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Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinateTutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2
I had written about this bet some days ago before EFG's tender offer.
I am not sure if Alpha will proceed with a tender offer and if finally announce it i don't think it will worth.
For DE000A0DX3M2 i think it would be =>35.
I had written about this bet some days ago before EFG's tender offer.
I am not sure if Alpha will proceed with a tender offer and if finally announce it i don't think it will worth.
For DE000A0DX3M2 i think it would be =>35.
scusate la monotonia,
segnalo ancora grosso sconto su XS0555834984 BP lt2 OPATA a 91.
in 5 giorni (dei quali 2 festivi) si fanno 50 tick.
La valuta di oggi è ok per la consegna in OPA, ultimo giorno utile.