Obbligazioni societarie Voestalpine, ThyssenKrupp, ArcelorMittal e l'industra dell'acciaio

Seguire il comparto negli USA fa paura... continua il calo dei ratings, peggiorano le previsioni sull'andamento del business nel 2009. Per US Steel, ad esempio, S&P dà oramai per scontato che il 2009 si chiuderà con un calo del fatturato del 50%.

Ed il 2010, ben che vada, rischia di portare ad un miglioramento davvero modesto.

Nel mentre, i proventi dell'emissione di un bond convertibile sono destinati principalmente a ripagare debito conle banche.

United States Steel Corp. Downgraded; Outlook Stable

NEW YORK (Standard & Poor's) April 28, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it lowered its ratings, including its corporate credit rating, on Pittsburgh-based United States Steel Corp. to 'BB' from
'BB+'. The ratings were removed from CreditWatch with negative implications where they were placed on April 16, 2009. The outlook is stable.

At the same time, Standard & Poor's assigned a 'BB' issue level rating (same level as the corporate credit rating) and '3' recovery rating to the company's proposed $300 million senior convertible notes due 2014, issued under the company's shelf registration filed on March 6, 2007. The '3' recovery rating indicates our expectation of meaningful (50%-70%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

Proceeds from the proposed notes, combined with a concurrent offering of 18 million shares of common stock, will be used to repay outstanding bank debt and other general corporate purposes.

"The downgrade reflects our 2009 operating assumption that given the challenging steel industry conditions, 2009 revenues for the company could be down by as much as 50% compared with 2008, resulting in a financial profile that is no longer consistent with the prior rating," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Marie Shmaruk. "Moreover, given the unpredictable timing of a rebound and our expectations for a long, slow recovery, improvements thereafter will likely result in credit metrics that we would consider to be more consistent with a 'BB' rating.

" Specifically, we estimate that if revenues improved by 20% and EBITDA margins approximated 7% in 2010, both still reflective of a very weak steel market, adjusted debt to EBITDA will remain more than 5x and funds from operations (FFO) about 20%, levels more appropriate for a 'BB' rating.

Although in our view U.S. Steel has taken steps to adjust its operations in response to market conditions and ensure liquidity (including reducing capital spending and its dividend, shuttering capacity, suspending share repurchases, and executing capital markets transactions), it is our assessment that measures taken to date will unlikely be sufficient to improve financial metrics to levels consistent with a 'BB+' rating before 2011.

Ratings on U.S. Steel Corp. reflect the integrated steel producer's capital-intensive operations, exposure to highly cyclical and competitive markets, a high degree of operating leverage, and aggressive financial leverage (including underfunded post-retirement benefit obligations).

The ratings also reflect the company's good liquidity, good scope and breadth of product and operations, and benefits of its backward integration into iron ore and coke production.

The outlook is stable. Despite our expectation that operating conditions during the next several quarters will remain difficult for the company, as well as for others operating in the steel sector, resulting in a very weak
financial profile and credit metrics for U.S. Steel, the company has taken significant steps to enhance its liquidity position, which we expect at this time should be sufficient to fund operations through the current downturn.

However, a negative rating action could result from the combination of a more pronounced or prolonged downturn in the steel sector than currently factored into the rating, our assessment of operating prospects as 2009 progresses and the company's liquidity position deteriorates at less than $1 billion as a result of needing to fund continued operating losses.

A revision of the outlook to positive would likely be contingent upon a sustained improvement in market conditions allowing the company to improve its adjusted debt to EBITDA to less than 4x and funds from operations to total debt of more than 30%.
a proposito di Acerlor Mittel questa nuova emissione offre
anche un'eventuale opzione di convertibilità.
come va interpretata in questo momento di sfiga del settore?

Arcelor Mittal, leader nella produzione di acciaio a livello mondiale, offre ai sottoscrittori rendimenti alti (7,25% la cedola), una scadenza piuttosto limitata (5 anni) ed un’opzione di convertibilità. I titoli, infatti, sono convertibili in azioni Arcelor Mittal con un premio di circa il 30% sui prezzi attuali (a 20,25 Eur contro un prezzo di giovedì 26 marzo di 15,7 Eur).

qualcuno è così gentile da spiegarmi come funziona questo bond? non ho molta dimestichezza con le convertibili, al momento quota 25.. io per 1k pago 250€ e mi prendo il 7,25% su cosa?
Avevo dimenticato un attimo Voestalpine, perché questa notizia, risalente a metà aprile, non era stata postata. Riguarda il forecast di Voestalpine per il 2009-2010, con V che prevede una lunga contrazione per il mercato dell'acciaio, destinata a durare fino almeno alla seconda metà del 2010.

La società dichiara di disporre di 1,4 mld euro in cash, di prevedere comunque un utile operativo di 1 mld euro per il 2009 e nessuna perdita nel 2009 e nel 2010 e di voler ridurre il leverage nel biennio a venire.

Nessun cenno ai piani di espansione ad est, dei quali era già stato annunciato il rinvio "sine die" nel dicembre scorso.

UPDATE 1-Voestalpine sees a year-long slump for steel market

Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:51pm IST

* Expects difficult 12 to 18 months ahead
* Confirms FY outlook for EBIT of 1 bln eur
(Adds details, quote, background)

VIENNA, April 16 (Reuters) - Austrian steelmaker Voestalpine (VOES.VI: Quote, Profile, Research) expects a trough in the steel market this summer, with a difficult 12 to 18 months ahead, its chief executive said on Thursday.

"We think there will be a trough over the summer, but this will last until the summer of 2010. In the second half of 2010 we see the possibility that economic growth will start to pick up again," CEO Wolfgang Eder told journalists in a briefing.

He confirmed Voestalpine's 2008/2009 full-year outlook for earnings before tax and interest (EBIT) of around 1 billion euros ($1.32 billion) and said it expects no loss in 2009/2010.

Shares in Voestalpine rose after Eder's comments, and were up 5.2 percent at 13.95 euros by 1100 GMT, outperforming the DJ Stoxx Basic Resources .SXPP index which was up 1.2 percent.

Eder said he saw Voestalpine well prepared financially for the year ahead, with 1.4 billion euros in liquidity to hand.

Voestalpine's priority however is to massively reduce debt over the next 24 months.

"We had a gearing of over 100 percent at the end of the third quarter. We will be able to reduce that by a few percentage points throughout the year," he said.

"Under 70 percent is a sustainable gearing for us."
Eder said asset sales were out of the question.
($1=.7562 Euro)

(Reporting by Alexandra Schwarz; Writing by Sylvia Westall and Sarah Marsh; Editing by Erica Billingham, Sharon Lindores)
ArcelorMittal Delays Plan to Invest in Indonesia

Mala tempora currunt........

Ma il fatto che abbiano pianificato di investire in Indonesia potrebbe dirci qualcosa sulle potenzialità di sviliuppo di quel Paese....

ArcelorMittal is suspending a potential $8 billion investment in Indonesian steelmaking facilities, amid the economic downturn and after more than a year of deadlocked negotiations.

The deal was aimed at capturing key supplies of iron ore and reducing the reliance of the company, the world's largest steelmaker by production, on big suppliers like Cia. Vale do Rio Doce SA, BHP Billiton PLC and Rio Tinto PLC. But the market for steel products has deteriorated significantly since last year, with ArcelorMittal last week reporting a first-quarter loss of $1.06 billion and saying its plants were operating at about 50% capacity. The company has cut production at plants around the world and has made efforts to slash costs.

The collapse of the plan is also a missed opportunity for Southeast Asia's largest economy at a time when it needs significant new foreign investment, analysts said.

In announcing results last week, Chief Executive Lakshmi Mittal said that the company had for now ruled out establishing steel facilities in Indonesia because there was not "enough feasibility" for projects to go ahead, including a possible investment in struggling state-owned steelmaker PT Krakatau Steel. He didn't elaborate.

In March 2008, Mr. Mittal and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono discussed a plan for ArcelorMittal to take a 40% stake in Krakatau Steel and to set up a new steel plant somewhere in the country. ArcelorMittal was also to jointly invest with a state-owned miner to prospect for iron ore, nickel and manganese as part of the company's global efforts to control its supply of raw materials.

Maxi Gunawan, a co-chairman of the Indonesian British Business Council, who helped set up the meeting between Mr. Yudhoyono and Mr. Mittal, says ArcelorMittal is walking away because of complications caused by opposition to the plan by Krakatau Steel's management and Indonesia's parliament. "The momentum [for a deal] has gone," he said. "Of course [ArcelorMittal] is frustrated."

A spokesman for ArcelorMittal said the company had no comment beyond Mr. Mittal's remarks last week. Attempts to contact Krakatau Steel weren't immediately successful.

Krakatau Steel dates back 40 years, when a steel factory was set up with funding from the Soviet Union on a site overlooking Krakatau volcano off Indonesia's main island of Java. The venture struggled to get off the ground and eventually became involved in a string of corruption scandals in the 1970s. Analysts had long hoped a new round of foreign investment would bolster its operations.

Krakatau management instead pushed a plan to raise capital through an initial public offering. But that plan was shelved late last year amid declining global markets.

Opposition from management and nationalist politicians in Indonesia has stymied attempts to sell stakes in a number of state-owned companies in recent years. Nevertheless, Indonesia's economy grew 6.1% in 2008, largely thanks to high commodity prices. Now, with commodity prices in the doldrums, foreign investment will likely become more important for maintaining growth.
12.05.09 14:21 - ArcelorMittal: Ceo, in linea per target taglio costi
LUSSEMBURGO (MF-DJ)--ArcelorMittal e' sulla buona strada per raggiungere i target di ridurre il debito di 4 miliardi di dollari entro la fine dell'anno.

E' quanto ha dichiarato il Ceo del gruppo, Lakshmi Mittal, durante l'assemblea annuale degli azionisti.

Il top manager ha poi aggiunto che non ha intenzione di chiudere alcuno stabilimento in modo permanente, e di quelli chiusi temporaneamente, i piu' efficienti in termini di costi verranno riaperti per primi.
Qualche altro dettaglio: hanno tagliato la produzione del 50%, livello al quale prevedono di restare fermi; il loro forecast 2009 è per un calo del 15-20% nel 2009. La perdita per il Q1/2009 è di 1,06 mld $ ed i proventi della vendita di bond e azioni (4 mld $) serviranno a ripagare alcuni finanziamenti (vedi post precedenti)

ArcelorMittal Sees Global Demand Down 15-20% in 2009 (Update2)

By Mark Herlihy

May 12 (Bloomberg) -- ArcelorMittal, the world’s biggest steelmaker, said global demand for the metal may drop 15 to 20 percent this year on weakness in European and U.S. economies.

“There’s no point in making steel that we cannot sell,” Chief Executive Officer Lakshmi Mittal told a shareholders’ meeting today in Luxembourg as thousands of workers protested outside. “We are really frustrated as we want to make steel.”

ArcelorMittal, formed from the 2006 merger of Arcelor SA and Mittal Steel Co., has cut production to half of capacity, shed jobs and scaled back growth plans as the global economy slumped. Worldwide steel output will fall 15 percent in 2009, the Brussels-based World Steel Association said on April 27.

Groups of protesters faced off with riot police, blocking streets around the ArcelorMittal building. About 2,000 demonstrators arrived from France and Belgium, police officer Carlo Wolzfeld said in an interview at the scene.

Luxembourg-based ArcelorMittal posted a first-quarter loss of $1.06 billion on April 29, the second loss in a row. The company said on April 30 it raised $4 billion from a sale of shares and bonds to give it more time to repay borrowings as falling demand and metals prices eroded earnings.

“The environment remains challenging and production cuts will remain at 50 percent of capacity,” Mittal said. “This is probably the worst crisis since the Second World War.”

Demand for steel will begin to recover as customers use up their stockpiles of the metal, he said.

“As destocking ends we shall see an improvement in the U.S. and Europe, even though demand remains weak,” Mittal said, adding customers will have completed running down stocks globally by the end of this quarter and have already finished in the U.S. European inventories remain high, he said.

The company has held market share during the slump and will prioritize restarting its most-competitive smelters, he added.
Non si salva nessuno nel settore che comunque è il PRIMO motore e termometro dello sviluppo economico dell' "attività reale " :

12.05.09 15:42 - Thyssen: in predita 2* trim., prevede rosso per 2009

FRANCOFORTE (MF-DJ)--Chiude in perdita il secondo trimestre dell'anno Thyssenkrupp.

Il colosso tedesco dell'acciaio ha infatti chiuso i tre mesi con un rosso pre-tasse di 455 milioni di euro, a fronte degli utili di 742 milioni dello stesso periodo dell'anno prima.

Al netto delle poste eccezionali,
il dato si e' attestato su una perdita di 283 milioni, rispetto all'utile di 784 milioni di euro.

In calo anche il fatturato, che e' passato da 13,2 a 9,9 miliardi di euro nel periodo.

Thyssen ha inoltre previsto di chiudere il 2009 in passivo, a causa del forte calo degli ordinativi. In scia ai dati le azioni Thyssen stanno crollando del 6,3%.
Fanno impressione i tagli alla produzione... negli USA sono sopra il 50%, da noi spesso attorno a questo valore... da quanto capisco, a tenere a galla la produzione mondiale è l'oriente (Cina, India)...


March 2009 Crude Steel Production

21 Apr 2009
Brussels World crude steel production for the 66 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 92 million metric tons (mmt) in March. This is 23.5% lower than March 2008.

World steel production in the first quarter of 2009 was 264 mmt, a decrease of -22.8% compared to the first quarter of 2008.

In the first three months of 2009 Asia produced 173 mmt of crude steel, a decrease of -8.9% over the first quarter of 2008. The EU produced 30 mmt of steel in the first quarter of 2009, down by -43.8% compared to the same quarter of 2008. North America showed a -52.1% decline, producing 16.6 mmt during the first three months of 2009.

China showed a slight increase of 1.4% while all the other major steel producing countries showed a decrease in the first quarter of 2009.
China’s crude steel production production for March 2009 was 45.1 mmt, -0.3% lower than March 2008. Japan produced 5.7 mmt of crude steel in March 2009, down by -46.7% compared to the same month last year.

South Korea showed a decrease of -21.2% from March 2008, producing 3.7 mmt of crude steel in March 2009.

In the EU, Germany’s crude steel was 2.1 mmt in March 2009, a decrease of -49.8% from March 2008. Italy’s crude steel production was 1.7 mmt, down -42.7% compared to the same month last year. France showed a decrease of -36.7% from March 2008, producing 1.1 mmt in March 2009. Spain’s crude steel production for March 2009 was 1.1 mmt, - 41.2% less than the same month last year.

The US produced 4.1 mmt of crude steel in March 2009, a decrease of -52.7% compared to the same month last year. Brazilian production was 1.7 mmt, -41.5% less than in March 2008.

Russia showed a -30.9% decrease from March 2008, producing 4.6 mmt of crude steel in March 2009. Ukraine produced 2.4 mmt of crude steel in March, a 38.5% decrease on the same month 2008.

Turkey produced 1.8 mmt of crude steel in March 2009, a -24.5% down on 2008

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