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Obbligazioni valute high yieldTURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish economic activity slowed down in the second quarter and that slowdown continued in the third quarter, the governor of the central bank, Murat Cetinkaya, said on Wednesday.
Speaking at the presentation of the bank's quarterly inflation report, Cetinkaya said a deterioration in the inflation outlook was continuing in the second half.
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey's central bank sharply raised its 2018 inflation forecast to 23.5 percent from 13.4 percent previously, governor Murat Cetinkaya said on Wednesday.
Speaking at the bank's quarterly inflation briefing, Cetinkaya also said the bank was lifting its 2019 year-end inflation forecast to 15.2 percent from the 9.3 percent announced in the previous report in July.
Mi sa che è il contrario. Comunque tutto dipende dal cambio al momento dell'acquisto. E' una scommessa sul cambio, come ha giustamente detto un utente qualche giorno fa (non ricordo chi).
Mi sa che è il contrario. Comunque tutto dipende dal cambio al momento dell'acquisto. E' una scommessa sul cambio, come ha giustamente detto un utente qualche giorno fa (non ricordo chi).