Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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Magari non è neanche importante vedere "chi ha ragione". La ragione era di chi invitava a valutare i rischi su Lehman, ed anche di chi invece ha creduto nell'impossibilità di fallire per Goldman, o Merril.

Basterebbe semplicemente pensare che è dall'alternanza di posizioni diverse (e dalle motivazioni addotte...) che si crea valore su un forum. Altrimenti torniamo al tifo da stadio, ed ai forum per soli pro o contro, senza possibilità di pareri contrari...
Concordo ed aggiungo che, volenti o nolenti, in questi ultimi anni, in molte circostanze non siamo stati oggettivamente in grado di effettuare valutazioni abbastanza precise circa lo stato dei vari emittenti per carenza di informazioni e/o eventi non prevedibili e molto altro ancora (ricordo, a titolo esplicativo, il caso Merrill che tutti pensavamo messa meglio rispetto alle altre banche d'affari Usa e così non era).

Dunque, in assenza d'informazioni e/o con informazioni fuorvianti fatte circolare ad arte nel caos mediatico dei mercati finanziari, l'unica cosa che si può ragionevolmente proporre in questa sede, evitando tifo da bar dello sport, è quella di trovare un trade-off tra rischio e rendimento che, giocoforza, dipende solo dalle nostre esigenze. :)
Warning bell sounded in 2008

Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker said in an interview with a Greek newspaper appearing on Sunday that "since 2008 we had been pressing and ringing the warning bell to the Greek authorities to take measures to reverse the situation, which appeared to be taking on dangerous proportions", adding that efficient measures were taken by the current government and "I can say that I am very satisfied".

In an interview with the Sunday edition of To Vima newspaper, Juncker said that even if the government were to change in Greece, the Memorandum will remain.

He said he understands the difficult daily life of the Greek people "but there is no other path".

Juncker further said he saw no need for taking new measures, nor for discussion about the possibility of extending the repayment period of the EU-IMF loan, since "Greece is making substantial progress as regards consolidating the public finances" and "the noteworthy reduction in the deficit".

On corruption, the Eurogroup chief said that Greece indeed has a serious problem, "but it is not the only one (country) in the European Union to face such problems".

He said that the current prime minister of Greece "had the courage to repeatedly acknowledge that corruption is a major problem for the country", adding that "he should not be criticised for what he said...Other prime ministers in the European neighborhood have also admitted to having such issues in their own countries".

Chi entra ora su un titolo "Grecia" lo fa in chiave completamente speculativa, ben diversa la situazione di chi ha acquistato nel 2008 o nel 2009 fidandosi delle dichiarazioni sullo stato di salute dell'economia ellenica.
Concordo, ma dalla lettura di alcuni interventi non mi sembra che il concetto di "speculazione" sia stato ben digerito.
Samaras: PM incompetent in managing crisis

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras renewed his attack on prime minister George Papandreou on Sunday, accusing him of incompetence in management of the economic crisis, and criticising him for the situation prevailing in Greece, during an address to the ND Political Committee held at the Peace and Friendship Stadium (SEF), adding that next month's local government elections were critical.

Samaras said that ND's backing was on the rise because the people feel betrayed, because PASOK made unbelievable mistakes, and livid, because unbearable sacrifices are being imposed.

Samaras challenged Papandreou to give a "clear-cut reply on whether the extension of the repayment period of the (EU-IMF) loan will also mean extension of the Memorandum withy even harsher measures".

The main opposition leader anticipated that the government will go ahead with even harsher measures immediately after the local administration elections, and called on the Greek people to force PASOK to change course.

In a newspaper interview appearing on Sunday, Samaras stressed that the great majority of the Greek people no longer consider the Memorandum as "inevitable" or the only way out, or even that it will save the country.

"The trend against the Memorandum is now a majority and growing," he said in an interview with the Sunday newspaper 'RealNews'.

Samaras also rejected any discussion of a national unity government comprising all the parties represented in parliament, questioning "what kind of 'unity' can there be between those who consider the Memorandum the 'only way' and those who are trying to rid the country of the Memorandum as soon as possible?"

"The 'welding' of such opposite policies is not 'national unity', it is the search for accessories before the shipwreck," Samaras said, stressing that "we do not want to be accessories, we want to avert the shipwreck."


Con questi il default era una prospettiva possibile...
Greek Government Lead Over Main Opposition Easing - Poll

ATHENS -(Dow Jones)- The Greek socialist government is still more popular than the main conservative opposition in October but its lead is narrowing, according to a poll published Sunday in newspaper Elefteros Typos.
The voting intention poll conducted by Pulse RC for the paper found that the ruling Pasok party attracts 27% voter support putting it six percentage points ahead of the center right New Democracy, which is supported by 21% of the population.

But the government's lead has been pared back by one percentage point from the same poll conducted in September.
This could be linked to the fact that the government has had to impose unprecedented austerity measures in exchange for a EUR110 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union to stave off bankruptcy.

An overwhelming 71% of all those asked believe that the cash strapped Mediterranean nation could have avoided signing the memorandum with international lenders in May which would have prevented the wage and pension cuts as well as hikes to taxes.
But a significant 28% of all voters said they were undecided as to which political party to vote for leaving a lot of room for the main parties to increase their support base before any election.

Local elections are due to be held in Greece Nov. 7 but those are also heavily influenced by regional issues and local personalities in the running as opposed to just nationwide party allegiance.
The poll was conducted across Greece via telephone interviews with 1,115 adults and has a 3% margin of error.

Sfido chiunque a riscuotere ancora la maggioranza dopo aver effettuato una politica di "lacrime e sangue".
Papandreou è sempre in testa nei sondaggi.

An extensive exchange of views on bilateral and multilateral issues will be discussed between Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou during his visit to Athens on the 21st to 22nd of October. This was announced from the Turkish Prime Minister’s office in Ankara. The exchange of views between the two is in regard to the recent growth in Greek-Turkish relations. The “Supreme Council for Cooperation”, will be held for first time in Athens on the 14th and 15th of May, with Mr. Erdogan’s visit once to the capital.
Erdogan will visit Greece; accepting Papandreou’s invitation to be part of the “Conference on Climate Change in Mediterranean” taking place in Athens. Many Mediterranean countries, Balkan nations, and representatives from international organizations have been invited to the conference.
The Turkish president will be accompanied by the Foreign Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu and his Councilor on Foreign Policy Affairs, Ibrahim Kalin.

(greek reporter.gr)
Ciao tommy, ti dico una cosa che se io sapessi fare la farei,perchè non fai un quadro grafico sui titoli greci anche avvalendoti di exell, il 3d sarebbe completo.
Ciao tommy, ti dico una cosa che se io sapessi fare la farei,perchè non fai un quadro grafico sui titoli greci anche avvalendoti di exell, il 3d sarebbe completo.

Ti posso dire che la curva dei rendimenti ha ormai preso la sua giusta pendenza.
Chi vuole, in questo periodo, può fare dei buoni arbitraggi. Sempre muovendo piccole cifre ... altrimenti riesce difficile muoversi.

Purtroppo anch'io ho i miei limiti: i grafici li posta già con una certa frequenza Grisù, seguito da qualche altro occasionale forumista.
Su Finanzaonline sono molto più frequenti visto che seguono di più l'evolvere dei singoli titoli sul MOT/TLX rispetto ad un'analisi dal punto di vista macroeconomico: qui trovi le notizie, di là i grafici.
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