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Turchia: ministro Finanze, debito turco molto inferiore a quello di altri paesi

Ankara, 18 ago 11:43 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il debito pubblico e delle famiglie in Turchia è “molto inferiore” rispetto a quello di altre nazioni sviluppate e in via di sviluppo. Lo ha dichiarato sul suo profilo Twitter il ministro del Tesoro e delle Finanze di Ankara, Berat Albayrak. Secondo il ministro Albayrak l’economia turca è riuscita finora a resistere alle crisi di quest’anno e guadagnerà “più forza” per superare questa difficile situazione globale. Secondo i dati diffusi dal ministro, il debito pro capite delle famiglie ammonta a 1.291 dollari contro i 26.680 dollari dei paesi in via di sviluppo, e ben al di sotto della media mondiale di 6.721 dollari. Albayrak ha aggiunto che il debito pubblico della Turchia è pari a un terzo della media mondiale. (Tua)
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Turkey needs rate hike to render lira attractive, hedge fund manager says

Turkey’s central bank needs to hike interest rates this week and promise more monetary tightening to create a buying opportunity in the lira, hedge fund manager Peter Kisler said, according to Bloomberg.

Kisler sold all the Turkish lira holdings of North Asset Management before capital outflows accelerated in March. Now the question is whether Turkey lets the lira fall further or defends it with rate hikes, he said.

“If the central bank meaningfully hikes rates and says they are willing to hike further, that would definitely make Turkish assets more attractive,” Kisler said. “If they do hike, the first step would be to see the market reaction and how the government outside the central bank would react, but I would at least start looking for buying options on the lira.”

The central bank’s Monetary Policy Committee meets on Thursday to decide on rates. The benchmark interest rate stands at 8.25 percent, well below annual consumer price inflation of 11.8 percent, and most economists are expecting it to leave borrowing costs on hold, according to a Reuters poll.
Turkey Outlook Revised to Negative at Fitch as Reserves Drop

Turkey’s outlook was revised to negative from stable by Fitch Ratings, which said that factors including a depletion of foreign-exchange reserves and weak monetary policy credibility have “exacerbated external financing risks.”
The ratings company affirmed Turkey’s credit score at BB-, three levels below investment grade. That’s on par with Brazil, Jordan and Armenia.
Turkey’s outlook was revised to negative from stable by Fitch Ratings, which said that factors including a depletion of foreign-exchange reserves and weak monetary policy credibility have “exacerbated external financing risks.”
The ratings company affirmed Turkey’s credit score at BB-, three levels below investment grade. That’s on par with Brazil, Jordan and Armenia.

... sempre lo stesso disco...
Erdoğan ha escluso gli aiuti finanziari del FMI, ha sbattuto i cosiddetti “doom-mongers economici” per aver criticato le politiche del suo governo e afferma che l’economia si riprenderà fortemente nella seconda metà dell’anno.
(eMutuo.it di 3 settimane fa )

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