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House Speaker John Boehner offered fellow Republicans two options on budget legislation, including allowing a vote on a Senate-passed bill if party members don’t show they have a majority vote to amend it with spending cuts, two leadership aides said.
The speaker told members they can either amend the Senate- passed bill with spending cuts if 218 of them commit to support it, or vote on the Senate measure, the aides said. That number is a majority of the 435-member House.
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House Speaker John Boehner Win McNamee/Getty Images
House Speaker John Boehner.
House Speaker John Boehner. Photographer: Win McNamee/Getty Images
.Boehner cautioned members during a private caucus today that there is a risk in amending the bill with spending cuts and sending it back to Senate, the aides said.
A Democratic leadership aide said on condition of anonymity that the Democratic-controlled Senate won’t take up an amended bill.
“No comment,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid when asked if his chamber would consider any changes by House Republicans to the bipartisan Senate bill. “They have to do what they think they have to do -- I’ve already done what I’ve done,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said in a brief interview. He added, “My senators have gone home.”
Congress is trying to undo $600 billion in automatic tax increases and spending cuts that take effect starting today. The Senate passed its plan on an 89-8 vote early this morning.