Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Welcome signs of consensus

One can only welcome the fact that Greece’s conservative opposition has decided to vote in favor of proposed legislation to overhaul the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE).

The New Democracy party, led by Antonis Samaras, is showing signs that it is willing to cooperate with the Socialist government of Prime Minister George Papandreou by throwing its weight behind some painful, albeit necessary reforms. The conservatives may have to sacrifice some votes on the way, but the sorry state of the country’s finances leaves no room for political expediency.

By supporting the government’s efforts to open up the road freight sector and, more recently, by voting for the bill to reform OSE, New Democracy has sent the Socialists a clear sign of its willingness to cooperate.

Let’s hope that ruling PASOK will respond by taking steps that will lead to a much-needed national consensus on fundamental issues such as the long-delayed changes to Greece’s educational system and the crackdown on corruption.


Acropolis Site Closed For Third Day

The Acropolis archaeological site in Athens remained closed for three days in a row on Friday, as protesting culture ministry contract employees demand tenure and 22 months in outstanding back pay, Athens News Agency reports.

On Thursday riot police used teargas to disperse the protestors as they had chain-locked the entrance to Greece΄s most famous archaeological site.

A strong police contingent remains in place while tension increased in the morning when police allowed a couple of tourists to enter the site, eliciting strong protests from the demonstrators.

:ciao: si Tommy, la correzione dovrebbe essere fiosiologica. Questa battuta di arresto è un banco di prova dei forti rialzi di questi giorni. Fissati gli stop da attivare in caso di correzione significativa per il 2014 5,5% e 2019 6%. Nessun stop per il 2019 6,5%, di cui ho diverse decine di K e che ho una mezza idea di cassettizzare (pmc 78). Ovviamente spero come tutti in una ripresa della salita verso e oltre quota 90 :).
Buona mattinata agli amici della Grecia.
Perchè ritieni che il 2019 6,5% sia da cassetto?
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