Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Stendiamo un velo pietoso, se questo figuro diverrà presidente del Bce saranno guai... :down:

Bce, programma acquisto bond va eliminato - Weber
FRANCOFORTE, 12 ottobre (Reuters) - Il programma di acquisto di titoli della Banca centrale europea non ha funzionato e andrebbe eliminato. A dirlo è il governatore della Bundesbank, Axel Weber, da sempre oppositore dell'iniziativa partita a maggio e destinata a sostenere il mercato dei titoli di Stato dell'euro.
"Non ci sono prove che gli acquisti di attività abbiano avuto effetti significativi sulla media dei rendimenti dei titoli di Stato dell'area euro", afferma Weber nel testo di un discorso pronunciato a New York.
"Dal momento che i rischi associati ai programmi su attività di mercato superano i benefici, questi acquisti di titoli andrebbero eliminati in maniera permanente".

Mi pare che Weber sia partito d'anticipo già in primavera.
Di solito quelli che tirano la volata non arrivano mai primi ...:lol:.
Tra l'altro anche in Germania non è troppo ben visto.
Se non sbaglio dovrebbe avere un incontro riservato all'ambasciata francese, tra qualche giorno, per tastare il polso ai cugini d'oltralpe.

Guardavo adesso il nostro spread/bund sul decennale, anche oggi è sceso un bel pò: siamo a 692 pb.
Ieri giornata molto forte per la Grecia OTC.

Domani farò un aggiornamento prezzi infrasettimanale per seguire meglio questo movimento...

Tutte le scadenze sono ora sotto il 10% lordo in termini di rendimento... ;)
Ciao e benvenuto a bordo.
Come diceva il buon maestro Manzi: non è mai troppo tardi ...
La validità del tuo ingresso potremo vederla nei prossimi giorni: certamente i nostri GGB di strada da percorrere ne hanno tanta, nel frattempo qualche passo in avanti l'hanno già fatto.
Speriamo sia solo l'inizio e non i classici "due passi in avanti ed uno indietro".

Per altri titoli HY prova a dare un'occhiata in giro per il forum, qui solo TdS "made in Grecia".
I corporate li trattiamo di striscio, non essendo quotati in Italia, perlopiù troverai notizie di bancari ed in subordine di aziende in via di privatizzazione.

Grazie mille e speriamo bene!
vi regalo una speranza, tratta da Plus 24 di sabato, pagina 8, colonna 3, previsione di Citi Foreign Exchange (non conosco), a 3-6 mesi spread con il Bund sotto il 6%.
Ora è a 769.
Vorrebbe dunque dire rendimento netto di circa il 7,4% ovvero quotazione del decennale sugli 85, mal contato.
Correggetemi se sbaglio.

ha fatto quasi metà del percorso indicato
Ieri giornata molto forte per la Grecia OTC.

Domani farò un aggiornamento prezzi infrasettimanale per seguire meglio questo movimento...

Tutte le scadenze sono ora sotto il 10% lordo in termini di rendimento... ;)

Bene Imark, solo un mese fa su queste quotazioni di oggi nessuno avrebbe scommesso :up:. Speriamo che continui........ e tutti saranno fuori dai problemi :)
Ciao, Giuseppe
Anche ieri abbiamo osservato un restringimento notevole sugli spread/bund con movimenti giornalieri regolari intorno ai 30 pb.

Tutta la "questione" greca è vittima di una speculazione molto pesante: si è visto con il crollo delle quotazioni, qualche settimana dopo l'avvio del pacchetto di salvataggio. Si vede ora con la ripresa dei corsi, nonostante siano attesi dati di sforamento molto più alti del previsto sul deficit/pil.

La cura di ferro impostata da Papandreou comunque prosegue, i dati che escono sono incoraggianti. Ogni sforzo andrà ora rivolto verso la crescita, di questo l'esecutivo ellenico ne è consapevole: la prossime privatizzazioni da un lato alleggeriranno il peso in carico allo stato, dall'altro dovrebbero favorire il ritorno degli investimenti.
Gli appetiti ci sono, la volontà politica di uscirne a testa alta pure.

Nel frattempo la situazione politica interna va surriscaldandosi in attesa delle amministrative di novembre che saranno un test sulla tenuta del governo: al momento i sondaggi danno ancora in vantaggio il Pasok.

Intanto gli altri "periferici" sono ancora in una sorta di limbo: Irlanda e Portogallo boccheggiano mentre Spagna e Italia mantengono le posizioni.

Grecia 697 pb. (731)
Irlanda 425 pb. (n.d)
Portogallo 409 pb. (400)
Spagna 177 pb. (173)
Italia 147 pb. (145)
Greece raises 1.17 billion euros in six-month treasury bills​

English.news.cn 2010-10-13 00:36:08

ATHENS, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Greece raised 1.17 billion euros (1.61 billion U.S. dollars) Tuesday in an auction of six-month treasury bills, the Greek Debt Management Agency (GDMA) said.

The agency had originally aimed to raise 900 million euros (1.24 billion U.S. dollars), but the demand from domestic and foreign investors was so high that eventually 1.17 billion euros was received at an interest rate of 4.54 percent, lower than 4.82 percent secured in a similar sale in September.

The outcome of the sale is regarded as a positive sign that confidence in the Greek national economy is rising, said local officials and analysts.
GDMA head Petros Christodoulou was optimistic about Tuesday's result, and the future, noting that 27 percent of the treasury bills were bought by foreigners.

Greek analysts said the attitude toward debt-ridden Greece had improved in the past few weeks, as, apart from the latest treasury bill sale, the spread of the Greek 10-year bond on the international markets had also dropped from over 1,000 basis points to less than 700.

According to the timetable set by the Greek government, the monthly treasury bill auctions will continue until 2011, when the country fully returns to the international markets to borrow money at interest rates more reasonable than those Athens received earlier this year.

For the time being, Greece is dependent on a 110-billion-euro (152.2 billion U.S. dollars) support mechanism jointly provided by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund this spring to assist the country's ailing economy over the next three years.

In exchange, Athens has pledged to implement a package of austerity measures and drastic structural reforms to readdress pressing financial woes.
Weber Says ECB Should Phase Out Bond Purchases `Now'

By Gabi Thesing and Rainer Buergin - Oct 13, 2010 1:55 AM GMT+0200 Tue Oct 12 23:55:56 GMT 2010

European Central Bank Governing Council member Axel Weber said the ECB should stop its bond- purchase program, threatening to remove a lifeline for European governments and banks trying to shore up their finances.
“These securities purchases should now be phased out permanently,” said Weber, who also heads Germany’s Bundesbank, in a speech delivered in New York yesterday. With policy makers debating when to withdraw other emergency measures, Weber said the risk of “exiting too late” is greater than the danger of “exiting too early.”

The remarks, the strongest from any ECB official advocating a removal of stimulus, came as governments and banks in Ireland, Portugal and Greece struggle to convince investors they can fix their budgets and balance sheets in the aftermath of this year’s sovereign debt crisis. The intervention may also influence some European leaders as they decide who to appoint as the next ECB president when Jean-Claude Trichet retires next year.

“His comments certainly didn’t do his ambitions for the ECB presidency any favors,” said Jacques Cailloux, chief European economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, in London.“At the same time, he is being true to himself and he is speaking as the president of a central bank in a country where the economy is booming and where interest rates are far too low.”

European bond markets were closing as Weber’s remarks were published at 6 p.m. Frankfurt time. The euro was little changed and traded at $1.3870 at 8:07 p.m. in Frankfurt.

EU Push

The ECB started buying bonds in May as part of a European Union-wide push to rescue the euro after the Greek crisis threatened to undermine the 16-nation currency bloc. The purchases, criticized by Weber on the day they were announced, aimed to smooth the functioning of European bond markets, which were roiled as investors speculated on whether Greece, Ireland and Portugal would default on debts.

That didn’t stop the extra yield that investors demand to hold Irish and Portuguese 10-year bonds over German bunds climbing to records as recently as Sept. 28. The Irish spread was at 422 basis points yesterday and Portugal’s at 398 points. Greece’s premium was at 679 points.
Weber, who said in an interview in August that good central bankers don’t necessarily need to be diplomats, said “there is no evidence that asset purchases have had any significant impact on average euro-area sovereign bond yields.”

Reinvigorating Rules

Providing Greece with a 110 billion-euro ($153 billion) lifeline to repay its debt violated the region’s no-bailout rule, Weber said. The clause, which forbids countries to pay for the debt of others, “needs to be reinvigorated.”
At the same time, “it wouldn’t be bad” if buyers of newly issued euro-region government bonds were forced to contribute to a “crisis resolution regime,” he said. A clause that makes senior debt holders partly responsible “could be a useful instrument.”

Weber is regarded by economists as a frontrunner to succeed Trichet when his non-renewable eight-year term at the ECB expires in just over a year. Trichet regularly characterizes his job as acting like a spokesman for the ECB’s 22-member board.

Weber Defense

“It’s a role Weber would certainly have to grow into,” said Klaus Baader, co-chief European economist at Societe Generale in London. “At the same time, don’t forget for now he’s the president of the Bundesbank and not the ECB. He’ll have to defend the Bundesbank’s position against the interests of some of the other central banks in the euro area, whose economies have different needs.”

Germany’s economy expanded 2.2 percent in the second quarter, the fastest since the country’s reunification in 1990, and business confidence in September jumped to a three-year high. By contrast, Irish manufacturing and services shrank last month and Spain’s jobless rate touched 20.5 percent in August. Portugal’s economy may shrink 1.4 percent next year, the International Monetary Fund forecasts.
Weber’s language contrasts with Trichet’s reluctance to plot out the ECB’s exit strategy. Speaking in New York yesterday, Trichet reiterated his line that the ECB will wait until the end of the year to decide its next step.

Unsettling Markets

“It could be seen as an attempt by Weber to seize the agenda,” said Ken Wattret, chief euro-area economist at BNP Paribas in London. “It doesn’t sound very much like what Trichet said last week and that risks muddying the waters and unsettling markets.”
Still, Weber said in his speech that ECB policy is currently “appropriate,” signaling he sees no immediate need to raise interest rates. Trichet said the same last week and repeated the remark in New York yesterday.

The ECB is currently debating how long to leave its emergency stimulus measures in place and how they should be removed when the council decides to head for the exit. Since August 2007, the ECB has been offering banks as much money as they need at its benchmark interest rate. It has also cut that key rate to a record low of 1 percent.
Weber said it’s necessary “not to postpone the exit from non-standard measures for too long,” he said.
The ECB is concerned that some banks in the euro region have become overly reliant on its funds, making it harder to withdraw that liquidity without roiling financial markets.

High Bids

Weber said one risk of shifting its regular refinancing operations back to a floating interest rate is that distressed banks will place “high bids” for cash, which could translate into higher market rates than before the crisis started.
Still, that issue could be addressed by offering banks “generous” sums in its main operations, he said. That could then be followed by a gradual ‘phasing-out process” in a “step-by-step reduction of the allotment amounts, broadly in line with the estimated decline in banks’ demand for surplus liquidity.”

“Short-term money market rates would, over time, remain close to the level of the key policy rate without undue volatility,” he said.

ECB Outlook

Weber, viewed by economists as one of the Europe’s toughest inflation fighters, also said that the ECB could raise interest rates “before the phasing-out of non-standard measures has been finished.”
Weber warned governments and investors that the ECB can’t be expected to help out individual financial institutions in distress.

“Our operational measures cannot provide the solution to the problems still plaguing that part of the banking sector that has limited access to the interbank market,” he said. “Shareholders and governments solely remain responsible for resolving remaining undercapitalization and funding issues at individual financial institutions and will have to undertake greater resolution efforts” as emergency measures are phased out.

EURO GOVT-Bonds open 2/3 point lower after Weber comments

LONDON | Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:25am EDT

LONDON Oct 13 (Reuters) - German government bond futures opened lower on Wednesday after a European Central Bank official said Europe's economy was on a "stable path" toward recovery in remarks traders interpreted as supporting the bank's exit strategy.

ECB Governing Board member Axel Weber also said after the European settlement close on Tuesday that ECB bond-buying, aimed at stabilising intra-euro zone bond yield spreads, had been a failure and should end. [ID:nN12121001]

"Weber's comments have been interpreted as negative for peripherals but also for Bunds, because he talked about economic recovery and it supports the idea that ECB liquidity will not be extended," Eamon Reilly, a bond trader at Davy Stockbrokers in Dublin said.

The December Bund future FGBLc1 was down 65 ticks on the day at 131.36. The contract reversed gains in after hours trade on Tuesday to close at 131.48, down more than half a point from the settlement close of 132.01.

"Weber's comments may have been excessive but most traders are only now reacting to the news. But this will have a more pronounced effect on peripheral debt that's been bought by the ECB, like Greece, Portugal and Ireland," a dealer in London said.
The dealer added that better-than-forecast results from computer chipmaker Intel looked set to buoy equities and dent Bunds too.
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