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A quest punto il minimo potrebbe essere anticipato.
anticipato in che senso?
A quest punto il minimo potrebbe essere anticipato.
anticipato rispetto al tempo che tu pensavi
potrebbe essere anche rispetto al livello
Parlo di tempo. Se si muovono adesso potrebbero finire prima dei target indicati nel blog. Comunque ribadisco due concetti importanti: siamo ad agosto ed i movimenti non sono significativi, salvo crash improvvisi solitamente settembre riversa agosto.
si quindi non ora cioè oggi
io oltre ai grafici e al mercato in generale stavo pensando che credo Regolo sia un formidabile indicatore e siccome per ora l'uscita dallo short è lontana e sarebbe strano che Regolo si prendesse in faccia un rialzo io credo che si possa per lo meno fare una base o un piccolo laterale, anche tipo doppio minimo per cui ci vuole tempo come tu dici
Bunds are the new treasuries, when they want to be
Posted by Izabella Kaminska on Aug 20 16:07. FT Alphaville wondered earlier why German bunds would be affected by convexity hedging dynamics in the US, one of the factors that is supposedly driving 10-year US bond yields to fresh lows.
Could it all be down to that old devil, correlation?
The following chart shows the potential arbitrage opportunity from synthetically replicating a US treasury by buying a bund instead.
The process involves (bear with us) paying for a bund, then a fixed rate to swap to a floating euro, then a basis swap to a floating USD to receive a fixed rate in dollars.
The below compares the difference between that return and a US Treasury yield:
(H/T Sean Corrigan at Diapason Commodities for the chart.)
As can be seen everywhere except in the 30-year option — where the trade has underperformed the US Treasury most of the time since November 2008 — the arbitrage opportunity has been almost completely closed in.
Of course, it’s worth pointing out that the US 30-year Treasury swap has been negative since exactly November 2008 too.
Furthermore, you’ll notice that the 10-year option (yellow line) dipped below zero most prominently in March/April and then again July/August — which happens to be the exact time the US 10-year Treasury swap went negative too.
So does that explain the mystery of the negative US swap rate?
We’ll be interested to hear your views.
Related links:
Unravelling the mystery of the negative US swap rate – FT Alphaville
Swooning canaries, exploding debt - FT Alphaville
The negative swap time-warp- FT Alphaville