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Russia-Turchia: Cremlino, Putin ed Erdogan concordi su sviluppo cooperazione
Mosca, 11 dic 14:13 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e l'omologo turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan in una conversazione telefonica hanno discusso dell'espansione della cooperazione bilaterale in vari settori. Lo ha riferito l'ufficio stampa del Cremlino. "Ha avuto luogo una conversazione telefonica tra il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il presidente della Repubblica di Turchia Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Sono state discusse nel dettaglio le questioni relative all'espansione della cooperazione bilaterale in vari settori. In particolare, è stata rilevata una crescita record del fatturato commerciale", ha riferito il Cremlino in un comunicato. (Rum)
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PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - Dec 13
Oggi 02:11 - RSF
European Union is to appoint a sanctions envoy to push for tighter enforcement of its penalties in countries including Turkey, as the bloc seeks to crack down on circumvention of its measures against Russia.
Turkey - Factors to Watch on Dec 13
Oggi 05:22 - RSF
ISTANBUL, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Here are news, reports and events that may affect Turkish financial markets on Tuesday.

The lira
traded at 18.6460 early on Tuesday after closing at 18.6500 on Monday.

The main BIST 100 share index

Asian stock markets were buoyed on Tuesday by overnight optimism on Wall Street that the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks would ease off on the pace at which interest rates have been hiked to tackle the highest inflation levels in decades. (news)


The Turkish Statistical Institute will announce industrial output data for October (0700 GMT). A Reuters poll showed the index was expected to have barely expanded, with some economists forecasting a contraction as a slowdown in some of Turkey's main trade partners hit factory activity.

President Tayyip Erdogan said it was apparent that inflation would fall to around 40% in a few months, and further to 20% in 2023.

President Erdogan will meet the Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin (1100 GMT) and his alliance partner Devlet Bahceli, the leader of the nationalist MHP (1300 GMT).

The Russian speaker will also meet the speaker of the Turkish parliament, Mustafa Sentop, and they will hold a joint news conference (0900 GMT).

The Treasury will tap a three-year TLREF indexed bond maturing on May 20, 2026 and a 10-year CPI indexed bond maturing on August 4, 2032.

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the main opposition CHP, will meet the head of the Future Party, Ahmet Davutoglu (0900 GMT) and will meet journalists (1100 GMT).

Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu will take part in a preparatory meeting for the Avaza summit being held in Turkmenistan on Dec. 14 and bringing together the leaders of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan (1000 GMT).
ANKARA, Dec 7 (Reuters) - Turkey's industrial production index is expected to have barely expanded in October, a Reuters poll showed on Wednesday, with some economists expecting a contraction as a slowdown in some of Turkey's main trade partners hit factory activity.

Industrial activity had bounced back strongly after the initial coronavirus wave in April 2020 and has been expanding since then. But annual growth has slowed significantly since the summer, with demand declining due to the wider global slowdown.

The median estimate in the Reuters poll of six institutions showed year-on-year growth of just 0.08% in the calendar-adjusted industrial production index
in October.

Four economists expected the index, seen as a preliminary indicator of growth, to expand as much as 1%, while two others expected a contraction of up to 1.1%.

President Tayyip Erdogan's economic programme prioritises growth, exports, investments and employment while cutting interest rates.

The central bank has cut its policy rate by 500 basis points in the last four months, lowering it to 9% in November after Erdogan called for single digits by year-end.

The bank justified the cuts by saying financial conditions must remain supportive to maintain the growth in industrial production.

The index expanded only 0.4% in September, much below forecast, indicating the impact of declining demand due to the global economic slowdown.

The Turkish Statistical Institute will announce October industrial production figures at 0700 GMT on Dec. 13.

(Reporting by Ezgi Erkoyun and Ali Kucukgocmen; Editing by Daren Butler)
(([email protected] , @alikucukgocmen; +905319306206; Reuters Messaging: Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))
Insurers and Turkey reach deal over oil shipments, Norway's Gard says
Oggi 12:50 - RSF
LONDON, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Norwegian ship insurer Gard said on Tuesday that an agreement had been reached between Turkey and insurers to enable vessels carrying oil to sail through Turkish waters unhindered.

"Following significant engagement between the International Group of P&I Clubs (association of ship insurers) and the government of Turkey, an agreement has been reached," Gard said in a statement on its website.

A Gard spokesperson added that it was happy to see that an agreement had finally been reached.

Tankers carrying oil cargoes had been stuck for days following a new Turkish measure which required ships to have insurance cover at all times.

Western insurers have said the regulations would mean they would have to provide cover even in the event of a ship being in breach of sanctions, which is something they were not prepared to do.

(Reporting by Jonathan Saul; editing by Jason Neely)
(([email protected]; + 44 207 542 4357 ; Reuters Messaging: [email protected]))
Finlandia: ministro Difesa Kaikkonen, necessario cambio mentalità su relazioni con la Turchia
Helsinki, 12 dic 16:37 - (Agenzia Nova) - La Finlandia ha bisogno di un cambio di mentalità per quanto riguarda le relazioni con la Turchia. Lo ha affermato il ministro della difesa finlandese Antti Kaikkonen all'emittente "Yle". "A poco a poco, dobbiamo essere in grado di pensare alla Turchia come un futuro alleato", ha detto Kaikkonen, secondo cui tale iniziativa deve essere presa in considerazione nell'ambito della ripresa dell'esportazione di armi verso Ankara. "Se le società inviano le loro domande di licenza finali, verranno elaborate e la questione verrà risolta", ha affermato Kaikkonen in merito all'approvazione della vendita di sistemi d'arma alla Turchia.
Gli assicuratori e la Turchia raggiungono un accordo sulle spedizioni di petrolio, dice il norvegese Gard
Oggi 12:50 - RSF
LONDRA, 13 dicembre (Reuters) - L'assicuratore navale norvegese Gard ha annunciato oggi che è stato raggiunto un accordo tra la Turchia e gli assicuratori per consentire alle navi che trasportano petrolio di navigare attraverso le acque turche senza ostacoli.

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