Ciao ti ricordi di me Mari Lan Franco? ti chiedo una cortesia, se è possibile tradurre o se conosci un amico che possa farlo, il codice di due indicatori che ti allego da tradestation a VisualTrader.
* Nuovo indicatore.
*user function: SMI_Trade = Stocastico Momentum Index Trade by bill Blau
{ FORMAT: SMI_TRADE(q,r,s) }
input: q(NumericSimple),r(NumericSimple),s(NumericSimple);
Value1 = SMI(q,r,s);
if Value1-Value1[1]> 0 AND Value1 > 0 then
Value2 = Value1
Else //Value2 is that portion of the TSI which is positive and rising
Value2 =0;
if Value1-Value1[1]< 0 AND Value1 < 0 then
Value3 = Value1
Else //Value3 is that portion of the TSI which is negative and falling
Value3 = 0:
SMI_Trade= value2 + value3;
* Nuovo indicatore.
*user function: TSI_Trade = True Strength Index Trade by bill Blau
Triple exponential moving averages are usrd.
{ FORMAT: TSI_Trade(Price,r,s,u) }
input: Price(NumericSimple),r(NumericSimple),s(NumericSimple), u(NumericSimple);
Value1 = TSI(pRICE,r,s,u);
if Value1-Value1[1]> 0 AND Value1 > 0 then
Value2 = Value1
Else //Value2 is that portion of the TSI which is positive and rising
Value2 =0;
if Value1-Value1[1]< 0 AND Value1 < 0 then
Value3 = Value1
Else //Value3 is that portion of the TSI which is negative and falling
Value3 = 0:
tsi_Trade= value2 + value3;
Inoltre è possibile avere il codice degli indicatori "VALENTRY E MIOMOV1, del post del 09-11-2011.