Greece Veering Off Target
By Charles Forelle
Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou mused on a television program last night that his country might take longer than originally thought to pay back the €110 billion it borrowed from other euro-zone nations and the IMF.
Now why might he want to do that?
One answer comes in Greece’s monthly budget-execution reports, the most recent of which was released late last night. The upshot: Greece is very far from reaching the government-revenue targets built in to its deficit-reduction plan. Greece simply isn’t raking in enough cash. (On the plus side, at least revenue in September didn’t
fall, as it
did in August.)
Some figures, all from the “ordinary budget,” which is the vast bulk of it:
In the first nine months of this year, Greece took in €36.5 billion. In the same period last year, it took in €35.2 billion. So it’s running roughly €1.2 billion ahead of schedule. Problem is, it needs to end the year up by €6.6 billion if it’s to meet its original plan. That will require a big acceleration in the fourth quarter.
How big?
Greece brought in €13.3 billion in the fourth quarter of 2009. It’ll need 40% more–€18.6 billion–this time around.
That is, needless to say, all but impossible.
Greece has tried to make the task a bit easier by moving the goalposts. Last month, it released a fresh set of targets after an August “review.”
Instead of shooting for €55.1 billion in revenue this year, Greece is hoping for €52.7 billion. That implies the fourth-quarter jumps needs only to be 22%, which is still an awfully long stretch.
Still with us? Let’s go back to those moving goalposts.
Greece’s central-government deficit was €30.8 billion last year. (Wow!) This figure appears to exclude certain military expenditures, as well as costs related to social-security funds and local governments, but it’s a very good proxy for the overall fiscal hole.
Basically, Greece wants to chop about €12 billion off that number. Of the €12 billion, €1.5 billion will come from messing around with the “Public Investment Program.” That leaves €10.5 billion.
Greece’s original plan–hammered out with EU authorities during the spring’s bailout mania–whacked €4 billion off expenditures and added some €6.5 billion in revenue. That gets you to €10.5 billion.
As it became clear that the revenue goal was a fantasy, Greece changed it. Now the plan is to add €4.2 billion revenue and cut €5.6 billion in expenses.
Astute readers whose brains haven’t exploded will note that that doesn’t total €10.5 billion.
Yet in a Sept. 4 press release, Greece trumpeted that the new plan actually produces a total deficit slightly
below the original plan. How’s that happen?
Recall the ancillary stuff not part of the central government. One chunk is spending on military equipment; under EU accounting rules, such purchases must be recorded when gear is delivered. In its new plan, Greece cuts €1.6 billion off the military-equipment delivery number. That pulls the total deficit down below the original projection, even though the central government figure is higher. It isn’t clear if Greece is swearing off the defense purchases, or just delaying them.
Whether Greece does meet its targets–even the closer ones–is hard to foresee. The country has had better luck cutting spending than raising revenue, so it remains possible that a fourth-quarter binge of austerity may save the day.
But one can see why Mr. Papaconstantinou might want some more time.
Greece Wrestles With Deficit, But Revenue is Hard to Pin Down - Real Time Brussels - WSJ