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Grecia: ordigni incendiari contro consolato turco a Salonicco

18-09-2010 - 09:17

Atene, 18 set. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - La sede del consolato turco a Salonicco, nel nord della Grecia, e' stata attaccata con bombe molotov. I tre o quattro ordigni incendiari lanciati contro l'edificio non hanno pero' causato danni, ha reso noto la polizia. Un episodio analogo si era gia' verificato il 12 agosto, sempre senza che la sede consolare subisse danni. La polizia ha attibuito le due aggressioni ad estremisti ultranazionalisti. La sede del consolato e' situata vicino al luogo in cui nacque Kemal Ataturk, il fondatore della Turchia moderna ed e' un luogo che attrae sempre numerosi turisti turchi.
Darling attacks Germans over help for Greece

The euro has been permanently damaged by Germany's failure to intervene swiftly during the sovereign debt crisis earlier this year, Alistair Darling has said in an unusually frank attack.

Philip Aldrick, Economics Editor
Published: 10:23PM BST 17 Sep 2010

Alistair Darling is known to have been infuriated by Germany's failure to act swiftly as the markets scented blood, but has never before made his opinions public.

The former Chancellor, who was in 11 Downing Street when Greece, Spain and Portugal came close to economic meltdown in the spring, made his unguarded comments at a conference of senior German and British officials on Thursday.

Privately, he is known to have been infuriated by Germany's failure to act swiftly as the markets scented blood, but has never before made his opinions public.

Speaking from the audience of the Königswinter Conference, he told Germany's Economics Minister Rainer Bruederle that the country had completely failed to come to terms with its responsibilities as a leader of the eurozone. He added that its reluctance intervene quickly "will have consequences" for the political future of the bloc.
At the height of the crisis, the euro's survival was in question as market confidence evaporated from the region and Germany, paralysed by public anger about domestic taxpayers rescuing Greek workers, pushed the Mediterranean nation to the brink. Germany also bitterly resisted external help from the International Monetary Fund.
Eventually, Europe extended Greece a €110bn aid package and established an IMF-backed €750bn (£625bn) emergency fund should other nations run into trouble. But Mr Darling believes relations have been permanently damaged.
The former UK Chancellor also laid into Europe's overly-bureaucratic engine and failure to deliver change. He said he would not be surprised if, when his grandchildren had grown up, European leaders were still promising progress on the Lisbon agenda and a breakthrough on Doha.
"Unless Europe makes changes internally, its growth will be sclerotic," he said.
The UK was represented by Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, who described the Coalition's plans as "growth-friendly deficit reduction", but was forced to concede to Mr Darling that it hopes rest on little more than a gamble.
Mr Cable acknowledged that the Government's goal of stimulating private sector job creation to offset the planned 600,000 public sector job cuts was a hope, not a certainty.

PM seeks to bolster Greece abroad

After cautious encouragement from Brussels, Papandreou heads to US to boost ties, woo investors

As Prime Minister George Papandreou prepared yesterday for a trip to the US, having received messages of cautious support from his European Union counterparts in Brussels, the government spokesman indicated that bolstering Greece’s battered image abroad was as important as pushing through difficult economic reforms at home.
“Our immediate duty was to save the country [from bankruptcy],” said Giorgos Petalotis. “Now our duty is to reinforce it on an international level,” he said.
Striking back at criticism from the main conservative opposition New Democracy over the government’s agreement with its international creditors, which have pledged to lend Greece 110 billion euros, Petalotis stressed that the country’s largest deficit was its “lack of credibility on the international stage.” “We have done everything we can to convince our [EU] partners that this time the statistics we are giving them are a true reflection of reality,” Petalotis said.
The government spokesman was speaking just a few hours before Papandreou was to board a plane for the US. The premier is to attend the United Nations’ 65th General Assembly and take part in a debate on the prospects for the Greek economy at the Economic Club of New York, a respected forum for entrepreneurs and economists. During his visit, Papandreou will meet with American and US-based Greek businesspeople to discuss possible cooperation that could help Greece to boost growth and lay the groundwork for its emergence from a deepening recession. Papandreou will also have a series of meetings with diplomats in Washington, Petalotis said, without determining what issues would be on the agenda.
Meanwhile Finance Ministry officials continued their talks with members of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission – known locally as the troika – regarding Greece’s progress in gathering much-needed revenue, chiefly from tax collection, and curbing public spending. The monitors are due to depart Athens on Tuesday, leaving ministry officials with a report on the country’s progress.

Cosco, OLP to team up for bid?
Chinese giant may take part in joint offer for Thriasio; Premier Wen, CEO Wei to visit Greece end of October

By Nikos Bardounias - Kathimerini

The president and chief executive officer of the China Ocean Shipping Company (Cosco), Captain Wei Jiafu, is expected to accompany Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on a visit to Greece at the end of October, bringing with him plans for Chinese investment in local projects.
The Chinese, as stated by Wei in previous public comments, are interested in investing in Piraeus. They are also examining the prospect of teaming up with the Piraeus Port Authority (OLP) as regards investing in the Thriasio cargo management terminal, west of Athens. The Thriasio cargo terminal could act as a base to move Chinese goods into Europe, the Balkans and the Black Sea area.
The Chinese premier is expected to visit Cosco’s facilities in Piraeus along with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, according to sources.
Upon arrival in Greece, Wei is likely to meet with the chairman and CEO of OLP, Giorgos Anomeritis, in order to discuss the final details for submitting a joint bid in the international tender for the Thriasio cargo terminal to be held on November 20.
OLP has set up a logistics subsidiary in order to take part in the tender with Cosco.
The two sides have held several meetings concerning the possibility of a joint bid and are looking at whether more partners will be needed for the project, sources added.
The Thriasio cargo terminal is worth 150 million euros without taking into account the value of the land. A complete cargo management terminal will be constructed, intended to transport goods from Greece to neighboring countries. OLP views it as being of importance for the national economy and for its own growth prospects.
Apart from investments in two piers, Wei stated on his last visit to Athens that Thriasio fits into Cosco’s strategic plans to turn Piraeus into a major transport hub for Chinese products.
Despite the financial crisis, the Chinese giant has planned investments for Piraeus reaching 500 million euros within the next five years.
The agenda includes the upgrade of Pier 2, which Cosco has been operating since last June, and the construction of a third pier at Piraeus.
Coca-Cola Hellenic departs Cyprus

Coca-Cola Hellenic, the world’s second-biggest Coke drinks bottler, plans to close its Cypriot soft-drink production facilities, importing beverages to Cyprus in order to cut costs, Cypriot labor unions said yesterday.
Coca-Cola Hellenic’s Lanitis unit has decided “to close the soft-drink production and bottling line for cans and to end the [processing] of glass bottles,” the Cypriot PEO and SEK unions said in a joint e-mailed statement.
Coca-Cola Hellenic bottles Coke products, water and juices in 27 European countries and in Nigeria. In the first half of the year, the company reported revenues of 3.3 billion euros and earnings before interest and tax of 320 million euros, up 3 percent year-on-year.
No one was immediately available to comment at the company when contacted late yesterday.
“We will have a meeting with the company’s management next week at the [Cyprus] Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance,” PEO general secretary Athos Eleftheriou told Bloomberg.
“There is no chance that we will renegotiate two-year collective wage agreements that have been in place since January 1 and which are reasonable,” he said.
Closing the Cypriot production facilities would lead to the loss of 24 jobs that would add to 33 redundancies since the beginning of last year, the PEO general secretary said.
The production of soft drinks in Cyprus fell 4.4 percent in the eight months to August 31 to over 38.6 million liters, according to the Cyprus Statistical Service.
Shares in Coca-Cola Hellenic, which has a market capitalization of just over 7 billion euros, have gained 6.08 percent on the Athens bourse in the last 30 days, outperforming a 9.17 percent drop in the broader market.


Explosion de 34% du chômage en un an en Grèce

17/09/2010 15h04
Après les mauvais chiffres du chômage pour le mois de juin à 11,6% la semaine dernière, l'Autorité statistique hellénique (ELSTAT) a confirmé jeudi 16 la dégradation du marché de l'emploi en Grèce par la publication des statistiques pour le 2e trimestre 2010 portant à 494.032 le nombre des sans emploi, soit une hausse de 34,2% par rapport à la même période de 2009.

Ma oltre ai dati del mercato del lavoro dovremmo dare anche questa "precisazione" che era una notizia di luglio:

La Confédération générale des Travailleurs de Grèce (GSEE) a demandé l'activation d'urgence du dispositif de contrôle de l'Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT), faisant état d'infractions aux conventions internationales que constituent les dispositions législatives du gouvernement pour la mise en application du mécanisme de soutien UE-BCE-FMI à la Grèce.

Ai primi di settembre la Confédération générale des professionnels, artisans et commerçants de Grèce (GSEBEE) aveva poi giustamente detto:

Pour sa part, le président de la GSEBEE, Dimitris Assimacopoulos, a mis l'accent pour sa part sur des mesures immédiates de soutien aux activités économiques, relevant qu'"il n'est pas possible d'avoir un bon ordre social sans croissance", alors qu'amené à commenter les mesures de soutien du premier ministre, M. Assimacopoulos les a jugées positives, si elles sont toutefois appliquées tout de suite, sans bureaucratie.

Certo che c'è da ammirare la Grecia (il nuovo governo e le rinnovate parti sociali, non i truffatori che non avranno un esemplare processo...), uno sforzo titanico. E bisogna dire che la notizia di ieri, dell'impegno a "valorizzare" la Grecia non conosce soste. Invito a leggere attentamente quanto sotto-riportato, è un ottimo riassunto aggiornato della situazione, ovviamente in chiave positiva anche se leggo una certa equidistanza in certi passaggi. Ho evidenziato alcune parti ma si rischia di perdere l'intero scenario se letto parzialmente:
La Grèce multiplie les appels du pied aux investisserus étrangers

Publié le 17 septembre 2010 à 13:40:37 UTC
Après Londres mercredi, le ministre des Finances, Georges Papaconstantinou était à Paris jeudi pour rencontrer la ministre française de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et de l'Emploi, Christine Lagarde, précédé la veille du bras droit du premier ministre Haris Pamboukis, pour attirer des investisseurs ou des acheteurs des participations grecques dans les entreprises publiques, alors que quelques 300 chefs d'entreprise et officiels du gouvernement chinois visitaient le pavillon de la Grèce à la 14e CIFIT, la foire internationale des investissements à Xiamen.

A Londres, le ministre grec des Finances, a dressé un bilan de l'économie nationale et des dossiers liés plus particulièrement aux investissements lors d'interviews accordées aux grands médias internationaux, notamment à Bloomberg pour la télé, Reuters pour les agences d'information, Economist pour les revues financières, ainsi que Financial Times et Wall Street Journal pour les journaux.
M. Papaconstantinou a eu de trois heures avec des investisseurs internationaux, afin de les informer du programme de l'économie grecque et des opportunités d'investissements qui s'offrent à présent dans le pays, le ministre mettant l'accent sur le nouveau cadre législatif qui vise à attirer les investissements étrangers.
La visite à Paris de M. Papapconstantinou et ses rencontres avec les chefs d'entreprises française, avait été organisé par Michel Pébereau, président de BNP Paribas, lequel espère bien être le conseil du gouvernement grec pour la série de privatisations à venir. S'adressant à la presse grecque et étrangère à Paris, M. Papaconstantinou a déclaré avoir informé Mme Lagarde sur le programme économique grec, soulignant que "la France est l'un des Etats participant le plus au soutien de la Grèce".
En réponse par ailleurs à une question sur les investissements, qui figurent dûment au programme du ministre dans sa tournée en Europe, M. Papaconstantinou a informé ne pas avoir discuté de plans précis avec Mme Lagarde, mais souligné que "tant dans les programmes des restructurations que des dénationalisations que nous faisons, ainsi que dans des investissements importants étrangers en Grèce, la France participe dynamiquement".
Invité d'autre part à préciser le contenu du nouveau cadre législatif devant attirer des investissements en Grèce, le ministre s'est référé en premier lieu à la forte diminution réussie du déficit public et la promotion de tous les changements structurels, citant le nouveau système de retraites, le cadre fiscal, l'ouverture des professions fermées, toutes ces initiatives, a-t-il dit, facilitant les investissements. M. Papaconstantinou a mis l'accent enfin sur l'annonce faite par le premier ministre, Georges Papandréou, de Thessalonique, concernant la baisse des coefficients d'impôts, le dit "fast track" pour les grands investissements étrangers.
Le ministre a parlé aussi de la création d'une obligation spéciale qui serait destinée aux Grecs de la diaspora, à tous les Grecs vivant à l'étranger et qui veulent contribuer à l'effort de la Grèce, rappelant à ce titre que le nombre de Grecs vivant à l'étranger est quasiment le même que les Grecs vivant en Grèce.
Interrogé sur le problème des recettes, M. Papaconstantinou a affirmé que cette question ne préoccupe pas particulièrement le gouvernement, faisant valoir que les initiatives mises en oeuvre jusqu'à la fin de l'année permettront de couvrir une grande partie du retard existant à ce jour. Et dans tous les cas, a-t-il ajouté d'emblée, l'image est tellement bonne du côté de la limitation des dépenses que nous atteindrons assurément l'objectif du déficit pour 2010.
Concernant enfin les résultats enregistrés à ce jour dans la lutte contre l'évasion fiscale, le ministre a parlé qu'il s'agit là d'un très grand défi, le gouvernement ayant démontré depuis des mois dans des actes qu'il "réprimait sans merci" l'évasion fiscale. Nous avons, a-t-il dit, un nouveau cadre fiscal qui permet, grâce aux changements dans les moyens de poursuivre les mauvais payeurs et grâce au changement de cadre juridique, d'améliorer les recettes de l'Etat sans augmenter les coefficients d'imposition et en donnant ainsi un sentiment de justice aux citoyens.
Un discours qui tantôt s'adressait aux journalistes étrangers ignorant l'amnistie fiscale en cours contre le paiement immédiat des amendes qui sonne comme un aveu d'inefficacité de la politique de "répression sans merci", tantôt il adressait des messages à destination des journalistes grecs pour une consommation interne, puisqu'en rentrant à Athènes M. Papaconstantinou découvrira le trou des 26 milliards dans les recettes pointé par les experts de la troïka BCE-UE-FMI. Un trou à combler d'ici la fin de l'année, soit 6,5 milliards par mois !
M. Pamboulis, intime du premier ministre Georges Papandréou, plus particulièrement chargé des "investissements stratégiques" à l'occasion du remaniement gouvernemental début septembre, venu à Paris chercher conseil auprès des Jacques Attali et Daniel Cohen, n' pas été plus explicite. Tous ceux qui disposent d'un capital intéressent M. Papboukis : les armateurs grecs réfugiés à Londres, les Chinois, les Arabes du Golfe, les Français, les Allemands… pourvu qu'ils se manifestent comme les furent les Chinois de Cisco qui emportèrent le port du Pirée pour à peine plus de 3 milliards. M. Papboukis espère aussi lancer 5 nouveaux grands chantiers d'une valeur de 300 millions chacun afin de récolter 2,5 à 3 milliards d'euros soit un peu plus que les investissements étrangers de l'année dernière (2,4 mds) conjointement aux privatisations qui devraient rapporter 1 milliard d'ici 2013.
Invest in Greece à la 14e CIFIT - Intérêt confirmé des investisseurs chinois

Plus de 300 chefs d'entreprise chinois et officiels du gouvernement ont rencontré les cadres de Invest in Greece à la 14e CIFIT (China International Fair for Investment Trade) à Xiamen, le pavillon grec accueillant les visiteurs sous la bannière "Grèce: Bienvenue à la nouvelle ère d'investissements".
Les investisseurs potentiels se sont intéressés tout particulièrement au real estate (immobilier), aux énergies renouvelables et à la création d'un Centre de pièces détachées homologuées pour les technologies avancées, mais également aux projets s'inscrivant dans le Partenariat secteurs public et privé (SDIT).
Notons que la participation de Invest in Greece s'inscrit dans le cadre du programme stratégique de 2010 pour la promotion et le soutien des investissements étrangers en Grèce, et constitue aussi le prolongement de la visite officielle de la ministre de l'Economie, de la Compétitivité et de la Marine, Louka Katseli, à la récente World Expo 2010 à Shanghai.
Invest in Greece avait pour objectif de présenter au cours d'un séminaire 150 propositions d'investissements dans le tourisme, les énergies alternatives, les technologies, l'alimentation, la santé, la gestion des déchets - toute chose d'un accès facile sur un "portefeuille d'investissements électronique" - Investment e-Book. Y sont également répertoriés les actions et politiques du gouvernement dans le domaine des dénationalisations et de la mise en valeur des biens publics, tout comme les grands changements apportés dans le cadre institutionnel cette dernière année pour faciliter les investissements.

Buona continuazione e grazie a tutti per la vostra collaborazione, Tommy, Imark, Gaudente, ecc. ecc. ecc. (scusatemi ma alcuni nick sono anche difficili da ricordare). PS. grazie a questo forum ho evitato di essere solo (ma non avrei comunque venduto) e ringrazio di nuovo tutti!
Ieri sera. Ancora piccoli movimenti senza particolare significato.

Vediamo un po' come procede: se ci sono movimenti significativi nei prezzi o eventi che giustificano aspettative per movimenti di questo tipo, vale la pena di continuare il monitoraggio giorno per giorno, altrimenti farei come ho fatto in passato: tornerei ad un punto settimanale, e riprenderei a monitorare day-by-day al verificarsi di situazioni di novità, giusto per il evitare il "nulla da segnalare".

Anche perché, trattandosi di una maratona, è bene evitare di affrontarla, anche psicologicamente, con il passo del centometrista... ;)

il 2013 - 84,62 (BBML) 84,80 (Xtrakter);
il 2014 - 80,30 (BBML) 80,50 (Xtrakter);
il 2015 - 79,03 (BBML) 79,24 (Xtrakter);
il 2016 - 66,95 (BBML) 67,12(Xtrakter);
il 2017 - 65,16 (BBML) 65,19 (Xtrakter);
il 2018 - 64,03 (BBML) 64,15 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6% 67,65 (BBML) 67,81 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6.5% 69,56 (BBML) 69,62 (Xtrakter);
il 2022 - 63,46 (BBML) 63,68 (Xtrakter);
il 2024 - 59,08 (BBML) 59,19 (Xtrakter);
il 2026 - 60,90 (BBML) 61,26 (Xtrakter);
il 2037 - 56,12 (BBML) 56,30 (Xtrakter);
il 2040 - 56,05 (BBML) 56,33 (Xtrakter);

GGBei 2025 - 50,80 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter
GGBei 2030 - 45,63 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter

Ieri sera. Calma piatta, su tutte le lunghezze, volumi balneari tanto da noi che sui retail market tedeschi... direi che - salvo eventi nuovi - ci si aggiorna alla prossima settimana... ;)

il 2013 - 84,64 (BBML) 84,91 (Xtrakter);
il 2014 - 80,31 (BBML) 80,28 (Xtrakter);
il 2015 - 79,04 (BBML) 79,06 (Xtrakter);
il 2016 - 66,84 (BBML) 66,90 (Xtrakter);
il 2017 - 65,15 (BBML) 65,25 (Xtrakter);
il 2018 - 63,89 (BBML) 64,03 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6% 67,59 (BBML) 68,08 (Xtrakter);
il 2019 6.5% 69,55 (BBML) 69,68 (Xtrakter);
il 2022 - 63,66 (BBML) 63,86 (Xtrakter);
il 2024 - 59,31 (BBML) 59,02 (Xtrakter);
il 2026 - 61,33 (BBML) 61,53 (Xtrakter);
il 2037 - 56,27 (BBML) 56,63 (Xtrakter);
il 2040 - 56,35 (BBML) 56,93 (Xtrakter);

GGBei 2025 - 50,38 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter
GGBei 2030 - 45,78 (BBML), non significativo su Xtrakter

“Greece trick to bend on bonds”, is written on the online edition of “Focus” newspaper reported in “Diaspora Bonds” and notes: “No investor is willing to lend Greece. So, the Greek government is now targeted in the Greeks patriotism.” The comment in the financial newspaper “Handelsblatt” is more ironic than that:”The act of invention. Now, Greeks abroad should help Greeks overcome their debts. Using the “Diaspora Bond” Mr. Papakonstantinou (photo) seek to benefit from the Greek property abroad. But why stopping there? There ‘s always the possibility of putting a solidarity tax at the Gyros sold in the Greek restaurants abroad or extra tax in beverages and food of Greek stores, or additionally, trying the successful model of “Tupperware” parties in order to promote not plastics utensils but the bonds instead.”

(Greek Reporter.gr)

The relics of Saint Spyridon will be delivered to the Cathedral of Christ the Savor in Moscow from Corfu today. Spyridon was born in Cyprus in 270 and was known for his great piety. He eventually became the Bishop of Tremithous. He went down in history after he proved the essence of the Trinity at the First Ecumenical Council. He was honored for the rare gift of clairvoyance and for the rare ability to cure the sick by prayer, exorcize demons, and resurrect the dead. In Russia Saint Spyridon is worshipped for his assistance in softening the heart, settling conflicts, and acquiring Christian love. The relics will remain in Moscow until October 6th . They will then be transferred to St.Petersburg.

(Greek Reporter.gr)
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