Obbligazioni valute high yield TURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca (18 lettori)


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* Un missile greco ha molestato una corvetta turca, secondo l'agenzia di stampa turca Anadolu.

* Un missile greco, in acque internazionali nel Mar Egeo, è stato lanciato verso una corvetta turca a 200 metri a sinistra", ha detto Anadolu, aggiungendo che "la nave da guerra greca è stata poi costretta a lasciare l'area dopo gli avvertimenti della nave turca ".


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“It is definitely out of the question for us to step back on the issue of S-400s, it is a done deal,” Erdogan said in a televised speech in Istanbul late Saturday. “Our deal was to have the S-400s delivered to us by July; they will probably bring that forward.”Erdogan’s stance could further strain ties between the NATO allies. The U.S. last week asked Ankara to delay taking the system to 2020, according to people familiar with the proposal. Pushing ahead with the deal carries a high risk of U.S. sanctions that could plunge Turkey into renewed economic turmoil.
The accord with Moscow also highlights both Turkey’s aspirations for an increasingly independent role in regional policies and the mutual erosion of trust with Washington.
“The S-400 is a defensive system and has a long range. As for the payment plan, Russia has given us very suitable conditions,” Erdogan said, adding that Turkey had sent 100 engineers to Russia to help make the weapons. “After the S-400s, the S-500s are also considered and there will be co-production of S-500s as well.” (Bloomberg)


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“It is definitely out of the question for us to step back on the issue of S-400s, it is a done deal,” Erdogan said in a televised speech in Istanbul late Saturday. “Our deal was to have the S-400s delivered to us by July; they will probably bring that forward.”Erdogan’s stance could further strain ties between the NATO allies. The U.S. last week asked Ankara to delay taking the system to 2020, according to people familiar with the proposal. Pushing ahead with the deal carries a high risk of U.S. sanctions that could plunge Turkey into renewed economic turmoil.
The accord with Moscow also highlights both Turkey’s aspirations for an increasingly independent role in regional policies and the mutual erosion of trust with Washington.
“The S-400 is a defensive system and has a long range. As for the payment plan, Russia has given us very suitable conditions,” Erdogan said, adding that Turkey had sent 100 engineers to Russia to help make the weapons. “After the S-400s, the S-500s are also considered and there will be co-production of S-500s as well.” (Bloomberg)

...era scontato acquisteranno anche gli SU a questo punto visto che gli F 35 non li riceveranno.


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Difesa: Erdogan, Turchia produrrà sistema missilistico S-500 con Russia
Ankara, 19 mag 09:32 - (Agenzia Nova) - La Turchia produrrà il sistema missilistico anti-aereo S-500 in cooperazione con la Russia. Lo ha annunciato il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ripreso dai media locali. Il capo dello Stato ha confermato inoltre che l'acquisto dei sistemi S-400 dalla controparte russa "è affare fatto". Il quotidiano turco "Haberturk" riferisce inoltre che Ankara avrebbe già inviato in Russia circa cento ingegneri, impegnati per lo sviluppo del sistema missilistico s-500 con i colleghi della Federazione. Nelle settimane scorse, il direttore generale di Rostekh, Sergej Chemezov, aveva aperto le porte ad un eventuale sviluppo congiunto del sistema missilistico con la Turchia. (segue) (Tua)
© Agenzia Nova - Riproduzione riservata


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L’emittente sportiva turca S Sport non trasmetterà le finali della NBA di Western Conference tra Golden State Warriors e Portland Trail Blazers a causa della posizione politica del centro di Portland Enes Kanter, oppositore del presidente del paese, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
La decisione è stata confermata anche dal commentatore di S Sport Omer Sarac che ha anche aggiunto che se Portland dovesse vincere e andare alle NBA Finals per vincere l’anello contro Toronto o Milwaukee anche quella serie non verrà trasmessa in TV.
S Sport è il principale canale televisivo della NBA in Turchia. Le partite saranno ancora disponibili in Turchia su NBA TV International e NBA League Pass, secondo quanto riferito dalla NBA stessa.
Kanter è sempre stato molto critico nei confronti del governo di Erdogan a causa della limitazione dei diritti umani, e si è schierato con il religioso musulmano in esilio Fethullah Gulen, che il governo accusa di orchestrare un fallito colpo di stato nel 2016. Gulen, residente permanente negli Stati Uniti, vive in esilio in Pennsylvania.
Kanter, 26 anni, è ricercato per l’arresto nel suo paese d’origine, e le agenzie di stampa turche, in gran parte controllate dal governo di Erdogan sin dal tentativo di colpo di stato, lo descrivono come un nemico dello stato piuttosto che il giocatore di basket più famoso della Turchia.
Il Fatto quotidiano

Se d'interesse, la rassegna stampa turca di Mariano Giustino (corrispondente di Radioradicale). Lettura e commento dell'attualità riportata dai quotidiani turchi.
Rassegna stampa turca


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ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities ordered the arrest of 249 foreign ministry personnel over suspected links to the network of a U.S.-based cleric accused of orchestrating an attempted coup in 2016, broadcaster NTV said on Monday.
Authorities have carried out regular operations against the alleged followers of Fethullah Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999, since the failed coup attempt on the night of July 15, 2016. Gulen denies allegations he was behind it.
The Ankara chief prosecutor’s office said it ordered the arrest of 249 members of Turkey’s foreign ministry after investigations found that they had committed irregularities in the ministry’s past entrance exams, NTV repor
It said 78 suspects had been detained so far in operations across 43 provinces and that police were seeking the rest.
More than 77,000 people have been jailed pending trial, while some 150,000 civil servants, military personnel and others have been sacked or suspended from their jobs as part of the post-coup purges.
Rights groups and Turkey’s Western allies have voiced concerns over the crackdown, saying President Tayyip Erdogan has used the abortive putsch as a pretext to quash dissent. The government has said the security measures were necessary due to the gravity of the threat Turkey faces. Reuters


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Turkey told banks to wait one day before settling some large foreign-currency purchases, the latest move to defend the lira as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s party seeks to keep control of Istanbul in a controversial rerun of local elections.
The bank regulator told lenders to settle all retail transactions valued at $100,000 or higher one working day later, instead of the current practice of doing it on the same day, according to a document sent to banks on Monday, which was seen by Bloomberg and verified by three bankers. The regulator didn’t immediately have a comment on the move, and the lira was little changed.
Turkish authorities have become more interventionist in the markets, drawing criticism from investors, after a series of crises turned the lira into one of the wordIt’s been battered by escalating tensions with the U.S., and by the economy’s slide into recession after a borrowing binge by Turkish business -- much of it in dollars and euros -- turned sour when the currency crashed last year.
‘Less Liberal’
The turmoil contributed to losses for Erdogan’s party in March local elections -- including its stronghold of Istanbul, the country’s biggest city, where the mayoral vote will be repeated in June after an opposition victory was annulled due to what authorities describe as electoral fraud.
With Erdogan’s opponents in uproar, and the president’s party still in campaign mode, A series of steps have made it harder to bet against the lira. Before the original vote, banks were pressured not to provide liquidity to foreign fund managers seeking to pull out.
Last week, Turkey imposed a 0.1% tax on currency sales, the first such charge in more than a decade.
The measures are creating “a gradually less liberal capital account, which is not the ideal signal to send to local retail deposit-holders and foreign investors,” said Inan Demir, an economist at Nomura Plc in London.
Deposit Shift
Regulators have also announced probes into banks including JPMorgan Chase & Co. who’ve been blamed for “misguiding” markets with research that recommended selling the lira. And Turkish authorities are said to be leaning on local banks to buy more sovereign bonds, as the government turns to a widening budget deficit to help pull the economy out of recession.
Output declined 3% in the last quarter of 2018, and it’s forecast to keep shrinking through at least June.
The lira didn’t immediately react to the bank regulator’s new curbs, after posting gains earlier on Monday. It added 0.5% to 6.028 per dollar at 11:50 p.m. in Istanbul.
The slide has encouraged Turkish households and companies to turning their savings into dollars and euros. They’ve added about $20 billion in hard-currency bank deposits this year, taking the total to more than $180 billion -- close to a record high. Bloomberg

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