Obbligazioni societarie Voestalpine, ThyssenKrupp, ArcelorMittal e l'industra dell'acciaio

Fitch Downgrades ThyssenKrupp to 'BBB-'; Assigns Negative Outlook

20 May 2009 10:17 AM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-Frankfurt/London-20 May 2009: Fitch Ratings has today downgraded Germany-based ThyssenKrupp AG's (TK) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior unsecured rating to 'BBB-' from 'BBB+', respectively, and downgraded its Short-term IDR to 'F3' from 'F2'. At the same time, Fitch has removed the Long-term IDR, senior unsecured rating, and the Short-term IDR from Rating Watch Negative (RWN), and assigned the Long-term IDR a Negative Outlook.

The downgrade reflects Fitch's expectation of a material deterioration of the group's credit metrics, partly mitigated by TK's ongoing good liquidity situation. Fitch continues to take into account the group's diversified structure as a positive rating factor.

However, the severe and highly synchronised global downturn, which is affecting most of TK's operations, will have a significant impact on profitability and cash flow generation, and the agency does not expect TK's financial profile to recover to pre-crisis levels in the foreseeable future. The rating action concludes a review of TK's ratings, which were placed on RWN on 19 March 2009 on the expectation of a much weaker operating performance compared to previous assumptions.

It also takes into consideration the expected development of the group's credit profile some 18-24 months after the trough of the current global recession.

TK expects net debt to rise markedly to some EUR5bn at FYE09 from EUR1.6bn at FYE08 and it will be heavily impacted by ongoing high capital expenditure of EUR4.5bn-5bn, mainly for its steel investments in the Americas. In addition, the group's asset disposal plans, including the sale of its industrial services business unit, continue to be exposed to execution risks with an uncertain outcome. Fitch expects the group's lease adjusted net debt/EBITDAR ratio to exceed 4x in FYE09, followed by a gradual deleveraging afterwards.

While TK's sales decreased by 16% yoy to EUR21.4bn in the first half of FY09, the sales contraction accelerated during Q209 to 25% yoy, chiefly on falling demand and a sharp decline in prices for carbon and stainless steel and materials services.

Reported H109 EBITDA dropped to EUR906m versus nearly EUR2.3bn in the prior year, translating into EBITDA margins of 4.2% and 9%, respectively.

TK has revised its full FY09 expectations further downwards, and is now anticipating a pre-tax loss in the range of a EUR mid-to-high three-digit million before major non-recurring items.

In addition, earnings will be significantly affected by project costs for new steel plants, restructuring measures and impairments. To preserve liquidity and earnings, TK has implemented several steps to reduce costs, lower net working capital and adapt its investment program. The group also will reorganise its operations and aims to achieve cost savings of EUR500m per year, which are not expected to materialise in the short-term.

The Negative Outlook reflects the risk of a deeper and more protracted global recession, which could constrain the group's expected mild recovery from 2010 onwards, particularly when TK's new low cost steel capacity will come on stream.

In its latest global economic outlook, Fitch revised downward significantly its forecast for GDP in 2009, reflecting the abrupt fall in activity and trade at the end of last year (for further detail, see the 31 March 2009 report entitled "Global Economic Outlook", which is available on the agency's subscriber website, www.fitchresearch.com).

Further rating pressure could arise if Fitch anticipates that the group's recovery and deleveraging efforts are unlikely to materialise in the next 12-24 months, or if financial flexibility is materially affected.

The group's solid liquidity of some EUR6.5bn as at H109, including cash and equivalents of EUR3.7bn, continues to be a key supporting factor for TK's credit profile and provides a cushion to weather the global recession.

The group's debt maturity profile is well balanced with the bulk of total debt of EUR7.5bn at H109 maturing after FY13; short-term debt was at a moderate EUR942m at H109.

TK is a diversified industrial group. The conglomerate, which employs nearly 200,000 people worldwide, has leading global market positions in steel and elevators, as well as in selected engineering and services activities. TK realised sales of EUR53.4bn in FY08
Fitch Downgrades ThyssenKrupp to 'BBB-'; Assigns Negative Outlook

20 May 2009 10:17 AM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-Frankfurt/London-20 May 2009: Fitch Ratings has today downgraded Germany-based ThyssenKrupp AG's (TK) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior unsecured rating to 'BBB-' from 'BBB+', respectively, and downgraded its Short-term IDR to 'F3' from 'F2'. At the same time, Fitch has removed the Long-term IDR, senior unsecured rating, and the Short-term IDR from Rating Watch Negative (RWN), and assigned the Long-term IDR a Negative Outlook.

The downgrade reflects Fitch's expectation of a material deterioration of the group's credit metrics, partly mitigated by TK's ongoing good liquidity situation. Fitch continues to take into account the group's diversified structure as a positive rating factor.

However, the severe and highly synchronised global downturn, which is affecting most of TK's operations, will have a significant impact on profitability and cash flow generation, and the agency does not expect TK's financial profile to recover to pre-crisis levels in the foreseeable future. The rating action concludes a review of TK's ratings, which were placed on RWN on 19 March 2009 on the expectation of a much weaker operating performance compared to previous assumptions.

It also takes into consideration the expected development of the group's credit profile some 18-24 months after the trough of the current global recession.

TK expects net debt to rise markedly to some EUR5bn at FYE09 from EUR1.6bn at FYE08 and it will be heavily impacted by ongoing high capital expenditure of EUR4.5bn-5bn, mainly for its steel investments in the Americas. In addition, the group's asset disposal plans, including the sale of its industrial services business unit, continue to be exposed to execution risks with an uncertain outcome. Fitch expects the group's lease adjusted net debt/EBITDAR ratio to exceed 4x in FYE09, followed by a gradual deleveraging afterwards.

While TK's sales decreased by 16% yoy to EUR21.4bn in the first half of FY09, the sales contraction accelerated during Q209 to 25% yoy, chiefly on falling demand and a sharp decline in prices for carbon and stainless steel and materials services.

Reported H109 EBITDA dropped to EUR906m versus nearly EUR2.3bn in the prior year, translating into EBITDA margins of 4.2% and 9%, respectively.

TK has revised its full FY09 expectations further downwards, and is now anticipating a pre-tax loss in the range of a EUR mid-to-high three-digit million before major non-recurring items.

In addition, earnings will be significantly affected by project costs for new steel plants, restructuring measures and impairments. To preserve liquidity and earnings, TK has implemented several steps to reduce costs, lower net working capital and adapt its investment program. The group also will reorganise its operations and aims to achieve cost savings of EUR500m per year, which are not expected to materialise in the short-term.

The Negative Outlook reflects the risk of a deeper and more protracted global recession, which could constrain the group's expected mild recovery from 2010 onwards, particularly when TK's new low cost steel capacity will come on stream.

In its latest global economic outlook, Fitch revised downward significantly its forecast for GDP in 2009, reflecting the abrupt fall in activity and trade at the end of last year (for further detail, see the 31 March 2009 report entitled "Global Economic Outlook", which is available on the agency's subscriber website, www.fitchresearch.com).

Further rating pressure could arise if Fitch anticipates that the group's recovery and deleveraging efforts are unlikely to materialise in the next 12-24 months, or if financial flexibility is materially affected.

The group's solid liquidity of some EUR6.5bn as at H109, including cash and equivalents of EUR3.7bn, continues to be a key supporting factor for TK's credit profile and provides a cushion to weather the global recession.

The group's debt maturity profile is well balanced with the bulk of total debt of EUR7.5bn at H109 maturing after FY13; short-term debt was at a moderate EUR942m at H109.

TK is a diversified industrial group. The conglomerate, which employs nearly 200,000 people worldwide, has leading global market positions in steel and elevators, as well as in selected engineering and services activities. TK realised sales of EUR53.4bn in FY08

27.05.09 13:52 - Thyssen: Moody's taglia rating su debito a Baa3

FRANCOFORTE (MF-DJ)--Moody's ha tagliato il rating sul debito di lungo periodo di ThyssenKrupp da Baa2 a Baa3 assegnando :(outlook negativo.

L'agenzia di rating ha fatto sapere che il downgrade arriva a causa delle difficolta' che si apprestano ad attraversare i mercati dell'acciaio in cui opera il gruppo tedesco.

Moody's ha quindi aggiunto che la liquidita' del gruppo verra' messa a rischio dalla costruzione dei nuovi impianti in Brasile e negli Usa.

A questo bisogna aggiungere il programma d'investimenti approvato da Thyssen che incidera' ulteriormente sulla liquidita'.
Arcelor Mittal

2 nuovi bond Arcelor Mittal
8,25% 2013
9,375 % 2016

E' vero che il comparto è pro-ciclico, ma la società(BBB per quel che vale) è messa così male per uscire con questi interessi?
Potendoli acquistare li ritenete piu' o meno rischiosi di una banca russa tipo URSA o G. Bank?
2 nuovi bond Arcelor Mittal
8,25% 2013
9,375 % 2016

E' vero che il comparto è pro-ciclico, ma la società(BBB per quel che vale) è messa così male per uscire con questi interessi?
Potendoli acquistare li ritenete piu' o meno rischiosi di una banca russa tipo URSA o G. Bank?

Meno rischiosi di una banca russa tipo URSA, ma sono rendimenti da rating BB ... il comparto incorpora nei rating una crisi dell'acciaio destinata a durare ancora almeno un anno e mezzo o più... e siccome l'andamento del comparto è uno dei principali indicatori dell'andamento del ciclo economico, ed è fra i primi a riprendersi quando questo riparte....
Meno rischiosi di una banca russa tipo URSA, ma sono rendimenti da rating BB ... il comparto incorpora nei rating una crisi dell'acciaio destinata a durare ancora almeno un anno e mezzo o più... e siccome l'andamento del comparto è uno dei principali indicatori dell'andamento del ciclo economico, ed è fra i primi a riprendersi quando questo riparte....

però mark , scusa se la metto giù semplice ma difetto di "spessore" per fare una analisi + approfondita:
il mercato si prende tutto ora: vediamo le nuove emissioni schizzare all'insù, basta che siano emesse. negli ultimi giorni sembrava anzi esserci un'appiattimento dei rendimenti (vedi DT).. e la domanda è sempre superiore all'offerta
nel comprato dell'acciaio poi anche i concorrenti come thyssen hanno emesso a molto meno (tipo la 6,75 al 2013 mi pare)...
negli ultimi giorni abbiamo letto del downgrade di arcelor: in definitiva sono messi così male? oltre ad esser + in difficoltà del settore bond in generale anche all'interno del comparto acciaio non se la passano bene..

anche questi bond in euro di arcelor hanno la clausola: +125 ad ogni down
Ultima modifica:
però mark , scusa se la metto giù semplice ma difetto di "spessore" per fare una analisi + approfondita:
il mercato si prende tutto ora: vediamo le nuove emissioni schizzare all'insù, basta che siano emesse. negli ultimi giorni sembrava anzi esserci un'appiattimento dei rendimenti (vedi DT).. e la domanda è sempre superiore all'offerta
nel comprato dell'acciaio poi anche i concorrenti come thyssen hanno emesso a molto meno (tipo la 6,75 al 2013 mi pare)...
negli ultimi giorni abbiamo letto del downgrade di arcelor: in definitiva sono messi così male? oltre ad esser + in difficoltà del settore bond in generale anche all'interno del comparto acciaio non se la passano bene..

anche questi bond in euro di arcelor hanno la clausola: +125 ad ogni down

Ciao Ginopelo, hai per caso già un offering circulars e/o final terms ? Ci darei volentieri un'occhiata. Credo che soccorra molto anche l'analisi compartimentale, nel senso che si vedono emittenti di alcuni comparti aciclici o difensivi che pagano rendimenti in calo da 3 mesi a questa parte (utilities, telefonici, beverage, tobacco), pur corredati anch'essi dalle clausole di protezione, mentre per quelli ciclici non c'è verso, i rendimenti restano elevati...

ArcelorMittal aveva emesso anche in $ pochi giorni fa, al 9% o giù di lì...

ThyssenKrupp al 6,75% scadenza 2013 (a memoria non ricordo se le clausole di salvaguardia riguardano l'ipotesi di perdita dell'IG oppure anche quella del calo di rating) si prende già ora attorno a 100,90 sui mercati retail, ma aveva fatto segnare anche 105... ;)

ArcelorMittal aveva emesso anche in $ pochi giorni fa, al 9% o giù di lì...


Al 9% con scadenza 2015, al 9,850% con scadenza 2019.

Il secondo si compra a 102,50, il primo attorno a 103...

Ed anche questi hanno clausole di salvaguardia del rendimento, legate all'andamento del rating.
Saranno impattati meno dalla crisi i produttori di acciaio dei paesi emergenti, specie quelli brasiliani, che controllano spesso anche i siti di estrazione del minerale di ferro...

Fitch: Emerging Markets Iron & Steel Producers Resilient in the Downturn

24 May 2009 11:48 PM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-Beijing/HK/Chicago/Moscow-25 May 2009: Fitch Ratings has today commented that despite an expected decline in 2009 iron and steel selling prices, as well as declining worldwide steel production, credit ratings and Outlooks of iron and steel producers in Brazil, China, and the CIS remain relatively stable, particularly in relation to their peers in developed markets.

In its special report released today titled, "Emerging Market Iron & Steel: Surviving the Downturn", the agency compares how declining iron ore prices in this downturn will likely impact miners and steel producers, considering their different business profiles, and examines the impact on their credit profiles and ratings.

"The sharp weakness in the global economic environment from Q308 saw iron and steel producers rapidly losing pricing power with de-stocking exacerbating the downward spiral in demand for raw materials like iron ore. Despite sharp cuts in iron ore production, prices are still expected to fall," noted Su Aik Lim, Director in Fitch's Asia-Pacific Corporate team.

"However, the ratings and Outlooks of most rated Emerging Markets (EM) issuers in the steel sector remain more stable than many of their developed market peers, with recent negative rating actions on ArcelorMittal ('BBB'/Stable), ThyssenKrupp AG ('BBB-'/Negative), Nippon Steel Corporation ('A-'/RWN) and JFE Holdings Inc ('BBB+'/RWN) reflecting ongoing weakness in demand in the global steel market," added Mr. Lim.

"Of the 'Big Three' iron ore miners, VALE will likely suffer the most because of its higher percentage of sales to the US and western Europe, relative to BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto which are more exposed to the Asian market," commented Joe Bormann, CFA, Managing Director in Fitch's Latin America Corporate team.

EBITDA margins of Brazilian and CIS iron & steel producers that are self-sufficient in iron ore are expected to decline more that those steel producers that purchase ore from third parties. However their absolute EBITDA margins will remain higher. Fitch expects 2009 average EBITDA margins of vertically-integrated Brazilian and CIS iron & steel producers to be 20% and 18%, respectively, compared to 12% for Chinese steel producers that do not own their own mines.

The agency also notes Brazilian and Chinese steel producers that have a higher proportion of flat products in their product mix will face greater pressure due to falling global demand for automobiles and export-oriented consumer products. Conversely, CIS producers with higher exposure to long products, or those with high exposure to the steel export market, will face overcapacity concerns.

Despite the weak industry outlook, most of the rated issuers within Fitch's EM steel coverage currently have Stable Outlooks, except for Ukrainian steel producers. "In May 2009, Fitch placed Evraz on Rating Watch Negative, reflecting the agency's concerns that the company's financial leverage may deteriorate," said Sergei Guishunin, Director in Fitch's Russian/CIS Corporate team.

Although Brazilian iron & steel producers are expected to see their EBITDA margins halved to 20%, "their credit profiles are supported by strong liquidity positions, cost-control measures and capex cuts," said Jay Djemal, Director in Fitch's Latin American Industrials team. "Rating Outlooks are Stable except for VALE which has a positive Outlook driven by its improving credit profile," he added.

Strong domestic market positions, material exposure to high value-added products, cost advantage in terms of raw materials, and potential state support underpin the credit profiles of the Chinese steel producers. The mostly Stable Outlooks for EM steel producers contrast with the mostly Negative Outlooks for steel producers in the developed economies. This is mainly attributed to different market dynamics - particularly to the oligopolistic market structure of the Brazilian and CIS market, and reflects state support for the ratings of the Chinese steel producers.

However, a more significant pace of economic contraction than expected by the agency may lead to changes in the Outlooks or ratings for EM steel producers

PS: il report per noi che non seguiamo gli issuers dei paese emergenti, può avere interesse nelle stime sull'andamento della produzione dei mercati "occidentali" (nelle prime 3 pagine)


Thyssen Krupp

Puntuale giunge il declassamento peggiorato da un outlook negativo :

20.05.09 16:50 - Thyssen: Fitch taglia rating da BBB+ a BBB-
FRANCOFORTE (MF-DJ)--Fitch ha tagliato il rating sul debito di lungo periodo di ThyssenKrupp da BBB+ a BBB- assegnando outlook negativo.

Secondo l'agenzia di rating il gruppo tedesco dovrebbe registrare un aggravamento del debito che verra' solo parzialmente compensato dalla buona liquidita' che caratterizza al momento la societa'.

Fitch ha quindi aggiunto che l'attuale fase di recessione in atto gravera' sulla maggior parte delle attivita' di Thyssen, in particolare per quanto riguarda utili e flusso di liquidita'.

Ha declassato anche Moody's, e anche qui resta l'outlook negativo. Oltre all'assunto di una debolezza del comparto nel prossimo futuro, per TK pesano gli investimenti in corso per nuovi impianti in Brasile ed USA, il cui completamento preclude in una certa misura la possibilità di tagliare il capex.

La conseguenza per Moody's dovrebbe consistere nella circostanza per cui TK brucerà cassa quest'anno e probabilmente per almeno parte del prossimo, quando tuttavia la situazione dovrebbe migliorare anche per effetto del completamento degli impianti di cui sopra.

Per quest'anno il leverage di TK sarà su livelli bassi: sostanzialmente, secondo Moody's, non compatibili con l'IG, che è invece supportato dal forte business profile della società, quest'ultimo tale da conferire alla società una minore ciclicità rispetto ad altri players del settore.

In positivo, la forte posizione di liquidità disponibile; in negativo, il rischio che anche il prossimo anno la società non riesca ad assumere parametri finanziari (soprattutto sotto il profilo del leverage e della liquidità disponibile, vista in possibile indebolimento) in linea con la conservazione di un profilo IG.

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's downgrades ThyssenKrupp's rating to Baa3; outlook negative[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Approximately EUR 3.5 billion of long-term debt securities affected [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Frankfurt, May 27, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service has today downgraded ThyssenKrupp AG's (TK) Baa2 long term and P-2 short term ratings to Baa3 and P-3 respectively. The outlook on the ratings is negative. The rating action concludes the review which was initiated on 24 March 2009. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The rating action was prompted by the expectation that the steel industry and the related industries in which ThyssenKrupp is active will remain subdued in the intermediate term. At the same time the still high cash outflows for the construction of TK's new plants in Brazil and the US will lead to high negative free cash flows in the current year. Though this negative cash generation could possibly extend into the next financial year, the completion of the exceptional capex program should allow the outflows to be largely reduced in 2010.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moodys notes that the company retains a strong business profile in line with an investement grade rating which should over time help TK to show less cyclical results than some of its competitors in the steel industry. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's forecasts include the assumption that the recovery from the current depressed demand for steel and hence steel prices - if any - will be slow until the beginning of 2010. Moody's also assumes that the still high order backlog in the company's Technologies segment will reduce over time and therefore also lead to continued weak earnings. Therefore, based on current forecasts, which also include high capex for TK's steel mills in Brazil and the US, TK's leverage in the current financial year will be very weak for an investment grade rating. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Despite the good geographic and product diversification TK's profitability and cash flow levels will remain burdened for the next 18 -- 24 months by the severe and synchronized downturn of the global economy and the cyclical character of some of TK's different businesses. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]TK has initiated several programmes to cut costs and to optimize its cash flows, but Moody's considers the execution risks for some of these measures to be relatively high and could also lead to high one time cash charges. Measures include improvement of the company's complex organizational structure, disposal of non-core assets and ongoing cost-cutting programmes. In addition, the cost cutting measures will only feed through after a certain time lag. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]"The negative outlook therefore incorporates the risk that TK will not be able to improve its capital structure again in the next financial year to levels more in line with a Baa3 rating" said Matthias Hellstern, Moody's lead analyst for ThyssenKrupp. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]On the positive side Moody's notes the still excellent liquidity position of TK, which is secured by the availability of long term credit lines with its banks, the high cash balance and only limited debt maturities going forward. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The rating could be downgraded if TK would be unable to evidence improving trends in its earnings situation and capital structure again to ratios more commensurate with an investment grade rating, namely debt/EBITDA below 3.5x and CFO-dividends/debt above 20% in the intermediate term. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]In addition, a weakening of TK's liquidity situation in the next 12 -- 18 months would weigh negatively on the rating. The rating assumes a large cash inflow from the release of net working capital by at least EUR 1.5 billion in the current financial year. [/FONT]


[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's last rating action on ThyssenKrupp was to put the rating on review for possible downgrade on 24 March 2009. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]ThyssenKrupp AG is a diversified industrial conglomerate which currently operates through three main business areas, Steel, Capital Goods and Services, which are organised in five segments: Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Technologies, Elevator and Services. TK has leading market positions in each segment and is one of the largest steel producers worldwide. The group generated sales of €53 billion in the financial year ended September 2008.[/FONT]

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