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Greece ‘ahead of the curve’ on fiscal targets

By David Gardner and Kerin Hope in Athens
Published: July 27 2010 23:24 | Last updated: July 27 2010 23:24

Greece is determined to show it can outperform tough fiscal targets set by the European Union and International Monetary Fund, said George Papaconstantinou, finance minister.
But the government still faces strong resistance to structural reforms – from opening up closed-shop professions such as truck driving to cutting about 50,000 jobs in local government and lossmaking state enterprise.
In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Papaconstantinou said in the first half of this year the budget deficit had been slashed by 45 per cent after deep cuts in public consumption and capital investment.
He said Greece has taken more measures than were necessary to cut the deficit this year from 13.6 per cent to 8.1 per cent of gross domestic product.
A 30-member mission from the so-called troika – the EU, IMF and European Central Bank – arrived in Athens this week to assess reforms launched in return for a €110bn loan package, which rescued Greece from a sovereign default.
Mr Papaconstantinou sounded confident that the troika would award Greece a pass mark on progress, enabling it to draw down a second €9bn ($11.7bn, £7.5bn) loan tranche in September.
“We are ahead of the curve, mostly due to reduction of expenditures ... Revenues are lagging slightly behind ... but we’re reasonably optimistic that even on the revenue side we’ll meet the targets,” he said.
An increase of 4 percentage points in value added tax, on top of a 30 per cent rise in excise taxes, would help boost inflows in the second half, he said.
The impact of cuts in public sector wages and pensions on overall spending would bring further reductions, he added.
Mr Papaconstantinou also predicted that Greece’s recession would be shallower than forecast, with the economy set to shrink this year by 3 to 3.5 per cent, compared with an earlier projection of 4 per cent.
But he admitted there were “danger zones” that could undermine fiscal consolidation, such as persistent spending overruns at state hospitals.
After weathering six months of strikes and demonstrations over cuts in public sector pay and pensions, Mr Papaconstantinou said, the remaining reforms should be implemented as quickly as possible.
“Every time you try to reform something, there are going to be vested interests that rise up against it, so the more we concentrate it into a short time period, the better,” he said.
Truck drivers went on strike this week to protest against plans to raise the number of operating licences, while flights at Athens airport were delayed by air traffic controllers working to rule to show their opposition to changes in labour regulations.
But Mr Papaconstantinou was reluctant to talk about public sector job cuts, saying the current plan calls for workers to take early retirement or move to other state-controlled organisations. “It doesn’t involve straight firings, although we are not renewing a large number of non-permanent contracts ... That is where we are at the moment. We shall see where that gets us,” he said.

(Financial Times)
GREECE - Factors to Watch on July 28

Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:15am GMT

ATHENS July 28 (Reuters) - Here are news stories, press reports and events which may affect Greek financial markets on Wednesday:

Europe's biggest betting firm OPAP (OPAr.AT: Quote) will extend a key IT deal with gaming systems provider Intralot (INLr.AT: Quote), in a move which will allow it to offer new products as Greece liberalises its gaming market. [ID:nLDE66E1XF]

Talk of mergers and buyouts has breathed life into Greece's battered banking sector, which passed European stress tests with one casualty, and brokers say the summer rally in shares has more room to run. [ID:nLDE66Q19M]

Greece is committed to plans to build a trans-Balkan oil pipeline to carry Russian crude, its prime minister said on Tuesday, but agreed the future of the project will depend on its pending environmental assessment. [ID:nLDE66Q1E3]

Deposits in commercial banks in the countries hit hardest by the euro zone debt crisis held relatively stable in June, indicating savers have not lost confidence in the countries' banking sectors, data showed on Tuesday. [ID:nLDE66Q1H3]

The European Commission has asked Greece to sell two-fifths of the capacity produced by the country's dominant power company PPC (DEHr.AT: Quote) as part of an EU/IMF bailout deal, a Commission official said on Tuesday. [ID:nLDE66Q16L]

Marfin Popular (MRBr.AT: Quote), Cyprus's second-largest lender, is not aware of any takeover proposal, a spokesman said on Tuesday after the bank's shares rose on rumours that ING (ING.AS: Quote) was planning to buy it. [ID:nLDE66Q0R2]

Alpha Bank (ACBr.AT: Quote), Greece's third-largest lender, said on Tuesday it issued a 1 billion euro ($1.29 billion) covered bond to boost liquidity. [ID:nATH005609]

The Basel Committee will scale back many of its proposals to beef up bank capital and liquidity rules, its oversight body said on Monday, signaling concessions in the face of lobbying by banks and governments. [ID:nLDE66P1Z2]

Soft drinks consumption in Greece dropped about 15 percent in the first half of the year, financial daily Imerisia reported, citing industry officials. v2.imerisia.gr -
Coca-Cola Hellenic (HLBr.AT: Quote), the world's no. 2 bottler of Coke drinks, which will report results July 29, is seen posting an 8 percent drop in second-quarter net profit.

The European Commission may issue an unfavourable decision on the planned merger of Greek airlines Aegean Air (AGNr.AT: Quote) and Olympic Air on competition grounds, financial daily To Vima reported, citing unnamed sources.

Hellenic Exchanges (EXCr.AT: Quote), the Greek stock and futures market operator, will report first-half results after the market's close.

Leftist Greek guerrilla group Rebel Sect claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the killing of a reporter last week, the first such incident in Greece for more than 20 years. [ID:nLDE66Q1ZX]

... Per i grecisti ...
Better days seen ahead for lenders


The negative atmosphere in the banking sector is showing clear signs of reversal, with the market responding favorably to reports about possible acquisition moves from abroad, although these have not been confirmed.
As the sector is still awaiting the government’s response to the Piraeus Bank proposal for the buyout of ATEbank and Hellenic Postbank (TT), many are expecting additional suitors for TT. Yesterday reports in Turkey argued that Ziraat Bank, which has branches in Athens and Komotini, has expressed an interest in ATEbank, but the Turkish state bank refuted the rumor.
Reports in Britain also noted that ING was interested in the acquisition of Marfin Popular Bank at a price of 2.20 euros per share. Marfin issued a statement rejecting the report, stressing that it was not aware of anything reported in the story.
Consequently, after months of controversy and serious doubt regarding the local credit system’s capacity to withstand pressure, worries are subsiding and there is widespread expectation of a radical restructuring in the sector.
Bank executives are exploring alternative options to the creation of large groups that the government has proposed and note the high number of bank share transactions in the stock market, which they attribute to placements by foreign institutional investors. Yesterday alone 8.05 million Alpha Bank shares changed hands, as did 5.2 million National Bank shares, 3.2 million Eurobank EFG shares and 1.5 million Piraeus Bank shares.
Such placements are welcome, the executives suggest, but they are also cautious as they monitor any combined purchases aimed at creating strategic positions.


EU/IMF Mission Sceptical On The Sustainability Of Fiscal Adjustment

The EU/IMF mission that is visiting Athens remains skeptical on the sustainability of the fiscal adjustment in the first half of the year. While they acknowledge that the budget picture is better than their expectations, they still consider it somewhat iconic, extremely fragile and easily reversible.

In late June, the budget deficit was at 9.75 million, reduced by 45.4%. The annual goal is to reduce the deficit by 39.5%. This means that mid-year deficit is lower by 1 billion compared to the government target.

Still, the auditors are concerned because in Greece derailing from the budget targets in the public sector tends to happen in the last quarter of each year, especially in public enterprises and pension funds.

Furthermore, they are concerned by a so-called "cushion" of EUR4 billion created by the artificial postponement of expenditure for the second half. First of all tax refunds on business is almost 300 million below the annual forecast, which means that this amount should be included at the end of 2010. Overall costs are reduced by 12.5% against a target of 5.5% but this is mainly due to trimming of public investment, and the delay of the state payments.

It is therefore evident that the mission feels very uncertain about both the capacity of the Ministry of Finance to maintain that cushion the costs and the ability of tax mechanism to rein in tax evasion. The ‘auditors’ did not exclude the possibility of reaching the goal deficit, but this will be due almost exclusively to reducing the decline to levels close to 3%, which means higher GDP and lighter fraction.

EU/IMF Mission Sceptical On The Sustainability Of Fiscal Adjustment

The EU/IMF mission that is visiting Athens remains skeptical on the sustainability of the fiscal adjustment in the first half of the year. While they acknowledge that the budget picture is better than their expectations, they still consider it somewhat iconic, extremely fragile and easily reversible.

In late June, the budget deficit was at 9.75 million, reduced by 45.4%. The annual goal is to reduce the deficit by 39.5%. This means that mid-year deficit is lower by 1 billion compared to the government target.

Still, the auditors are concerned because in Greece derailing from the budget targets in the public sector tends to happen in the last quarter of each year, especially in public enterprises and pension funds.

Furthermore, they are concerned by a so-called "cushion" of EUR4 billion created by the artificial postponement of expenditure for the second half. First of all tax refunds on business is almost 300 million below the annual forecast, which means that this amount should be included at the end of 2010. Overall costs are reduced by 12.5% against a target of 5.5% but this is mainly due to trimming of public investment, and the delay of the state payments.

It is therefore evident that the mission feels very uncertain about both the capacity of the Ministry of Finance to maintain that cushion the costs and the ability of tax mechanism to rein in tax evasion. The ‘auditors’ did not exclude the possibility of reaching the goal deficit, but this will be due almost exclusively to reducing the decline to levels close to 3%, which means higher GDP and lighter fraction.


Non ci sono tante belle notizie qui... :specchio:
Situazione stabile sui nostri bond. Lo spread/bund è intorno a 766 pb.
Mentre invece l'indice ASE della Borsa di Atene segna un buon livello di consolidamento intorno 1690 punti segnando un -0,08. Scambi sostenuti.
Grecia, gruppo minaccia guerriglia contro turisti e istituzioni

Reuters - 28/07/2010 15:08:45

ATENE, 28 luglio (Reuters) - Un gruppo di guerriglia urbana greco ha minacciato oggi di dare il via ad un'escalation di attacchi e mandare all'aria la stagione turistica del paese, dopo aver rivendicato l'uccisione di un giornalista la scorsa settimana.
La Setta Ribelle ha detto di essere dietro il primo omicidio di un giornalista nel paese da decenni, tramite un comunicato pubblicato oggi dal quotidiano di centro-sinistra Ta-Nea. La Polizia ha detto di ritenere attendibile il comunicato.
Sokratis Giolias, 37 anni, autore di un popolare blog, è stato raggiunto da un proiettile davanti alla sua abitazione il 19 luglio.
Il gruppo, che ha anche rivendicato l'uccisione di un poliziotto anti-terrorismo greco avvenuta ad Atene lo scorso anno, ha detto che colpirà altri poliziotti, giornalisti e guardie carcerarie.
"I turisti devono sapere che la Grecia non è più un tranquillo paradiso per il capitalismo. Vogliamo farne una zona di guerra per un processo rivoluzionario con incendi, sabotaggi, dimostrazioni di violenza, attacchi esplosivi, omicidi", ha detto il gruppo. "Siamo in guerra con la vostra democrazia".
Sei persone sono morte in Grecia per aggressioni simili quest'anno, tra cui uno stretto collaboratore del ministro degli Interni, colpito da un pacco bomba al ministero.
La minaccia di guerriglia arriva in un momento di forte crisi economica in Grecia, e segue le ferree misure di austerità che hanno dato il via a una densa stagione di scioperi.

Una stonatura del gruppo rimane il nome, "Setta dei Rivoluzionari" che mal si concilia con la vocazione ad agire in nome del "popolo" ... della "massa".
Il nome "setta" rimane spregiativo (specie nell'ambito della sinistra), difficile spiegare per quale motivo sia stato adottato.
Tutta la faccenda presenta inoltre numerose ombre, tra l'altro questo "gruppo" pare sia slegato dal contesto delle altre insorgenze greche. Mah ...
Greek June Credit Expansion Slows To 2.5% On Year

The annual growth rate of total credit expansion to domestic enterprises and households decreased further to 2.5% in June 2010, from 2.8% in May 2010 and 4.2% in December 2009, Bank of Greece said Wednesday.

Compared with May 2010, credit expansion to enterprises remained unchanged while the growth rate of credit to households further slowed down, data showed

Credit to domestic enterprises

More specifically, the net flow of credit to domestic enterprises in June 2010 amounted to EUR469 million (June 2009: EUR602 million) and the annual rate of credit expansion remained unchanged to 3.4% (December 2009: 5.1%).

The analysis of credit to enterprises by branch of economic activity showed that in June 2010 there was an acceleration in the credit extended to industry, where the annual growth rate continued to depict a negative value (June 2010: -0.6%, May 2010: -2.0%, December 2009: -3.5%), to shipping (June 2010: 6.0%, May 2010: 3.2%, December 2009: 4.0%), to electricity-gas-water (June 2010: 36.4%, May 2010: 23.0%, December 2009: 14.7%) and to the remaining branches (June 2010: 6.5%, May 2010: 5.6%, December 2009: 10.4%).

On the contrary, deceleration was recorded in the annual growth rate of credit to trade (June 2010: -1.6%, May 2010: -1.3%, December 2009: 4.2%) where credit expansion continued to depict a negative annual growth rate, to construction (June 2010: 2.2%, May 2010: 2.4%, December 2009: 2.7%), to tourism (June 2010: 4.3%, May 2010: 5.7%, December 2009: 7.8%), to communication and transport services excluding shipping (June 2010: 23.4%, May 2010: 26.1%, December 2009: 25.5%), to agriculture (June 2010: 1.1%, May 2010: 1.7%, December 2009: 3.7%), and to other financial institutions (June 2010: -3.4%, May 2010: 13.0%, December 2009: 5.8%) due to intra-group transactions.

Credit to domestic households

The net flow of credit to households in June 2010 was negative, amounting to minus EUR133 million (June 2009: plus EUR460 million) and the annual rate of credit expansion decelerated further (June 2010: 1.5%, May 2010: 2.0%, December 2009: 3.1%).

More specifically, the net flow of housing loans was positive EUR34 million in June 2010 (June 2009: EUR396 million) while its annual growth rate decelerated (June 2010: 2.5%, May 2010: 3.0%, December 2009: 3.7%).

Consumer credit depicted also a positive net flow of EUR88 million (June 2009: EUR63 million) while the annual growth rate remained basically unchanged at the level of the previous month (June 2010: 0.0%, May 2010: -0.1%, December 2009: 2.0%).

Finally, the net flow of “other loans” to households was minus EUR256 million in June 2010 (June 2009: plus EUR1 million), and the annual rate of change declined to -5,9% from 2.8% in May 2010 (December 2009: -1.1%).


Una volta difettavano nelle statistiche e nei dati taroccati, ora invece abbondano...

Bce indica nuove regole per haircut su collaterali

mercoledì 28 luglio 2010 15:38

FRANCOFORTE 28 luglio (Reuters) - Il Consiglio direttivo della Banca centrale europea ha rivisto le misure di controllo del rischio nel quadro delle attività idonee ad essere utilizzate come garanzia nelle operazioni di mercato dell'Eurosistema che entreranno in vigore dal prossimo gennaio 2011.
Le banche in sostanza dall'anno prossimo dovranno affrontare maggiori sanzioni se utilizzano come collaterale da consegnare in occasione dei finanzimanti della Bce asset con rating più basso.
Le banche in alcune parti della zona euro sono state limitate oltre misura nelle transazioni di fondi tra banche durante le crisi finanziaria e del debito, lasciandole quasi totalmente dipendenti dalla Bce per i finanziamenti, dice un comunicato.
La nuova scala graduata degli haircut della Bce copre la maggior delle garanzie accettate dalla Bce con gli haircut, con un range che va dallo 0,5% al 69,5%.
"I nuovi haircut non comportereranno un calo eccessivo delle garanzia disponibili per le controparti", ha detto la Bce in un comunicato.
Le nuove regole sono state fatte a seconda delle diverse scadenze, delle categorie di liquidità e della qualità creditizia delle attività in oggetto, sulla base di una valutazione aggiornata delle caratteristiche di rischio e l'uso effettivo delle attività idonee da parte delle controparti, dice il comunicato.
Come sapete seguo il 19 al 6.5% e ho notato oggi dopo parecchio tempo che si sono risvegliati i book! :eek:

Infatti dopo aver trascorso le ultime due settimana a tradare tra 94.8 e 96.10 adesso non se ne parla di scendere sotto i 95.8 e guarda caso è salito di un punto anche la quotazione a Francoforte :cool: di 1 punto da 73.5 a 74.5.
Sarà un segnale di ripresa???
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