COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 - L'ABC di e_lm_70

2:50 pm: Industry associations warn of looming major food shortages across Asia
There could be major food shortages across Asia as a result of supply chain disruptions and trade protectionist measures due to the coronavirus outbreak, two industry associations warned.

Brutta cosa ...
Gatti e Gattoni , col COVID ... okkio :

5:32 pm: Tiger at the Bronx Zoo tests positive for the coronavirus
A tiger at the Bronx Zoo in New York has tested positive for the coronavirus.

The 4-year-old female Malaysian tiger, Nadia, had developed a dry cough and was tested “out of an abundance of caution,” the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo said in a statement.

The diagnosis was confirmed by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories. It is the first confirmed COVID-19 case in a tiger, according to the USDA.

Several tigers and lions at the zoo showed symptoms of a respiratory illness, the USDA said.

The tiger who tested positive is believed to have become infected by a zoo employee. The tiger first began to show symptoms on March 27, the USDA said. — Kevin Stankiewicz
Nel video di ieri i John, si fa riferimento al "manuale" COVID in inghilterra

Orbene ... secondo gli inglesi, si guarisce dal COVID in 1 settimana.

Peccato che non sia consistente con i 10 giorni che usano i cinesi come riferimento
E neanche con i dati francesi riportati qui

La domanda da farsi ... ma perche' gli inglesi hanno fretta di far andare a lavorare i malati di COVID ?

Qui in polonia dicono di stare a casa per 2 settimane, non 1 sola come in UK

Per esperienza ... 1 settimana va giusto bene per chi ha meno di 30 anni ... tutti gli altri hanno bisogno di 2 settimane per uscirne ... in alcuni casi .. come il biondo Johnson 10 giorni non bastano

4:28 pm: British PM Boris Johnson admitted to hospital for tests over ‘persistent’ coronavirus symptoms
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to the hospital for tests 10 days after testing positive for the coronavirus.

PS: Se la bionda e' sinonimo di "svampita" ... il biondo .. e' sinonimo di :censored: :clava:

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