Hmmm. Dalla presentazione del 16.08.16 pagina 22
If the aggregate amount of Old Money exceeds €2,700m (because crystallised contingencies exceed those expected in the Viability Plan) at any time after the signing date, (i) the Junior Old Money will be subject to an additional reduction provided that total reduction does not exceed 80% of the original nominal value, and any subsequent contingent claims which are crystallised will be subject to the same reduction as is then applicable to the Junior Old Money Loans/Notes
Mercoledi' ho chiesto un po' di prezzi dei bond in euro taglio 100k. I prezzi proposti era 4-6 per quasi tutti i bond eccetto che per il 2019 Abengoa S.A. dove mi e' stato detto 3-8.
PS: e' uscita la semestrale