Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1

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predominante è la notizia del quantitative easing - se l'importo è piccolo il dollaro ora sale, l'euro scende e le borse van giù :specchio:

PS metà della salita è sparita via in 4 giorni!

qualsiasi sia l'ammontare del quantitative easing non fara' che tamponare l'emergenza nel breve...
ci dovremmo aspettare un iper-inflazione nel medio termine per drenare la liquidita'?...
bah!... io dico che quando hai il braccio in cancrena e' meglio tagliare che curare...
Greek Default Costs Soar


LONDON—The cost of insuring Greek and Portuguese government debt against the risk of default rose Wednesday, underscoring investor concerns about the two heavily indebted countries.

The annual cost of insuring $10 million of Greek debt for five years jumped $73,000 to $754,000 as investors continued to react to comments made Monday. The cost of insurance, as measured by credit default swaps, had risen $14,000 on Tuesday.

Mohamed El-Erian, chief executive and co-chief investment officer of bond giant Pimco, warned at a conference in New York that he expects Greece will default on its debt within three years. He added that it is in Europe's interest for Greece to default "because the alternative doesn't promise growth and employment generation."

In separate comments, Prime Minister George Papandreou said reforms have to continue so that sacrifices pay off, and that coming local elections require voter responsibility to deal with the country's debt crisis.

Greek elections in the country are scheduled for Nov. 7, and will be seen as a first critical test of the socialist government's standing after a year in power and several rounds of spending cuts and tax increases.

In May, Greece narrowly avoided bankruptcy by agreeing to a series of painful measures in exchange for a €110 billion ($152.37 billion) bailout from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union. Under the terms of that deal, the country aims to cut its budget deficit by more than a third by the end of 2011.

The country's finance minister told the Associated Press Wednesday that the country isn't looking now to extend the repayment period of an emergency bailout loan, but he isn't ruling it out.

George Papaconstantinou says the Greek government is "simply concentrating'' on fulfilling the conditions of the EU and IMF aid and that it is not "at the moment thinking or proposing something else'' on the repayment period.

He added that a repayment extension "is not up to us.'' Instead, he said, "what is up to us is to do the best that we can to reduce the deficit and do the structural reforms.''

The Greek official was speaking Wednesday on the sidelines of an economic forum on the east Mediterranean island.

In Portugal, the main opposition party, the Social Democrats, walked away from budget talks after it and the government disagreed mainly over tax increases.
The cost of insuring the government's debt, which had been falling on the day, turned higher. It now costs $356,000 a year to insure $10 million of debt issued by the country for five years, $21,000 more than on Tuesday.

(The Wall Street Journal)
Greek Market Down On Widening GGB/Bund Spreads

Athens stocks ended sharply lower on Wednesday on the back of capital raise talks and rising GGB spreads.

"[Prime Minister] Papandreou’s remarks about possible early national elections did not help at all," a research director at a local bank told Dow Jones Newswires. "And as spreads rise, equities drop," he added.

The Athens Bourse will not operate tomorrow due to Greek National Holiday.

Across the board, the General Index dropped 1,88% at 1,577.89 on a total turnover of 124.33 mil. euro.

112 stocks fell, 47 rose and 130 remained unchanged.

Financials shed 2.32% led by Eurobank (-3.89%) and NBG (-3%).


Come vedete la correlazione tra Borsa e Bond è strettissima.
Una "ristrutturazione" del debito non sarebbe la soluzione ... ;).
qualsiasi sia l'ammontare del quantitative easing non fara' che tamponare l'emergenza nel breve...
ci dovremmo aspettare un iper-inflazione nel medio termine per drenare la liquidita'?...
bah!... io dico che quando hai il braccio in cancrena e' meglio tagliare che curare...

è 2 anni che si tampona ... sperando che un giorno ...
col tuo ragionamento si doveva far fallire la Grecia e sbatterla fuori dall'Unione Europea
beh dopo 2 ore di "studio" penso che la discesa non sia finita

però come diceva Tommy, abbiamo affrontato di peggio

si tratta di un assestamento in previsione di un futuro + tormentato nel breve

ma per chi come noi guarda e spazia sui larghi orizzonti possiamo continuare...
beh dopo 2 ore di "studio" penso che la discesa non sia finita

però come diceva Tommy, abbiamo affrontato di peggio

si tratta di un assestamento in previsione di un futuro + tormentato nel breve

ma per chi come noi guarda e spazia sui larghi orizzonti possiamo continuare...

Forse domani una battuta di arresto rispetto ai cali sui nostri GGB, in concomitanza della Festa Nazionale: Borsa di Atene chiusa.
Poi vedremo venerdì.
ciao a tutti tommy l'unica cosa che mi sta' facendo imbestialire e' che ancora non si sa' quanto ammonta il debito

Non dirlo a me: tutte queste revisioni dei dati sul debito pubblico sarebbero da azione legale ...
Ovviamente sia alla BCE che in Eurostat sapevano già tutto (oltre ai soliti Goldman Man). :down:.
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