Buongiorno, prendo dal thread su Petrobras, farà un pò meno infelici quelli che come me detengono l Exane sui petroliferi..speriamo in una pronta ripresa del titolo..
Petrobras gets $10B loan from China
Feb 26 2016, 17:50 ET | About: Petrobras - Petroleo Brasil... (PBR) | By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor Contact this editor with comments or a news tip
Petrobras (NYSE

BR) +5.1% AH on news it has secured a $10B loan from the China Development Bank as part of deal to supply crude oil to the country.The loan results from accords signed between Brazil and China last year, PBR says in a Brazilian securities filing.PBR secured a similar loan in 2009, in which Brazil guaranteed the supply of 200K bbl/day oil to China for the next 10 years.