Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (6 lettori)

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Utente Senior
Buona domenica anche a te, cielo azzurro anche in Lombardia (non manzoniano).
Credo sia buona cosa un allungamento del piano: però noi sui forum possiamo fare solo accademia cercando di analizzare a 360 gradi, quello che a ristretti livelli forse è già in fase avanzata.
E, facendo solo previsioni, potrei dire che la copertura potrebbe essere allungata di altri 5 anni sino al 2018 andando a coprire tutte le vecchie emissioni a basso valore cedolare (sotto il 5%) a cui si potrebbe chiedere un concambio con maggiore resa e allungamento dei tempi.
Sia chiaro, son solo ipotesi campate in aria ... nel cielo azzurro di Lombardia.
Tutto, ovviamente, su base volontaria.

si parlava di estensione a 10 anni, ne hai già tolti 2 !!!;)


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Papandréou invente l'austérité responsable !

Publié le 17 septembre 2010 à 16:05:13 UTC

"Le mot austérité devrait être remplacé par le mot responsabilité", a déclaré le premier ministre, Georges Papandréou, à l'issue des travaux du Conseil européen jeudi à Bruxelles, reconnaissant toutefois que le problème le plus important que connaît la Grèce [ou son gouvernement, ndlr] est celui du manque de crédibilité.
Toujours prompt à théoriser, M. Papandréou a expliqué que la responsabilité concernait trois secteurs : la gestion des agrégats macroéconomiques, la dette et les déficits, le développement stratégique pour créer de nouveaux emplois et qui rendra l'économie plus compétitive, et le passage à de nouvelles infrastructures et sources d'énergie renouvelable.
Se référant à la question à l'agenda du Sommet, a savoir les sanctions discutées dans le cadre de la gouvernance économique de l'UE, le premier ministre a clairement dit que la Grèce n'a pas d'objections si un programme juste est suivi, relevant que "si ce mécanisme avait existé il y a quelques années, la Grèce ne se trouverait pas là où elle est en ce moment".
M. Papandréou - toujours à propos du suivi - a insisté que doivent être considérées les données budgétaires mais aussi la croissance, alors que pour les sanctions il a déclaré qu'elles doivent être justes et ne pas être imposées seulement aux Etats-membres mais aux grands instituts financiers qui encouragent l'évasion fiscale sous forme de paradis fiscaux.
M. Papandréou a tenu à souligner que lors de ces entretiens avec les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, il avait retenu les réactions positives d'encouragement aux efforts du gouvernement pour sortir de la crise économique.
Enfin, sur le dossier des partenaires stratégiques de l'UE (Russie, Chine, Inde, Brésil), à l'agenda aussi du Sommet, le chef du gouvernement a salué la volonté de l'UE de renforcer son rôle au plan mondial et noté que peu avant le sommet euro-asiatique ASEM, qui aura lieu le mois prochain avec la Chine et la Corée du Sud, le premier ministre chinois sera en visite officielle en Grèce, un fait qui montre les bonnes relations entre la Grèce et la Chine et l'intérêt des investisseurs chinois.


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Grecia:sondaggi,vantaggio dei socialisti

Nonostante malcontento sociale per piano austerita' del governo

19 settembre, 17:45

(ANSA)- ATENE, 19 SET -Ampio vantaggio dei socialisti al governo in Grecia nei sondaggi rispetto ai conservatori, all'opposizione, nonostante il piano di austerita'.

Forte e' infatti il malcontento sociale per la crisi e le misure di austerita' imposte dal governo di Papandreou. Il Pasok otterrebbe il 34,6% dei consensi, contro il 25,6 del partito di centrodestra Nea Demokratia. Il sondaggio evidenzia pero' come il 64% degli interpellati ritenga non adeguate le misure per contrastare la crisi.


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Grecia: rivolta trasportatori, camion assediano Atene

Centinaia di camion, che assediano Atene per la rivolta dei trasportatori contro la liberalizzazione del settore, bloccano da stamane una delle principali direttrici stradali che porta alla capitale, dopo che la polizia ha impedito loro di marciare sulla città.

Oltre 800 autocarri, riferiscono i media, sono concentrati alle porte della capitale greca sotto l'occhio vigile della polizia. Stamani hanno tentato di marciare sulla capitale in vista del voto di domani in parlamento per la legge, alla quale si oppongono, che deve liberalizzare il settore. La polizia ha impedito loro di procedere e si è formato un blocco stradale sulla superstrada che da Corinto conduce alla capitale. Il traffico è stato deviato. Altri 300 camion assediano la città settentrionale di Salonicco.

Gli autotrasportatori chiedono soprattutto l'estensione del periodo di transizione da tre a cinque anni. "Non abbiamo più nulla da perdere", ha detto il loro presidente, Giorgio Tzortzatos, di fronte al rifiuto del governo.

Le associazioni commerciali hanno denunciato problemi di rifornimenti alimentari e avvertito che esiste il rischio di una penuria di carburanti, come quella di luglio quando il paese fu messo in ginocchio dalla prima lunga protesta dei camionisti.



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Grecia: Ft, slittano a fine ottobre stress test Atene

ATENE - Gli 'stress test' per verificare la tenuta delle banche greche slittano di un mese a fine ottobre, in attesa che i maggiori istituti di credito ellenici possano completare i previsti aumenti di capitale.Lo scrive il Financial Times secondo cui a prendere la decisione, assieme alla banca centrale greca, sarebbero state la Banca centrale europea e il Fondo monetario internazionale.
La banca più grande della Grecia, National Bank of Greece, deve completare un aumento di capitale da 1,7 miliardi di euro il prossimo mese, e martedì il Tesoro greco dovrebbe svolgere un'asta di titoli trimestrali.



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Prime Minister George Papandreou discussed the Cyprus issue, the name issue of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM), issues of Greek interest, the Middle East question, climatic change and the goals of the millennium in his meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the international Organisation's headquarters in NewYork on Sunday.

The prime minister expressed his satisfaction, saying that he had a "very constructive meeting" with the head of the UN.

A written statement by the Organisation's Secretariat said that "the discussion included the issues of economic recovery, the monetary crisis, the climatic change and regional political issues, such as the peace process in the Middle East and Iran."

It was then pointed out that "the secretary general encouraged Greece to continue to help in the continuation of the momentum in the peace process for Cyprus. The secretary general and the prime minister exchanged views on the course of negotiations between Athens and Skopje on the issue of the name."

Speaking after the meeting, Papandreou said "I had a very constructive meeting with the General Secretary of the UN, Ban Ki-moon. We discussed in general the issues that concern international developments. Greece always is and remains a strong supporter, not only of international law, but of institutions as well, as is the UN, in the global governance, promoting special issues, the goals of the millennium, that have to do with the combatting of inequality, social injustice and poverty. And for this reason Ban Ki-moon thanked us for our stance and our active role.

"We also had the opportunity to set out our initiatives as well in this framework, particularly with regard to the Eastern Mediterranean and the possibility of us tackling the major problem of climatic change, in a developmental and constructive way. In this framework, a session will be held in Athens, on October 22, with the participation of many leaders of the wider region."

Referring to the issue of Cyprus, the prime minister said "I stressed once again that it is my conviction that the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Demetris Christofias, is the man who has every will and he is proving this in practice on a daily basis, for there to be a solution to the Cyprus question with the reunification of Cyprus always within the framework of UN resolutions and the EU acquis communautaire."

Papandreou further said that "Greece fully supports the initiatives of the President of the Republic of Cyprus and that outside pressures and interventions, which are unproductive, do not always help the promotion of a serious and substantive dialogue between the two communities. Something that, of course, both the Turkish government and Mr. (Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip) Erdogan must be aware of."

The prime minister also referred to the issue of fYRoM's name, saying "we discussed the issue of the name. As we stressed, we have proved our will for a mutually acceptable solution, always within the framework of our positions and the red lines that are clear. Our will exists and, of course, we are expecting the necessary will from the other side for there to be a solution."

Lastly, Papandreou said that a discussion took place as well "on the wider region of the Middle East, the Palestinian issue, Iran, as well as on the contacts I had, as well as Mr. Droutsas in the wider region, highlighting Greece's role again as a player for the support of the peace process."


Questioni geopolitiche.


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Treasury Two-Year Yield Near Record Low as Federal Reserve May Cut Outlook

By Wes Goodman - Sep 20, 2010 7:51 AM GMT+0200 Mon Sep 20 05:51:36 GMT 2010

Treasury two-year yields were two basis points away from a record low on speculation the Federal Reserve will scale back its outlook for economic growth at a policy meeting tomorrow.
Officials will take additional steps to keep borrowing costs low at a subsequent meeting, according to Mohamed A. El- Erian, chief executive officer at Pacific Investment Management Co., which runs the world’s biggest bond fund. The Fed is scheduled to buy notes maturing from September 2016 to August 2020 today as part of its effort to sustain the expansion.
“I’m bearish on the economy and quite bullish on Treasuries,” said Chungkeun Oh, a fixed-income trader in Seoul at Industrial Bank of Korea, South Korea’s largest lender to small- and medium-sized companies. “The Fed’s intention is to make long-term Treasury yields go lower.” Oh said he bought Treasuries last week.
Two-year notes yielded 0.47 percent as of 6:47 a.m. in London, according to BGCantor Market Data, versus the record low of 0.45 percent set Aug. 24. The 0.375 percent security due in August 2012 traded at 99 26/32. Ten-year yields were little changed at 2.74 percent.
Slower than-expected economic growth has fueled speculation the Fed will expand its program of Treasury purchases or announce other measures as it tries to keep benchmark interest rates low.
The Fed will introduce extra measures “but probably not at this meeting,” El-Erian wrote in an opinion piece on ft.com’s ftalphaville website. “It should and, I suspect, will,” trim its growth projections, said El-Erian, who is based in Newport Beach, California.
Buying Debt
At the central bank’s most recent meeting on Aug. 10, the Fed said it would reinvest principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in longer- maturity Treasuries.
The possibility of a sub-par expansion poses a dilemma for Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. While the economy isn’t so weak as to need more stimulus, it may not be strong enough to keep unemployment from increasing.
Twenty-seven of 58 economists surveyed by Bloomberg this month see growth in 2011 below the 2.5 percent to 2.8 percent pace Fed policy makers peg as the long-term trend. Twenty-eight see the jobless rate rising above last month’s 9.6 percent sometime in the next nine months.
The difference between yields on 10-year notes and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, a gauge of trader expectations for consumer prices, was 1.78 percentage points, less than the five-year average of 2.11 percentage points.
Signs of growth in the economy are making Roger Bridges at Tyndall Investment Management Ltd. bet against Treasuries.
“Yields are unjustifiable here,” said Bridges, who oversees the equivalent of $14.9 billion in Sydney at the unit of Australia’s largest insurer. “There are a lot of positives in the U.S. economy. People are more pessimistic than they should be.”
Home sales probably increased in August, a sign the U.S. real estate market is stabilizing, economists said before reports this week.
Less Bearish
Investors in a weekly survey by Ried Thunberg ICAP, a unit of the world’s largest inter-dealer broker, were less bearish on Treasuries. Ried’s index on the outlook for U.S. debt through June rose to 44 for the seven days ended Sept. 17 from 43 the week before. A figure less than 50 indicates that investors expect prices to fall.
Economic woes spread to Europe last week, where Irish bonds led declines by the debt of so-called peripheral euro-region countries on concern the nation’s banks will require further government aid. Now Germany’s biggest bond dealers say the worst is over.
Yields on government bonds of Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal will fall to within 2.2 percentage points of benchmark German bunds on average within the next two years from 4.61 percentage points last week, according to a Bloomberg survey of 15 banks that trade directly with Germany’s debt agency. HSBC Holdings Plc, Europe’s largest bank by market value, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Societe Generale SA advise buying securities sold by Greece.
Bond dealers are confident austerity measures will be enough to damp speculation the 16-nation currency union is in jeopardy of falling apart. Gross domestic product in the region will likely increase 1.7 percent this year instead of the 0.9 percent projected at the depth of the crisis in May, the European Commission said Sept. 13. Banks were given more time to raise capital levels to meet new regulations, reducing the likelihood they will need additional government aid.
“All the policy backstops have put a floor under the downside risks for peripheral euro-region bonds,” said Michael Vaknin, a senior fixed-income strategist in London at Goldman Sachs. “Spreads are near their records, but the EU and International Monetary Fund have pledged their support and opportunities are starting to emerge.”


Parole di scualo ...


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The prime minister of Greece, George Papandreou will announce the creation of the Investment Board, on Wednesday. According to information, eminent Greek Americans as well as fellow-greeks millionaires will participate in this establishment. The minister of state, Xaris Pampoukis will be responsible for the government while Andrew Liveris will be responsible for the coordination of Greek Americans. A breakfast will be given in honour of the fellow-greeks at the hotel Le Parker Meridien in New York. Among those who were invited will be: George Tsounis of Chartwell Hotels, John Calamos of Calamos Investments, John Katsimatidis of Red Apple Co., James Tseinos of Kynikos Associates- the biggest short seller in U.S.A.-, John Georges of Georges Enterprises, Peter Georgopoulos of General Maritime Group, Jim Giannopoulos of Fox Filmed Entertainment, Venetia Kontogouri of Trident Capital, Ted Leonsis of Washington Capitals, Elisabeth Linou, Dennis Mehiel of Four M Investments LLC and of U.S Corrugated Inc., Dean Mitropoulos of of C.Dean Metropoulos and Company, James Moschovitis of Marsh Enterprises, Peter Papas of PJ Mechanical, George Sakellaris, of Amersco, Chris Spiropoulos of BC International Group Inc. and last but not least Kiriakos Tsakopoulos of AKT Development Corp. According to sources, an invitation has been sent to the creator of Blackberry, Mail Lazaridis.

(Greek Reporter.gr)

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