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Deputato giapponese Kamiya, 2024: A parità di VACClNAZlONl, per quelli COVlD il tasso di mortalità è 90 volte superiore agli antinfluenzali. 6.471 casi e 493 DECESSI CERTIFICATI dal Ministero della Salute. Supera il danno di tutti i VACClNl in 48 anni.
La scoperta della vaccinazione, come tecnica per sconfiggere le malattie infettive, si deve a Edward Jenner (1746-1823), che in Inghilterra, alla fine del Settecento, si dedicò alla battaglia contro il vaiolo.
dopo 228 anni .....e decine di miliardi di persone vaccinate e decine miliardi di dosi inoculate
Vaccines are NOT as safe and effective as we are led to believe. It’s up to YOU to do the real research on vaccines and protect your family’s health! We have researched vaccines for years and compiled our favorite studies, books, videos, and other resources to help people educate themselves on...
PHARMA: AN INDUSTRY THAT PUTS PROFITS BEFORE PATIENTS? The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest moneymakers in the world, with more than a trillion dollars in profits every year. It’s an industry that heavily influences our healthcare system, yet, it only profits when people are sick...
"The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest moneymakers in the world, with more than a trillion dollars in profits every year.
It’s an industry that heavily influences our healthcare system, yet, it only profits when people are sick.
Many people don’t realize that there’sno money made off healthy people."
Brandy Vaughan (1976-2020), Fuoriclasse del genere umano
Vaccines are NOT as safe and effective as we are led to believe. It’s up to YOU to do the real research on vaccines and protect your family’s health! We have researched vaccines for years and compiled our favorite studies, books, videos, and other resources to help people educate themselves on...
PHARMA: AN INDUSTRY THAT PUTS PROFITS BEFORE PATIENTS? The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest moneymakers in the world, with more than a trillion dollars in profits every year. It’s an industry that heavily influences our healthcare system, yet, it only profits when people are sick...
"The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest moneymakers in the world, with more than a trillion dollars in profits every year.
It’s an industry that heavily influences our healthcare system, yet, it only profits when people are sick.
Many people don’t realize that there’s no money made off healthy people."
Brandy Vaughan (1976-2020), Fuoriclasse del genere umano