BUND bastardo Euro Peggio del primo cme cbot ecc (2 lettori)


फूल की बुराई
(ANSA-BLOOMBERG) - ROMA, 8 DIC - Aumentano le richieste di
mutui negli Stati Uniti. L'indice generale rilevato dalla
Mortgage Bankers Association ha segnato la scorsa settimana un
incremento del 3,4% (a 696,2 punti da 673,3 punti della
settimana prima) dopo che nelle due settimane precedenti si era
registrato un rallentamento del mercato immobiliare.
A spingere la domanda di mutui-casa, il calo del tasso
d'interesse medio sui mutui trentennali che, la scorsa
settimana, ha registrato una flessione al 5,68% dal 5,78% della
precedente rilevazione.
Più in dettaglio l' indice delle richieste di mutuo per
acquistare un immobile ha registrato un aumento del 6,6% a 490,9
punti dal precedente 460,3. E' in calo, invece, il numero delle
richieste di rifinanziamento di prestiti già in essere, uno
strumento cui i cittadini americani fanno abitualmente ricorso
per alimentare la liquidità e sostenere i consumi personali:
l'indice è sceso dell'1,1% a 1.890,6 punti da 1.912,3 punti
della settimana prima.(ANSA).


फूल की बुराई
runaway gap anche r2 a 112,0938 bucata , r3 a 112,625 , movimento in sintonia col dollar index, vediamo come aprono gli indici americani per dire che trattasi di switch intermarket


फूल की बुराई


फूल की बुराई
dire che son esterefatto è dir poco :eek: :ops: e sì che ne ho viste di tutti i colori sui Bonds , preso short su r3 e coperto in un amen a 112,5.
Rafforzo lo spread che ora è quasi mezza figura a favore del T-Bond , quando la scorsa settimana si era a una figura per il 10y, difficile vedere movimenti così violenti anche sugli spreads , ci son stati decisi e aggressivi riposizionamenti gli ultimi giorni


फूल की बुराई
Si dice che il forte recupero del dollaro ha fatto scattare acquisti sui treasuries da parte di banche centrali e inoltre ha fatto smontare le posizioni long Bund/ short Treasuries di molti hedge funds
alle 19 i risultati dell'asta di 5y t-note, domani altra asta, stavolta di 10y t-note

la vola viene sempre nei nostri giorni di festa :smile:

US Treasuries surge as short dlr positions unwind

By Wayne Cole

NEW YORK, Dec 8 (Reuters) - A burst of foreign buying sent long-term Treasuries surging on Wednesday as the market showed considerable resilience heading into a $15 billion auction of new U.S. government debt later in the day.

Traders reported heavy buying of longer-dated debt rumored to be partly from central banks and partly from investors taking profits on short Treasury/long German bund positions. These positions have been all the rage during the dollar's decline, but a steep rally in the currency on Wednesday triggered a wave of book squaring.

At the same time, investors were piling back into curve flattening trades -- borrowing short and lending long on a bet short-term debt would underperform in an environment of rising official interest rates.

The net result was that the benchmark 10-year note <US10YT=RR> regained all its overnight losses and was up 13/32 in price. Its yield pulled back to 4.18 percent having been as high as 4.26 percent in offshore trading.

Meanwhile, the two-year note <US2YT=RR> was flat at 2.94 percent. The spread between two- and 10-year yields thus shrank 5 basis points on the day to 124 basis points, a big move from peaks around 137 last week.

"Flatteners are all the vogue again after payrolls," said one trader at a U.S. primary dealer, referring to last Friday's weak November jobs report.

"People figure the Fed won't have to tighten a whole lot more to ensure inflation stays contained so it's safe to be in the carry trade. Say 2.75 (percent), maybe 3.0 percent by May and she's done," he explained.

The Federal Reserve is widely expected to hike interest rates to 2.25 percent next week and the market is priced for rates around 3.00 percent by mid-2005.

"The other feature this morning had been heavy foreign buying in the long end as hedge funds and the like take profits on short dollar/Treasury positions. That could also bode well for the five-year auction," added the dealer.

He noted a $3 billion five-year mortgage offering on Tuesday had been snapped with foreign investors taking a whopping 62 percent of the issue.

Results of the five-year Treasury note auction are due at 1:00 p.m. EST (1800 GMT). Last month's sale drew bids for a sizable 2.9 times the amount on offer, while indirect bidders including foreign central banks took a respectable 44 percent of the issue and traders will be hoping for something similar this time.

The current five-year note <US5YT=RR> was up 5/32 in price, lowering yields to 3.55 percent form 3.59 percent late Tuesday. At the far end of the yield curve, the 30-year bond <US30YT=RR> climbed a full point, lowering its yield to 4.83 percent from 4.89 percent.

The rush of foreign flows overshadowed the latest slide in Nymex crude oil <CLZ4> to under $41 a barrel. The drop was seen as a relief for the hard-pressed consumer and thus bearish for bonds at the margin.

Indeed, economic data virtually nonexistent on Wednesday the main indicator of the day will be the weekly data on energy inventories. Last week's figures showed big rises in distillate stocks causing a rout in the oil market.


फूल की बुराई
al massimo aspettalo su r3 o fatti uno spread long 10y short T-Bond , di solito quando c'è un'asta cercano di tarpargli le ali e tenerlo un pò basso per invogliare i compratori di carta , ma oggi è una giornata da pazzi :D
sta disegnando una flag che suppongo rialzista quindi ocio alla figura ;)

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