ? Pensare alla Turchia in default tipo Venezuela non vi sembra esagerato?