Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE BUND, TBOND and the middle of the guado (VM 69)


Da lunedì 14 Settembre 2009, sarà negoziabile sul mercato Eurex (Mercato Derivati tedesco) il nuovo strumento finanziario Euro Btp Future.

Di seguito Le riportiamo le principali caratteristiche operative del nuovo Future:

Sottostante: Titolo di stato a lungo termine emesso dalla Repubblica Italiana Orario di negoziazione on line: 8.00 - 19.00
Commissioni Internet: 8 € a contratto per conto Trader, 10 € a contratto per altre tipologie di conti

Da lunedì 14 Settembre 2009, sarà negoziabile sul mercato Eurex (Mercato Derivati tedesco) il nuovo strumento finanziario Euro Btp Future.

Di seguito Le riportiamo le principali caratteristiche operative del nuovo Future:

Sottostante: Titolo di stato a lungo termine emesso dalla Repubblica Italiana Orario di negoziazione on line: 8.00 - 19.00
Commissioni Internet: 8 € a contratto per conto Trader, 10 € a contratto per altre tipologie di conti

c'aveva provato anche il Liffe due anni fa a farlo resuscitare ma nada , vediamo che riesce a combinare l'eurex visto che l'idem dorme:wall:
per curiosità son andato a farmi un giretto sul sito dell'eurex, lo spread tra bund e nuovo btp futures ha margine 400 euruzzi scarsi , se riescono a far decollare i volumi si possono fare dei bei trade :V
mi sa che con questa qua....... addrizza pure a me :eek:


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By Charles Payne, CEO & Principal Analyst

9/10/2009 9:53:58 AM Eastern Time

NEW YORK, NY Cautiously positive is how the Fed described the latest Beige Book report. According to the report, 11 of 12 banking districts saw signs of life or staved off death.

Fed Beige Book


This report would have been enough to ignite the market a couple of months ago but right now it may not be enough to keep it in orbit.

The President's Speech

The speech was good as far as speeches go, and ending with a plea to our heartstrings was a good touch. But, it got too melodramatic with the Ted Kennedy stuff. In a way, the suggestion is that we are heartless not to go along with the plan, but there are other ideas out there that make more sense and have fewer risks to taxpayers. If competition it the key then why not allow the more than 1,000 established insurance companies to compete? Why must the government become a player in the space? I do not have confidence in the plan, and despite the assertions from President Obama I believe this opens the door to government run healthcare or a single-payer system. Giving tort reform wasn't nearly enough of an olive branch to get anyone on board that might have been against the plan going into the evening.

Bottom line is that there can be honest debate as long as you accept:

* Public option
* Mandatory insurance
* Fines to businesses and individuals
* Medical panels

Comparing mandatory health insurance to auto insurance isn't apples to apples. People driving cars and trucks operate multi-ton machines that can harm, even kill, others. I was very disappointed with the speech, which in essence said to people that oppose government run healthcare "shut up and take your medicine."

By the way, I was also very upset with Joe Wilson (R- SC) as his outburst was extremely disrespectful. It's the kind of thing that people looking to change the subject will seize upon and instead of this debate being about higher deficits, huge debt, government intrusion, and depletion of healthcare they will make it about civility and racism.

I think that the plan will cost multiples of the proposed $900.0 billion, and I think there will be more waste introduced into the system not $400.0 billion in savings

Today's Session

Last night, I hit the sack thinking futures would be higher this morning but they've been under pressure all morning. Not the kind of pressure that makes people call their broker before heading off to work, but drifting lower. I figured Texas Instruments (TXN) lifting its guidance would be a spark, at least to the tech-heavy NASDAQ.

In addition, Proctor & Gamble (PG) upped guidance this morning.

Strong words from China's Premier makes me excited about the global recovery because their stimulus plan has been head and shoulders better than ours, bolstering commodities prices and energizing the rest of the planet.

Economic Data

Initial Jobless Claims

Initial jobless claims came in this morning at 550,000, which is better than consensus of 565,000 but otherwise a sad state of affairs. The good news is that the trend, although stubborn, is still edging lower.


Trade Balance

This in one for the spin doctors as imports surged, tilting the trade deficit to $31.96 billion from an expected $27.35 billion. On one hand, some could, and will, argue this means the economy is picking up as reflected in demand.


From the Desk

* The saga for Opel seems to finally be coming to an end. After many head fakes over the past few months, General Motors' board appears to finally be on board for Magna (MGA) and its Russian affiliate, Sberbank, to purchase a majority stake in the struggling European automaker. The German government has indicated that it would give Magna the full $2.2 billion of the bridge loans required to help turn the brand around. The German government preferred the Magna/Sberbank deal over Belgian auto parts maker RHJ International. GM's management had apparently been leaning towards RHJ, but with some pushing and prodding from new CEO Ed Whitaker the deal is finally moving forward. This was being talked about as a possible move back in March and April, BEFORE the company went bankrupt.


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