Appena ricevuta risposta da Dalla Monta di HL...
Dear Mr. Xxxxxx,
As requested, please find here below an overview of the key steps to be considered to participate to the restructuring and provide the new money commitment.
Overview of the Process to participate to the Restructuring
Participating to the Restructuring: First of all, the Noteholder should
give instruction to the Custodian Bank to confirm with Lucid Issuer Services the participation to the restructuring (for your benefit, see below Lucid Issuer Service main contacts)
Participating to the New Money: Once instructions have been provided, the Noteholder should complete the New Money Commitment Letter (please find attached a word copy).
Additional information to support the New Money: In addition to the signed Commitment Letter, the Noteholder should provide us also with the following information:
a.Evidence of your holdings as of 24 September 2016 (the “Restructuring Signing Date”). This could be done also with a simple letter from the Custodian Bank
b.Proof of instructions to the Custodian Bank to participate to the Restructuring (A copy of the communication from the Noteholder to the Custodian Bank would be fine)
New Money Participation
1.The NM commitment letter should be completed, executed, and sent to the following email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
2.A PDF scanned copy of the executed letter is sufficient
3.Deadlines are the following
a.14 October 2016 for getting also the Early Bird fee
b.25 October 2016 (end of the accession period) as a general deadline for the NM commitment
4.Early Bird fee is an additional upfront fee of 2% of the committed amount, which will be assigned to whoever provides the NM commitment before the above stated deadline. Information about the early bird fee can be found in the Restructuring Term Sheet and in the NM Financing Commitment Letter (Paragraph 11, Page 20 – Upfront / Structuring Fee)
5.Noteholders can only commit for their Pro Rata Amount (15.6% of the exposure as of the Signing Date). With regards to NM2 they can provide also for an additional commitment amount, higher than their Pro Rata. However, this is subject to banks consent (which will happen only after we have completed the book and allocated the New Money)
Lucid Issuer Services Contacts
Abengoa Restructuring
+44 (0) 20 7704 0880
+44 (0) 20 3004 1590
[email protected]
Attention: Paul Kamminga / Victor Parzyjagla
I remain available for further information and details about the process.
Thank you very much.
Matteo Dalla Montà
Financial Restructuring
HOULIHAN LOKEY+44 20 7747 2771 Direct
+44 7595 657715 Mobile
[email protected]
Dunque la banca depositaria deve rilasciare un'attestazione di possesso titoli alla data del 24/09/16 se ho ben capito...c'è un modulo apposito o bastano 2 righe su carta intestata? Il problema è che la mia banca, ma mi sembra di capire anche molte altre, non ne sanno mezza e se ne lavano le mani beatamente, per cui risulta difficilissimo avere la loro collaborazione anche x una semplice attestazione di possesso.
Poi mi rimane oscuro quale parte di preciso e come del modulo compilare...