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Oil climbed to a new five-month high on Monday following a report that the US will stop giving sanctions waivers to countries that import Iranian crude or condensate. Japan, South Korea, Turkey, India and China will face pressure to eliminate Iranian oil imports as the US eliminates sanctions waivers in an effort to increase pressure on Tehran one year after Washington left the Iran nuclear deal. FT


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Oil climbed to a new five-month high on Monday following a report that the US will stop giving sanctions waivers to countries that import Iranian crude or condensate. Japan, South Korea, Turkey, India and China will face pressure to eliminate Iranian oil imports as the US eliminates sanctions waivers in an effort to increase pressure on Tehran one year after Washington left the Iran nuclear deal. FT
U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to eliminate all waivers issued to eight economies allowing them to buy Iranian oil without facing U.S. sanctions, the White House said on Monday, while vowing to ensure global oil market was well supplied. Reuters


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Erdogan Faces Rare Rebellion Within His Party as Economy Weakens
Firat Kozok
Kerim Karakaya
22 aprile 2019, 11:55 CEST Updated on 22 aprile 2019, 14:27 CEST

  • Former prime minister says AKP must face new reality

  • Deteriorating economy and U.S. standoff hang over Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was confronted with a rare sign of rebellion within the governing party as former allies attacked his leadership following a sharp deterioration in the economy and stinging losses in local elections last month.
Ahmet Davutoglu, who was once Erdogan’s handpicked successor at the helm of the ruling AK Party, said it “must face the reality of decreasing public support” due to “arrogant” policies. The former prime minister’s written statement on Monday avoided any personal criticism of Erdogan, though ripped into policies under the president from the management of economy to curbing of basic liberties and the pressure on free speech.

“We can’t manage the economic crisis that’s in play by denying its existence,” said Davutoglu, who is still an AKP member, though no longer in parliament. “A governance crisis lies at the root of the economic crisis that we are living.”

The broadside underscores the turmoil in Turkey as Erdogan tries to keep control of the political narrative and smother any sign of opposition.

In power for much of the past two decades, the Turkish president and his party are in uncharted territory after unprecedented losses in large cities. The economy is on a knife edge because of a plunge in the currency and the looming threat of more U.S. sanctions.

Rival Warnings
Davutoglu warned against drifting away from free market economics and said the AKP’s electoral alliance with ultra-nationalists is making the governing party a hostage to a smaller political group. Turkey’s pro-government media gave no air time to Davutoglu’s call for reform.

In criticizing Erdogan, Davutoglu faces a leader who has triumphed over powerful opponents and survived a coup attempt in 2016. Erdogan, 65, has repeatedly warned members of his party not to commit “treason” and he has shown no sign of tolerance to any sign of dissent within the party in the past.

Nihat Ali Ozcan, a strategist at the Ankara-based Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, said Davutoglu was doomed to fail. “Davutoglu certainly does not have the capacity or influence either over the party or AK Party supporters to challenge Erdogan’s rule,” he said by phone. “Erdogan still calls the shots over the party and is likely to do so.”

Indeed, it’s not clear what support Davutoglu has or where the the public criticism might lead. The rebellion could provide an opening for members of a party that’s feeling increasingly restless over the economy and the alliance with nationalist party MHP.

Davutoglu didn’t try to poach any AKP lawmakers and instead prioritizes an overhaul of the party from the ground up, according to a person familiar with his thinking. There have been overtures to members of Erdogan’s former top team of policy makers such as ex-deputy premier Ali Babacan, though he hasn’t endorsed any public criticism.

If Erdogan chooses demonize critics instead of addressing them, the internal opposition could find itself forced to set up a an alternative political party, the person said.

Whatever happens, Erdogan remains faced with trying to recover from the loss of key cities in March 31 municipal elections. The defeat in Istanbul, where Erdogan made his political career, is disputed by the president’s top aides.

Turkey’s highest electoral body on Monday is expected to start evaluating whether to nullify the Istanbul municipal election results and hold the new vote demanded by AKP.

Ekrem Imamoglu of the opposition CHP assumed the office of Istanbul mayor on April 17 after being awarded the victory, sending the lira surging. The next day, though, the currency tumbled as much as 1.9 percent against the dollar on reports that the central bank was using short-term borrowing to bolster its foreign reserves.


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ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey slammed the U.S. decision to end waivers on Iranian oil sanctions, saying it would not serve regional peace and stability, its foreign minister tweeted on Monday.
"We do not accept unilateral sanctions and impositions on how we build our relationship with our neighbors," Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Twitter.
U.S. President Donald Trump has decided not to reissue waivers in May allowing importers to buy Iranian oil without facing U.S. sanctions, the White House said.


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ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey slammed the U.S. decision to end waivers on Iranian oil sanctions, saying it would not serve regional peace and stability, its foreign minister tweeted on Monday.
"We do not accept unilateral sanctions and impositions on how we build our relationship with our neighbors," Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Twitter.
U.S. President Donald Trump has decided not to reissue waivers in May allowing importers to buy Iranian oil without facing U.S. sanctions, the White House said.

...risposta scontata...


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* Il sottosegretario alla Difesa russo ha sottolineato che le relazioni nel settore della cooperazione militare e tecnologica con la Turchia, ma anche in altre aree, si stanno sviluppando vigorosamente.

* Allo stesso tempo, Alexander Fomin ha elogiato il forte atteggiamento della Turchia nei confronti della pressione degli Stati Uniti sul mercato dei sistemi antiaerei russi S-400."Hanno dimostrato (i nostri partner) un'impressionante forza mentale, non si sono piegati, nonostante la forte pressione degli Stati Uniti sull'S-400", afferma il sotto-segretario alla Difesa russo.

* "Stiamo lavorando nel settore militare, abbiamo un piano specifico, stiamo anche lavorando sulla questione della Siria, infatti, senza la cooperazione con la parte turca, uno dei garanti dell'iniziativa di pace di Astana, sarebbe impossibile risolvere alcuni dei problemi riguarda l'insediamento politico in Siria, così come la creazione di una zona smilitarizzata in Idlib ", ha aggiunto Fomin.

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