Aggiornamento mi modifica di regolo ...


Nuovo forumer
Ciao a tutti.
Un bel po' di tempo fa avevo postato un grafico relativo alla modifica di Regolo che avevo apportato per evitare troppi stop&reverse.
L'ho tenuto d'occhio per un po' di tempo (oramai credo 3 mesi) e ... mi sembra che la cosa stia funzionando. In realta' non e' ancora alla versione definitiva, ma mi sembra che sia sulla buona strada. Inoltre non e' stato invalidato ...
Il prossimo "improvement" che sto testando e' quello definitivo.


Vi allego anche il report di TS. Ciao.


Performance Summary: All Trades

Total Net Profit $95.557,00 Open position P/L $545,00
Gross Profit $122.667,00 Gross Loss ($27.110,00)

Total # of trades 106 Percent profitable 63,21%
Number winning trades 67 Number losing trades 39

Largest winning trade $7.460,00 Largest losing trade ($2.570,00)
Average winning trade $1.830,85 Average losing trade ($695,13)
Ratio avg win/avg loss 2,63 Avg trade (win & loss) $901,48

Max consec. Winners 5 Max consec. losers 3
Avg # bars in winners 28 Avg # bars in losers 12

Max intraday drawdown ($3.400,00)
Profit Factor 4,52 Max # contracts held 1
Account size required $3.400,00 Return on account 2810,50%

Performance Summary: Long Trades

Total Net Profit $53.771,00 Open position P/L $0,00
Gross Profit $64.026,00 Gross Loss ($10.255,00)

Total # of trades 53 Percent profitable 66,04%
Number winning trades 35 Number losing trades 18

Largest winning trade $7.140,00 Largest losing trade ($1.440,00)
Average winning trade $1.829,31 Average losing trade ($569,72)
Ratio avg win/avg loss 3,21 Avg trade (win & loss) $1.014,55

Max consec. Winners 5 Max consec. losers 2
Avg # bars in winners 25 Avg # bars in losers 12

Max intraday drawdown ($3.810,00)
Profit Factor 6,24 Max # contracts held 1
Account size required $3.810,00 Return on account 1411,31%

Performance Summary: Short Trades

Total Net Profit $41.786,00 Open position P/L $545,00
Gross Profit $58.641,00 Gross Loss ($16.855,00)

Total # of trades 53 Percent profitable 60,38%
Number winning trades 32 Number losing trades 21

Largest winning trade $7.460,00 Largest losing trade ($2.570,00)
Average winning trade $1.832,53 Average losing trade ($802,62)
Ratio avg win/avg loss 2,28 Avg trade (win & loss) $788,42

Max consec. Winners 7 Max consec. losers 4
Avg # bars in winners 31 Avg # bars in losers 11

Max intraday drawdown ($4.200,00)
Profit Factor 3,48 Max # contracts held 1
Account size required $4.200,00 Return on account 994,90%

Annual Trading Summary

Annual Analysis (Mark-To-Market):
Period Net Profit % Gain Profit Factor # Trades % Profitable
YTD $1.940,00 1,00% 2,55 6 66,67%
12 month $2.190,00 1,13% 1,52 23 52,17%
03 ($110,00) (0,06%) 0,97 12 41,67%
02 $12.235,00 6,72% 5,06 13 76,92%
01 $17.275,00 10,48% 7,17 13 53,85%
00 $13.690,00 9,06% 2,93 12 58,33%
99 $15.695,00 11,59% 13,03 9 66,67%
98 $23.510,00 21,02% 6,21 11 72,73%
97 $10.084,00 9,91% 6,31 12 75,00%
96 ($830,00) (0,81%) 0,80 16 43,75%
95 $2.613,00 2,61% 2,18 12 66,67%

Annual Rolling Period Analysis (Mark-To-Market):
Period Net Profit % Gain Profit Factor # Trades % Profitable
04 $1.940,00 1,00% 2,55 6 66,67%
03-04 $1.830,00 0,94% 1,35 18 50,00%
02-04 $14.065,00 7,73% 2,72 31 61,29%
01-04 $31.340,00 19,02% 3,86 44 59,09%
00-04 $45.030,00 29,81% 3,49 56 58,93%
99-04 $60.725,00 44,86% 4,14 65 60,00%
98-04 $84.235,00 75,30% 4,53 76 61,84%
97-04 $94.319,00 92,67% 4,66 88 63,64%
96-04 $93.489,00 91,11% 4,11 104 60,58%
95-04 $96.102,00 96,10% 3,98 116 61,21%

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