Titoli di Stato area non Euro ARGENTINA obbligazioni e tango bond (2 lettori)

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Le mie fonti riservate mi dicono che l'ISDA non dichiarerà il default o in subordine rinvierà la decisione al 2015.....Stay and buy in the meantime :)


Forumer storico
The International Swaps & Derivatives Association said its determinations committee will rule on whether credit-default swaps linked to Argentina have been triggered by a failure-to-pay credit event.
The committee will meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. in New York and a decision that an event has occurred would lead to payouts on all contracts, according to ISDA’s rules. A total of 2,652 contracts insuring a net $1 billion of Argentina’s debt were outstanding as of July 25, according to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.

(Bloomberg di ieri sera)


Forumer attivo
Oggi Fitch segue S&P ... restrict default.

Non sottovaluterei il fatto della partita che si giocherà l'ISDA ... leggevo che ci sono in ballo 29 MLD di sottoscrittori di CDS che bussano alla porta.
Somma pari a quella (complessiva) reclamata dagli holdout.

"Restrict default" ovvero "è un po' incinta?" :)


It's time to play the game
The International Swaps & Derivatives Association said its determinations committee will rule on whether credit-default swaps linked to Argentina have been triggered by a failure-to-pay credit event.
The committee will meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. in New York and a decision that an event has occurred would lead to payouts on all contracts, according to ISDA’s rules. A total of 2,652 contracts insuring a net $1 billion of Argentina’s debt were outstanding as of July 25, according to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.

(Bloomberg di ieri sera)

A questo punto quali possibilità rimangono?

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