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Germany: Merkel Renews Call For Permanent EU Crisis Mechanism

BERLIN (MNI) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel Wednesday renewed her call for a permanent crisis mechanism in the EU, after the current rescue funds for Greece and the Eurozone run out in 2013.

"Germany cannot and will not agree to a simple prolongation" of these funds, Merkel said in parliament, speaking the day before EU leaders gather in Brussels for a two-day summit that is likely to include some heated exchanges this an other topics, including a reform of fiscal rules.

"We need a new robust crisis mechanism for emergency cases," the Merkel said. Private creditors will have to shoulder part of the financial burden under that new mechanism, she demanded.

Such a new crisis mechanism will also require a change of EU treaties to be legally on the safe side, Merkel said. The chancellor said that she will call for such treaty changes at the summit, noting that there is not much time left. "A solution has to be legally implemented by summer 2013," she said.

A German government source said Tuesday that Germany is currently working on the details of a proposal for a new crisis mechanism.

"It has yet to be decided if it will include a rollover of [government] debt, a restructuring, or a lowering of interest rates [on government bonds]," the official said. The mechanism would be triggered in the event of a severe fiscal crisis in a member country that threatened the whole of the Eurozone. Regarding public contributions to the new crisis mechanism, "loans, guarantees or a separate fund" are conceivable, the official said.

Turning to the subject of foreign exchange, Merkel criticized in the current talk about a currency war. "Foreign exchange rates should reflect the medium-term fundamental data of an economy," she said.

"A policy that aims to improve competitiveness via currency manipulation has to be avoided," Merkel stressed. In the end, everybody will lose out if there's a currency race to the bottom, she warned.

Merkel also rejected demands that governments should target specific current account balance levels, a proposal made by U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at the recent meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers in South Korea.

"Quantitative current account balance goals cannot be the solution," Merkel said. Rather, countries need to tackle their individual structural deficits, she argued.

Due to reforms by the government and by businesses, Germany is currently emerging faster from the crisis than other countries, Merkel noted. "We are the growth engine of Europe," she boasted.

Strada tutta in salita, quella della modifica dei Trattati ...
Foreign Minister Droutsas’s welcome speech at the opening of the Foreign Ministry exhibit marking the 70th anniversary of 28 October 1940 (Ohi Day)
Athens , 27 October 2010

Mr. Santes, it is a great honor to have you here with us today.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In his history of the Peloponnesian Wars, Thucydides puts forth the three reasons nations go to war: honor, fear and interests. But in the case of World War II, I am afraid the explanation proposed by this great Greek historian does not suffice.

Because even today, so many years later, nothing can adequately explain what is imprinted indelibly on the consciousness of humankind as the most horrific episode in modern history. This war was the most extreme and atrocious explosion of an irrationality produced, unfortunately, by the human mind. An irrationality that first manifested itself in the form of a totalitarian ideology and evolved during the interwar years, imposing absolute obedience on the human consciousness.

In this terrifying vortex of events, history held a special place for our country. The rejection of the Italian ultimatum at a time when the Axis powers were considered undefeatable – the historic “No!” that we are celebrating throughout Greece tomorrow – sent a message of courage and hope to the free world. The military successes at the front decisively changed the atmosphere in the war and the morale of the peoples of Europe, who in terror saw Nazism and fascism spread from country to country.

But even after subjugation to the Axis powers, the Greek people resisted bravely. And we mustn’t forget that a very high price was paid for this Resistance – higher even than that paid on the fields of battle: in the Allied camp, Greece was first in sacrifices as a proportion of population.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The exhibit opening today here at the Foreign Ministry takes us back to that era. To an era of great sacrifices for our country, as well as to an era of great heroes, known and unknown, uniformed and civilian. We see their faces around us, in this collection of photographs from the Foreign Ministry’s historical archive.

At the same time, this exhibit is a debt of honor from the Foreign Ministry to the memory of those who fell for Greece, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the declaration of war on our country. I feel certain that I speak for all of the personnel of the Foreign Ministry – a Ministry that, since the founding of the Greek State, has had the mission of defending our national interests – when I say that the legacy of the heroic generation of 1940 remains our guide. A legacy that has at its core a pure patriotism that inspired the forces of resistance. A legacy that today inspires the positive, uplifting powers that we most certainly possess.

Because we really do have need of this patriotism today. Not, of course, the patriotism expressed at such a heavy price in blood back then, because the historical circumstances are not the same. Rather, the patriotism of responsible citizens in a democratic and well-governed society: citizens who are prepared to sacrifice some of their private interests to the whole. The patriotism we need if we are to overcome some of our weaknesses and remedy the errors of the past. Allow me to say that this patriotism is inspired in us by the example of the heroes of the 1940s.

So I want to congratulate the Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic and Historical Archive Department, Director Tomai-Konstantopoulou and her staff, who worked to present this excellent result today. I sincerely hope that the exhibit and film that you have put together will meet with a positive response from the broader public.

I wish everyone many happy returns and – if our high-ranking guests will allow me – to the Foreign Ministry personnel in particular, good luck in the execution of your duties.

(Ministero degli Esteri)

MS On OTE’s Q3: Not Reaching The Bottom Yet

Morgan Stanley said it expects further deterioration in OTE’s 3Q10 results, in a report dated October 26th. It projects group revenues of €1,373 million, -9.5% YoY, with clean EBITDA of €494 million, -13.6%. This should be around 1pp worse YoY rates than those reported in 2Q10 and therefore we believe that we have not reached the bottom yet.

Net income should be €110 million, -32.8% YoY, with capex of €190 million and net debt of €4.45 billion, on our estimates. “The uncertain macro environment, tough competition and regulatory issues make it difficult to call the bottom,” it says.

Its TP is set at EUR7.50 with a “equalweight” rating.



io seguo la '25, la 2019 6,5%, e la '40 4,60%: mi sembra che per diverse ragioni (sottovalutazione, rendimento, e rapporto capitale investito/yield to cash) siano tra le più interessanti, ovviamente IMHO. per ora, wait and see...

,,,,,,,,,e ti parevo, come al solito io ho scelto le meno interessanti:
la 22/ 5,9% e la 37/ 4,5%.........
Grecia, deficit 2009 sarà rivisto oltre 15% Pil -Min. Fin.
Reuters - 27/10/2010 15:28:24LIMASSOL, Cipro, 28 ottobre (Reuters) - Il pluri-ritoccato deficit di bilancio 2009 della Grecia verrà fissato "una volta per tutte" da Eurostat a oltre il 15% del Pil. Lo ha dichiarato oggi il ministro delle Finanze greco.

La bozza di bilancio 2011 della Grecia all'inizio del mese stimava il deficit 2009 al 13,8% del Pil, ma si attende che l'ufficio statistico dell'Ue Eurostat lo riveda al rialzo nel report atteso a metà novembre.

Una prima revisione del deficit 2009 al 12,5% del Pil lo scorso anno dopo l'ascesa al governo dei socialisti aveva scatenato la peggiore crisi fiscale del paese da decenni e aveva investito con scosse di assestamento i mercati di tutto il mondo.

"Dopo la revisione finale di Eurostat... che validerà i numeri greci per il 2009 una volta per tutte, sarà oltre il 15%", ha detto oggi George Papaconstamtinou a una conferenza economica.

Il costo di assicurazione del debito greco contro il defauLt è salito oggi con l'avversione al rischio sovrano che continua a crescere dopo una serie di dichiarazioni negative.
Un saluto a tutti,
sono stato via un 10 giorni e avevamo tutti delle buona prospettive ma oggi che rientro vedo una discesa accentuata, devo preoccuparmi?

Le notizie arretrate sono tante e in attesa di mettermi alla pari gradirei un commentino, grazie...

Non preoccuparti, dopo essere passati attraverso il girone Dantesco degli scorsi mesi, questa è solo una passeggiata ...
L'unica notizia vera è quella che hai postato sopra, il resto sono rumors e chiacchericci vari.

Anche se scrivo raramente, vi leggo sempre e ringrazio tommy del costante e sistematico aggiornamento, direi in tempo reale.
Non voglio dare la colpa sempre alla speculazione, e non nemmeno se chiamarla speculazione, ma se guardiamo ai grafici e ad alcuni semplici indicatori come RSI e momentum, tutti i bond greci (come tantissimi altri del resto) erano in ipervenduto. Le prese di beneficio ci stanno tutte e sono solo occasioni per incrementare/rientrare. Ogni notizia sarebbe stata buona (rischio elezioni o raffreddore di Papandreou...).
Se fosse così, la discesa sarebbe solo agli inizi. Mi tengo pronto per rientrare un po' più in basso.
IMHO, ovviamente.

Wall Street snobba il dato oltre le attese sulle vendite di nuove case a settembre, salite del 6,6% a 307 mila unità contro attese ferme a 300 mila. Il Dow Jones cede così lo 0,66% a 11.095 punti, mentre il Nasdaq arretra dello 0,05% a quota 2.117.

Inizio di seduta in ribasso per Wall Street, che paga dazio alle indiscrezioni secondo cui il nuovo round di quantitative easing della Fed ammonterebbe a poche centinaia di miliardi di dollari. Il Dow nelle prime battute mette a segno un calo dello 0,53% a 11.110,62 punti, -0,6% dello S&P a 1.178,56 e rosso dello 0,62% del Nasdaq a 2.481,72.

Non c'entra con la Grecia, ma è per dire che quando si vuole scendere, ogni notizia è buona... siamo all'inizio?
Wall Street snobba il dato oltre le attese sulle vendite di nuove case a settembre, salite del 6,6% a 307 mila unità contro attese ferme a 300 mila. Il Dow Jones cede così lo 0,66% a 11.095 punti, mentre il Nasdaq arretra dello 0,05% a quota 2.117.

Inizio di seduta in ribasso per Wall Street, che paga dazio alle indiscrezioni secondo cui il nuovo round di quantitative easing della Fed ammonterebbe a poche centinaia di miliardi di dollari. Il Dow nelle prime battute mette a segno un calo dello 0,53% a 11.110,62 punti, -0,6% dello S&P a 1.178,56 e rosso dello 0,62% del Nasdaq a 2.481,72.

Non c'entra con la Grecia, ma è per dire che quando si vuole scendere, ogni notizia è buona... siamo all'inizio?

predominante è la notizia del quantitative easing - se l'importo è piccolo il dollaro ora sale, l'euro scende e le borse van giù :specchio:

PS metà della salita è sparita via in 4 giorni!
predominante è la notizia del quantitative easing - se l'importo è piccolo il dollaro ora sale, l'euro scende e le borse van giù :specchio:

PS metà della salita è sparita via in 4 giorni!

Per il momento, guardando la Grecia, lo spread/bund è in costante allargamento per tutto il pomeriggio, dopo una mattinata tranquilla: ora intorno a 770 pb.
Siamo a circa 100 pb. in più rispetto i minimi della scorsa settimana.
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