Obbligazioni valute high yield CRISI RUSSIA/UCRAINA discussioni, notizie e operatività

  • Creatore Discussione Creatore Discussione Topgun1976
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Mai stato in Transnistria ? :)
E' un mega porto franco dove passa di tutto (rigorosamente in dollari).
Conviene anche ai russi tenerla così.

La Crimea per i russi era a dir poco vitale (i militari ucraini lo hanno capito al volo).
Nein,però sembra che vogliano annettersi alla russia pure quelli a quanto pare
Ragazzi ma siete ferratissimi in ucrainologia!mi toccherà rivelarvi su cosa sono investito(non é un tds)...lo faró quando tutto sarà finito
Ragazzi ma siete ferratissimi in ucrainologia!mi toccherà rivelarvi su cosa sono investito(non é un tds)...lo faró quando tutto sarà finito

Sarà mica perchè le Ucraine sono delle belle... :D Sai comè a pensar male..

Frmaoro và spesso in Ucraina
OSCOW, April 16. /ITAR-TASS/. Speaker of the Federation Council's upper house of Russia's parliament Valentina Matviyenko has reiterated that Russia is insisting on a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis. Matviyenko said Kiev's decision to start an 'anti-terrorist operation' in the east of the country was extremely cynical.
"Russia has always called for peaceful ways of settlement, and Ukrainian national dialogue, and heeding regions' opinion and civilians' demands," Matviyenko said, adding that the decision by incumbent Ukrainian authorities to use force and start 'anti-terrorist operation' against the civilian population and unarmed persons in the east was extremely cynical.
The Federation Council speaker underlined that Moscow was trying to use all possible platforms to launch dialogue. However, she regretted the absence of response in the issue. Two weeks ago, the Federation Council had invited Ukrainian parliament speaker Oleksandr Turchynov and the Ukrainian delegation to participate in the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States due to take place in St. Petersburg later this week, in order to use this platform for dialogue, the search or peaceful solution and deescalation.
"Regrettably, the Ukrainian delegation declined our offer to participate and hold talks," Matviyenko said, adding that she was surprised by that decision. "Any dialogue is better than none," she said.

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