
primo mio intervento su questo 3d.

JPM vede a fine anno prossimo il decennale americano al 3,75% e il bund al 2,50%.

Io ho iniziato, gradualmente da giugno, con cifre non grandissime, a shortare a leva il t- bond (forse lunedì esco, ascoltando la raccomandazione di brevissimo di JPM, per rientrare il 19).

Sul bund a mio avviso ci sono troppe variabili che potrebbero anche farlo rientrare sui 140, ma il rialzo dei tassi USA pare certo (se non nella tempistica almeno la direzione è quella).

Rigori/e a porta vuota ?
Ciao,che strumento hai usato?
Bond Tab for Biggest Economies Seen at $7.43 Trillion in ’14

By Anchalee Worrachate Jan 6, 2014 10:59 AM GMT+0100

The world’s biggest economies will need to refinance $7.43 trillion of sovereign debt in 2014 as bond yields begin to climb from record lows, threatening to raise borrowing costs while nations struggle to bring down elevated budget deficits.

The amount of bills, notes and bonds coming due for the Group of Seven nations plus Brazil, Russia, India and China is little changed from 2013 after dropping from $7.6 trillion in 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. At $3.1 trillion, representing a 6 percent increase, the U.S. faces the largest tab. Russia, Japan and Germany will see refinancing needs drop, while those of Italy, France, Britain, China and India increase.

While budget deficits in developed nations have fallen to 4.1 percent of their economies from a peak of 7.8 percent in 2009, they remain about double the average in the decade before the credit crisis began. The cost for governments to borrow may rise further after average yields last year rose the most since 2006, as the global economy shows signs of improving and the Federal Reserve pares its unprecedented bond buying.

“Refinancing needs remain elevated in many developed nations, particularly the U.S.,” Luca Jellinek, the London-based head of European rates strategy at Credit Agricole SA, said in a Dec. 30 telephone interview. “The key here is demand rather than supply. If demand drops as growth picks up, and we expect it will, that could put pressure on borrowing costs".

Debt as a proportion of the economies of the 34 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will rise to 72.6 percent this year from 70.9 percent last year and 39 percent in 2007, according to the group’s forecasts.

Deficit Spending

The amount of government debt obligations contained in a benchmark Bank of America Merrill Lynch index has more than doubled to $25.8 trillion since the end of 2007 as countries from the U.S. to Japan financed increased spending to counter the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

After interest-rate cuts around the world and the Fed’s bond purchases pushed down average yields on government notes to an all-time low of 1.29 percent in May, borrowing costs have since jumped, according to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Broad Market Sovereign Plus Index.

Yields climbed to 1.84 percent by the end of December, making the 0.41 percentage point increase in 2013 the biggest in seven years, the data show. That represents an extra $4.1 billion in annual interest on every $1 trillion borrowed.

Bond buyers are demanding more compensation as the Fed plans to scale back its own monthly debt purchases in January to $75 billion from $85 billion and the U.S.-led recovery prompts investors to seek assets with higher returns such as equities.

Risk Premium

Government debt lost an average 0.36 percent worldwide last year, the first decline since 1999.

Based on 41 economists surveyed by Bloomberg on Dec. 19, the Fed will reduce its buying by $10 billion in each of the next seven meetings before ending its stimulus in December.

The U.S., the world’s largest economy, will expand 2.6 percent this year after 1.7 percent growth in 2013 and accelerate 3 percent in 2015, which would be the fastest in a decade, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg. With Europe and Japan also forecast to grow, the three economies will all expand for the first time since 2010.

“With the Fed pulling back on bond purchases and growth picking up, bond investors will demand higher yields to justify investment,” Mohit Kumar, a money manager at GLG Partners, a hedge-fund unit of Man Group Plc, said by telephone from London. “We need to price in higher risk premium in an environment where rates and market volatility are likely to increase.”

Debtor Nations

Even as faster growth helps increase tax revenue, higher refinancing costs may squeeze governments that are still contending with fiscal deficits. Spending will outstrip revenue in the world’s largest economies by 3.3 percent of their gross domestic product this year, versus an average of 1.75 percent in the 10 years through 2007, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

In the U.S., the world’s largest debtor nation with $11.8 trillion of marketable debt obligations, the amount due this year will increase by about $187 billion, data compiled by Bloomberg show. France, faced with an economy that has barely grown in two years, will see the amount of debt securities due this year rise by 15 percent to $410 billion.

China will lead emerging-market economies with the amount of maturing bonds increasing by 12 percent to $143 billion.

Japan will have $2.38 trillion of bonds and bills to refinance this year, 9 percent less than in 2013, while the amount of German debt maturing this year will decrease by about 5.3 percent to $268 billion.

Public Debt

Including interest payments, the amount of debt that needs to be refinanced by the G-7 countries plus the BRIC nations this year increases by about $712 billion to $8.1 trillion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“There has been a shift of a significant amount of debt” into the public sector during the crisis, said Nicholas Gartside, London-based international chief investment officer for fixed-income at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, which oversees $1.5 trillion. “Despite some improvement on the debt front, there is still a lot of deleveraging to go. The process is still ongoing and will continue for many years.”

Forecasters are overestimating the likelihood government debt costs will increase because the global economic recovery remains fragile and disinflation is starting to emerge, according to Steven Major, head of global fixed-income research at HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe’s largest bank.

The world economy will to expand 2.83 percent this year, according to forecasts compiled by Bloomberg, slower than the average 3.43 percent during the five-year span between the end of the dot-com bust in 2002 and the start of the credit crisis.

Consumer Prices

Slowing inflation also preserves the purchasing power of fixed-rate interest payments, which may support demand for bonds. Consumer prices in the U.S. will rise less than 2 percent in 2014 for a second straight year, which has only happened one other time in the last half century, data compiled by Bloomberg and the Bureau of Labor Statistics show.

In the 18 nations that share the euro, the inflation rate will be 1.2 percent, the lowest in five years.

“Growth may have picked up but it’s still pretty weak compared to previous cycles,” Major said in a telephone interview on Dec. 31. “Inflation is falling in many developed countries. Central banks should be worried about disinflation rather than inflation. It’s hard for me to imagine that bond yields will rise much against this backdrop.”

Some nations are starting to rein in spending, which may help contain borrowing costs. Government bond sales in the euro area, excluding issuance used to refinance maturing debt, will decline to 215 billion euros ($293 billion), the least since 2009, Morgan Stanley predicted.

Bond Sales

Germany said in December that it plans to curb bond and bill sales this year by 17 percent to 205 billion euros as tax revenue rises and Chancellor Angela Merkel seeks to end net new borrowing by 2015. In the U.S., the budget deficit will drop to to 3.4 percent of the economy this year, versus 10 percent five years ago, economist forecasts compiled by Bloomberg show.

Demand at U.S. government debt auctions remained stronger than before the financial crisis as investors bid for 2.87 times the amount sold last year, the fourth-highest ratio on record and surpassed only in the the prior three years.

Buying of Japanese debt was underpinned by the Bank of Japan’s commitment to buy 7 trillion yen ($71 billion) a month of bonds, a pace that would equal more than 50 percent of the 155 trillion yen in notes that Japan plans to sell this year.

Yield Forecasts

“Investors should not and will not be concerned about the supply picture,” said Major, who predicts that yields on the benchmark U.S. 10-year note will decrease to 2.1 percent by year-end from 2.99 percent last week.

His estimate conflicts with the majority of forecasters in a Bloomberg survey who say U.S. borrowing costs will increase. They anticipate yields on the 10-year notes, which rose 1.27 percentage points last year to 3.03 percent, the highest since 2011, will climb to 3.38 percent on average. No one in the survey projected yields falling below 2.5 percent. The yield was at 2.98 percent as of 9:56 a.m. London time.

Borrowing costs in all the G-7 nations are all poised to increase in 2014, based on the estimates. Yields on German bunds will increase to 2.28 percent by year-end, while those for similar-maturity U.K. gilts will end the year at 3.36 percent. That would be the highest for both nations since 2011.

Among the BRIC nations, only bond yields in India and China are poised to drop, the data show.

With global growth picking up, investors such as Standard Life Investments predict government bonds will underperform this year and are holding a greater proportion of equities than their benchmarks used to measure performance.

“We are not enthusiastic about government bonds,” Frances Hudson, a strategist at Standard Life in Edinburgh, which oversees $294 billion, said in an telephone interview on Jan. 2. “It’s reasonable to expect bond yields to rise from record lows as recovery gains momentum.”

Following is a table of projected bond and bill redemptions and interest payments in dollars for 2014 for the Group of Seven countries, Brazil, China, India and Russia using data compiled by Bloomberg as of Dec. 30:

Country 2014 Bond, Bill Redemptions Coupon Payments

U.S. $3,115 billion $218 billion
Japan 2,383 billion 87 billion
Italy 468 billion 79 billion
France 410 billion 61 billion
Germany 268 billion 39 billion
Canada 248 billion 13 billion
U.K. 181 billion 75 billion
China 143 billion 58 billion
Brazil 121 billion 24 billion
India 85 billion 47 billion
Russia 10 billion 11 billion

To contact the reporter on this story: Anchalee Worrachate in London at [email protected]

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Paul Dobson at [email protected]
Confermo, assurdo.
Girano voci disparate sulla cedola.

Hai visto il Bund ? Incredibile.

e' come il giappone... non c'e' storia... io la vedo bene sui bond e male su equity da qui a tot tempo.. qualche mercato ce lo sta dicendo... meglio un 2% lordo che nullla.... in giappone i T1 girano al 2,5% di yield... ovviamente sapete dove e' il JGB... sarò troppo pessimista (ovviamente ottimista ancora su bond che rendono), ma sull'equity riscoppierà la bolla..
su groupama dicono anche che la cedola sara' grassa... vedremo tra 2-3 gg..
e' come il giappone... non c'e' storia... io la vedo bene sui bond e male su equity da qui a tot tempo.. qualche mercato ce lo sta dicendo... meglio un 2% lordo che nullla.... in giappone i T1 girano al 2,5% di yield... ovviamente sapete dove e' il JGB... sarò troppo pessimista (ovviamente ottimista ancora su bond che rendono), ma sull'equity riscoppierà la bolla..
su groupama dicono anche che la cedola sara' grassa... vedremo tra 2-3 gg..

Il mercato ti sta dando ragione, vero, ma faccio fatica a capire perché dobbiamo tutti (Europa e Usa) finire con la sindrome del Giappone.
Quali sono le motivazioni, non mi sembra che ci siano molti punti in comune...
Per ora perdo tanto (per me), ma sto ancora corto di Bund e TBond.
Se non mi sentite più è finita male.:sad:
Il mercato ti sta dando ragione, vero, ma faccio fatica a capire perché dobbiamo tutti (Europa e Usa) finire con la sindrome del Giappone.
Quali sono le motivazioni, non mi sembra che ci siano molti punti in comune...
Per ora perdo tanto (per me), ma sto ancora corto di Bund e TBond.
Se non mi sentite più è finita male.:sad:

Ciao 9/15,
a maggior ragione separerei Europa e USA (dove anche oggi sono usciti dati sull'inflazione , considerati zero dai mercati, che qui ci sogniamo).
Ma il mercato comanda, e vuole tornare a vedere il 2,50%.
L'AT (che per il TBOND è fondamentale) domina e oggi rotture importanti.
Ultima modifica:
Ciao 9/15,
a maggior ragione separerei Europa e USA (dove anche oggi sono usciti dati sull'inflazione , considerati zero, che qui ci sogniamo).
Ma il mercato comanda, e vuole tornare a vedere il 2,50%.
L'AT (che per il TBOND è fondamentale) domina e oggi rotture importanti.

Non vedo queste rotture importanti, il livello statico di 137/138 non è stato violato, pare, ma solo pare un testa e spalle rialzista in formazione, ma ancora da confermare.
Disclaimer: non sono un esperto di AT.


  • TBond.JPG
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E anche se parli del Tnote 10 anni la rottura non c'è....solo sui rendimenti è stato violato il famoso pivot del 2.59%, che molti usano, io preferisco usare i sottostanti, non i rendimenti...
In ogni caso da confermare nel settimanale, vista l'importanza.


  • TNote10y.JPG
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Ultima modifica:
Se invece parli del Tnote 10 anni la rottura c'è....da confermare nel settimanale, vista l'importanza.

Infatti è lì la rottura del 2.5770 %. Teribbile.:(
10Y Treasury Yield Breaks Key Support | Zero Hedge

Mesi e mesi di letture di pallosissimi reports, giornate passate a leggermi di minuto in minuto l'evoluzione della crisi Ucraina, dirette delle conference della Yellen : poi alla fine ho visto la luce.
Il mercato va dove vuole andare : le notizie che vuol leggere le legge, le altre non le considera.

@ 9/15 il 90% delle persone guardano i rendimenti (ad es. JPM fa previsioni, sbagliatissime, solo sui rendimenti; e fa l'AT solo sui rendimenti), e lì non si scappa , il grafico è impietoso.
Ultima modifica:
Infatti è lì la rottura del 2.5770 %. Teribbile.:(
10Y Treasury Yield Breaks Key Support | Zero Hedge

Mesi @ 9/15 il 90% delle persone guardano i rendimenti (ad es. JPM fa previsioni, sbagliatissime, solo sui rendimenti; e fa l'AT solo sui rendimenti), e lì non si scappa , il grafico è impietoso.

Il grafico è impietoso, ma il primo livello non è lontano, 2.5%, a cui era già arrivato nell'ottobre 2013, salvo poi sparare fino al 3%.
E aggiungo che nel daily aveva già rotto il livello nelle settimane scorse, salvo poi chiudere sopra il venerdì, una conferma weekly è d'obbligo.
Nel medio poi resto fiducioso.
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