Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

Si engie piu 15% in 5 mesi

Casino in Francia e Israele

Sell 100 k Israele 2.375% @ 80.49 acquistata 79.35

ᐅ 2,375% Israel 17/37 auf Festzins | Alle Handelsplätze jetzt vergleichen
Sell 50 k Engie 5.95% centenaria @ 114,895 acquistata 100

Engie S.A. 5,95% 11/11 Bond | A1GNQ0 | FR0011022474 | Price
Novo Banco, SA (“novobanco” or the “Bank”) informs that DBRS Ratings GmbH (“DBRS Morningstar”) upgraded novobanco’s Long-Term Issuer ratings to BB (low) from B (high). The Trend on all ratings remains at Stable. The upgrade reflects novobanco’s progress in implementing its restructuring plan, including the improvement in the Bank’s profitability, capital, and asset quality. In the rating action announced today, DBRS Morningstar has also considered that the Stable trend reflects the view that “risks are broadly balanced. The improvements achieved to date put the Bank in a stronger position to cope with a more demanding operating environment due to rising interest rates and economic slowdown”.
acquistato 200 K @ 86 e 200 K @ 86,95

totale 1 milione adesso di Volksbank Vienna area devo fare i conti guardare il deposito 89-90
qualcuno sa a quanto è stata fissata la nuova cedola per la axa XS0188935174 ?
su euronex indica 4,50886
su francoforte indica 4,654
su saxo 4.273

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