Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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oggi ho aumentato la mia esposizione, ora sono un filino sotto i 200k nominali:
acquistato su 2014, 2017 e 2025
speriamo non si scenda oltre :benedizione:
vediamo che succede in settimana, ora come ora non saprei;
mi auguro una bella fase laterale con oscillazioni limitate così da fare tanto sano trading piacevole e tranquillo, e poi la volata di altri 10 punti; sognare non costa nulla

E' anche il mio augurio ... nonchè la mia attesa.
Dita incrociate ...

Contrariamente a te non ho mai alzato l'esposizione: avrei potuto mediare, ma le mie regole mi imponevano uno stop oltre la quota "ragionevole" verso le situazioni a rischio.
Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a +1% grazie a bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene chiude la seduta in rialzo dell'1% a quota 1.573 punti con un forte volume di scambi pari a 123,2 mln euro.
La borsa ellenica sovraperforma il mercato grazie all'ottima performance delle blue-chip bancarie.
Eurobank sale del 3,8%, Alpha del 2,7%, National del 2,2%, Piraeus dell'1,5%, Ppc dell'1,3%, ATEbank dell'1,1% e Coca Cola Hellenic dell'1%.
Greece raises $1.63B in debt sale at lower cost

The Associated Press
Tuesday, October 19, 2010; 11:02 AM

ATHENS, Greece -- Greece raised euro1.17 billion ($1.63 billion) Tuesday by selling 13-week treasury bills in an auction that saw lower borrowing rates than a similar issue last month - modest progress in overcoming its debt crisis.
The sale, originally for euro900 million ($1.2 billion), was oversubscribed 5.19 times and had a yield of 3.75 percent - down from the 3.98 percent settled in a Sept. 21 auction for similar three-month treasury bills.

Greece began monthly short-term debt issues in September to maintain a presence in the market after its financial crisis effectively blocked it out of the long-term international debt market, with investors demanding prohibitively high interest rates for its bonds.

The country needs to get markets to lend to it at lower interest rates to avoid further financial trouble. Some economists say Greece may still have to restructure its debts in coming years.

Athens is currently receiving rescue loans from a three-year euro110 billion package by the International Monetary Fund and other eurozone countries. In return, the government has imposed strict austerity measures, including trimming pensions, raising taxes and cutting civil servants' pay, in an effort to overhaul its debt-ridden economy.

The crisis broke out late last year, after the newly elected government of Prime Minister George Papandreou drastically revised the country's budget deficit upwards, saying the previous administration had been fudging statistics.

The European Union's statistics agency, Eurostat, is to further revise the deficit and debt figures for 2006-2009, with authorities in Greece saying the deficit for 2009 is expected to rise to about 15 percent or higher.
But the government insists that it will still meet its targets of reducing the deficit to 8.1 this year and 7.6 percent by the end of 2011.

The upcoming revision "in no way changes the targets or the ability of the Greek government to achieve the goals it has set," Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou told reporters in Luxembourg, where he was attending a meeting of EU finance ministers.

In Athens, the government announced a nearly euro2.6 billion ($3.6 billion) jobs package to combat unemployment, which is expected to reach 15 percent in the next two years. The measures aim to help create or retain 670,000 jobs.

"Unemployment is the number one problem we have before us," Papandreou said during a meeting with the heads of business and labor groups. "There is no point today for one to lie about the true problems and just create impressions. Unemployment in our country exists, and exists today as a result of an economy that has been slowly dying for years."

Papandreou said the government's aim was to "strike at the root of the problems, because we have had the engines of growth turned off for a long time."
The government has said the unemployment rate, which stood at 12 percent in July, is set to rise to 14.5 percent next year and 15 percent in 2012.

The measures include subsidies for employers to help meet social contributions for workers, the hiring of unemployed young people and women, and the support of those considered particularly vulnerable, including the handicapped, people released from prison and drug addicts.

"Businesses cannot be viable, when a large section of our society is unemployed and has no essential consumer power," Papandreou said. "On the other hand, citizens cannot find work if the country's businesses are not healthy, viable, competitive and don't invest in manpower."
All-Clear in Euro-Zone Government Bonds?


For battered euro-zone government bond investors, good news at last. Peripheral bond yields are falling, the European banking system is strengthening, the outlook for a successful round of 2011 budgets is improving and the European Central Bank last week stopped buying bonds under its market stabilization program for the first time since May. The worst of the crisis may finally be behind the market—at least for 2010.

Greek 10-year bond yields have fallen a massive three percentage points in six weeks, delivering capital gains of more than 20%, while Irish and Portuguese yields have dropped around one percentage point, reflecting both governments' increased efforts to reduce deficits in 2011. Further gains are possible given spreads to Germany remain wide. U.S. quantitative easing, seen as highly likely, should buoy risk appetite, although China's rate increase announcement Tuesday led to a small setback.

Euro-zone governments, excluding Greece, have now completed 85% of their 2010 borrowing of €913 billion ($1.277 trillion), according to Deutsche Bank. The European Financial Stability Facility is up and running. Further support may be made available for Greece. And Europe is close to agreeing on tougher than expected reforms of its budget, debt and deficit surveillance, even if they do not go far enough.

Risks remain. France must avoid watering down its pension reform. The ECB must be careful in its dogged attempts to exit from its unconventional policies, particularly while peripheral countries and banking systems still cannot access financial markets easily. Its bond purchase program should be kept open as an available tool. The ECB's relatively hawkish stance may yet create problems as the euro strengthens and core yields rise.

Next year Europe will face fresh challenges, with austerity biting deeper as even Germany starts to rein in its budget deficit. Bond redemption pressures for Portugal and Spain arrive in March and April. But for now, the euro-zone government bond market appears to have stabilized after a tumultuous year of transformation.

HEARD ON THE STREET: All-Clear in Euro-Zone Government Bonds? - WSJ.com
Crisi: Grecia; piano da 2,6 mld euro contro disoccupazione

ATENE - Il premier greco Giorgio Papandreou ha oggi annunciato un piano di 2,6 miliardi di euro per la creazione o il mantenimento di 670.000 posti di lavoro.

Il piano, reso noto da Papandreou durante un incontro odierno con le parti sociali, punta a contrastare la crescita della disoccupazione ormai al 12% e prevede 17 programmi che riguardano in particolare i giovani, i disoccupati, le donne, i padri di famiglie numerose e gli invalidi. Il denaro necessario proverrà dal Fondo sociale europeo per la disoccupazione.

oggi ho aumentato la mia esposizione, ora sono un filino sotto i 200k nominali:
acquistato su 2014, 2017 e 2025
speriamo non si scenda oltre :benedizione:
vediamo che succede in settimana, ora come ora non saprei;
mi auguro una bella fase laterale con oscillazioni limitate così da fare tanto sano trading piacevole e tranquillo, e poi la volata di altri 10 punti; sognare non costa nulla

in linea generale hanno tenuto bene .... considerando il rally che hanno fatto..
per la '25 mi aspetto la tenuta di 55 ed un consolidamento su quella quotazione...
PM: Five targets against unemployment

Prime minister George Papandreou set out five targets in the battle against unemployment, which he called Greece's number one problem, during a meeting with the social partners on Tuesday, adding that his PASOK government will apply "active policies" and not simply policies of reinforcing the unemployed.

The first target, he said, is maintenance of the existing jobs and adaptability of businesses. In that direction, there will be financial backing of enterprises hard-hit by recession in order to preserve working positions, through subsidisation of social security contributions, to enable their employees' adaptation to the new conditions and to avert layoffs for reduction of the operational cost.

The second target is the entry of youth to the labor market and acquisition of work experience, which will be effected through local integrated programs or through programs to support new professionals, the premier said.

The third target is the re-entry of unemployed into the job market, through integrated programs for those left unemployed due to mass layoffs by companies, and the issue of a "re-entry check" instead of the traditional "unemployment benefit". The aim, he said, is to keep the unemployed active rather than being "out of commission" in a system that, although protects them, gives no prospect.

The fourth target is the entry of women into the job market and the support of women.

The fifth target is the support of people with a disability and other vulnerable social groups, such as released inmates or substance dependent people "but people who have endless abilities," Papandreou said.

"We are at the point where we decide to either move forward or turn back to bankruptcy, whether we complete the effort or let it go to waste, Papandreou said, and expressed optimism on the country's course, adding that, despite the difficulties, a "wind of change" was blowing now for the first time.

"We must leave behind the outdated attitudes, institutions and practices," he stressed, adding that everything that had not been done over the space of years must now be done in a very short time so that 2011 will be the last year of recession and the country will enter a recovery orbit, from which the first to benefit will be those who are now shouldering the burden.

Sembra finita, aspettiamo stasera o domani, vediamo se il 19 6% ritraccia benino sotto 79..... poi vedremo :)
Ciao, Giuseppe
Toccata e fuga: ieri ho acquistato il 2019 - 6,5% sui minimi, oggi ho intascato la cedola e venduto in mattinata quasi ai massimi di giornata (mai fatta una cosa del genere).

Non mi sentivo tranquillo anche se avevo investito una piccola percentuale.

Ho la sensazione che si possa rientrare ben sotto gli 80.
Toccata e fuga: ieri ho acquistato il 2019 - 6,5% sui minimi, oggi ho intascato la cedola e venduto in mattinata quasi ai massimi di giornata (mai fatta una cosa del genere).

Non mi sentivo tranquillo anche se avevo investito una piccola percentuale.

Ho la sensazione che si possa rientrare ben sotto gli 80.

..e magari ieri non hai pagato nemmeno il rateo..?!?:)
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