Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Grecia/ Commando armato uccide giornalista greco ad Atene

Atene, 19 lug. (Apcom) - Un commando armato ha assassinato questa mattina un giornalista greco davanti alla sua abitazione nel quartiere di Ilioupolis, a sudest di Atene: è quanto hanno riferito fonti della polizia locale, spiegando che gli assalitori si sono dati alla fuga. Secondo quanto si è appreso, il commando era formato da almeno tre persone. Gli aggressori hanno fatto fuoco su Socratis Guiolias, 35 anni, uccidendolo sul colpo, e sono fuggito a bordo di un'automobile. Il commando avrebbe invitato il giornalista ad uscire di casa con il pretesto del furto della sua automobile: ma appena Guiolas ha messo piede fuori casa è stato raggiunto da una raffica di colpi d'arma automatica. Gli inquirenti stanno investigando sull'attentato e non tralasciano alcuna pista, quelle criminale e dell'estremismo locale in particolare.
Aperture solite per gli spread/bund: tra parentesi la chiusura di venerdì.

Grecia 792 pb. (777)
Portogallo 321 pb. (292)
Spagna 188 pb. (189)
Italia 147 pb. (148)
UK. 73 pb. (73)
Irlanda, Moody's taglia rating ad 'Aa2', outlook stabile

lunedì 19 luglio 2010 08:38

DUBLINO 19 luglio (Reuters) - Moody's ha ridotto il rating del debito irlandese ad 'Aa2' da 'Aa1'. L'outlook ora è stabile.
Tra i motivi della decisione l'agenzia cita l'aumento del rapporto debito/Pil e di quello tra interessi sul debito ed entrate statali oltre alle peggiorate prospettive di crescita per il paese e agli impegni legati al sistema bancario di cui il governo si è fatto carico.

Non riguarda la nostra Grecia ... ma per chi segue un pò gli spread/bund del Club Med.

BUDAPEST (Dow Jones)--Hungary's talks with the International Monetary Fund and the European Union broke off Saturday as the government refused to implement fiscal austerity measures to reach this year's budget deficit target, Economy Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy said Sunday.
"We said that further austerity measures cannot be carried out...That's the problem that we are in the fifth year of austerity measures, that's why we are where we are," Matolcsy said in an interview on private television channel HirTV.
The IMF and EU walked out Saturday from their latest review of Hungary's EUR20 billion credit line that would allow the country to draw on the remainder of its credit, which will expire in October.
The IMF said Hungary continues to face fiscal challenges and should present sustainable and structural means of reducing its budget deficit.
Instead, Hungary wants to levy an extra financial-sector tax to cover most of the missing revenues to meet this year's budget shortfall of 3.8% of gross domestic product.
"The (IMF and EU) partners didn't accept this view. They are in favor of this peculiar austerity policy," Matolcsy said.
Should there be "no bank tax, the IMF suggested the launch of a Romanian or Ukranian-type set of austerity," Matolcsy added.

Altra notizia in ambito UE.

Qui mi fermo altrimenti ci allarghiamo troppo ...
Greek Government Speeds Up Reforms

Greek government puts forward changes to utilities and the financials of hospitals and pension funds since they have already cost EUR3 bil. to the budget.

According to the IMF report in first five months of the year, spending in hospitals and funds missed the target by EUR1.5 billion euros, while the public transport’s debts and also expected to burden the budget.

According to the IMF interim report which was published late Friday, the government managed through cutting wages and reigning tax evasion to cut the deficit by 3.5 billion more than the initial target.

The IMF report also gives credit for the measures and the progress, but notes the dangers.

Next Monday and for two weeks, the mission ECB - European Commission - IMF will be in Athens and will meet with ministries, Bank of Greece, hospitals, utilities, insurance funds, research institutions and commercial banks.

The audit will be completed on August 6, and if the reports by the EC and the IMF are positive, Greece will receive the second installment by mid-September.

iniziata festa

C'è anche il downgrade irlandese ...

Tra oggi e domani tanti titoli ellenici staccano la cedola annuale: pronti per la festa? :D :lol::lol::lol:.

:ciao: accreditata stamane cedolona 2019 6%, rendimento dalla data acquisto più del 9% su base annua. Attendo poi le cedole sugli altri due titoli in ptf. Sono rendimenti da pre-default, o almeno haircut: arriva, non arriva, arriva, non arriva.... intanto le cedole arrivano :).
Buona giornata agli amici della Grecia.
Orderly Insolvency Remains A Hot Topic

Orderly insolvency, one of the ‘disturbing’ concepts for Athens, remains on the agenda of the Task Force created by the President of the EU Van Rompuy, but questions remain, since disagreements among eurozone countries on Angela Merkel’s proposal seem to have grown stronger over the past weeks.

This process has been proposed by the German Government in case a euro zone member state found in a situation similar to Greece’s.

Under this proposal, which does not include an ejection out of the euro area, in case a country΄s debt increases to a level that can not be served, then there must be a process that simulates an "orderly insolvency" with administrators appointed by the institutions of the EU

For Greece and other eurozone countries concerned, this remains a hot topic as the original proposal of Germany placed it under the changes that the Task Force will propose in October for the stricter enforcement of the Stability Pact . German proposals also called for stripping the voting rights the offending country, as well as freezing EU funds for this country.

German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is said to be pushing strongly for inclusion of relevant proposals in the Task Force’s agenda but diplomatic sources in Brussels say that opposition has begun to increase.

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