Forumer storico
Ho trovato la parte riguardante gli interessi; ecco l'estratto:
...current bond creditors will receive a right to subscribe for 452 New Shares II and a right to acquire a note of the new bond 2014/2019 in the nominal amount of EUR 500.00 for each note of the old bond with a nominal amount of EUR 1,000.00 each (plus all accrued and future interest up to the point of the contribution of the old bond to the company) or to receive cash settlement.
...current bond creditors will receive a right to subscribe for 452 New Shares II and a right to acquire a note of the new bond 2014/2019 in the nominal amount of EUR 500.00 for each note of the old bond with a nominal amount of EUR 1,000.00 each (plus all accrued and future interest up to the point of the contribution of the old bond to the company) or to receive cash settlement.