Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (15 lettori)

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Greece to unveil budget after cuts pledge

By Kerin Hope in Athens
Published: November 17 2010 13:05 | Last updated: November 17 2010 23:19

Greece will present its 2011 budget to parliament on Thursday following a last-minute scramble to make additional spending cuts demanded by its eurozone partners.
Slow progress this year on reducing tax evasion and eliminating corruption in the state hospital system has meant the government will miss its targets for both public sector spending and revenues in 2010.

George Papaconstantinou, the finance minister, pledged to make an extra €3.5bn-€4bn of savings in 2011, mainly through cost-cutting at public sector corporations and other state entities. The healthcare budget would be slashed by an extra €1bn.
Mixed signals from Josef Proell, Austria’s finance minister, in the past two days highlighted Greek concerns over the disbursement of the next €9bn tranche of its €110bn loan from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.
Mr Proell on Wednesday backed off from an earlier suggestion that Austria might withhold its contribution if it was not satisfied with Greece’s recent fiscal performance.
Athens moved quickly on Wednesday to reassure investors the timetable for payment of the loan tranche was on track.
Following a monitoring mission this month, the IMF is due to disburse €2.5bn in December.
The EU is due to pay out €6.5bn in January, after finance ministers approve the updated Greek reform programme at their December meeting.
“There is no anxiety at all over the timing of the payment,” the finance ministry said on Wednesday.
Greece has enough cash in hand to cover end-of-year expenses as well as payments due in January after raising €6bn in short-term borrowing this quarter, a senior Athens banker said.
However, the confusion over the next loan tranche underlined Greek fears that it will face tighter EU benchmarks on fiscal consolidation and structural reform in 2011.
“It’s a political signal, that things are getting tougher for Athens.
Public sector reform will now have to be accelerated,” said a senior Greek political commentator.
The budget announcement is anxiously awaited as many Greeks fear jobs will have to be cut at public corporations in order to meet the 2011 targets.
Police fired teargas on Wednesday night when extremists disrupted a protest marking the anniversary of a student uprising in 1973 against a military regime.​

The Financial Times Limited 2010.​
Stamattina spread 883.


Forumer storico
Il balletto sulla terza tranche di finanziamenti alla Grecia è proseguito anche ieri tra conferme e smentite: alla fine la certezza, il FMI erogherà nei tempi stabiliti la sua parte competente mentre invece la UE effettuerà il pagamento a dicembre con decorrenza ai primi di gennaio. Una soluzione salomonica.

Intanto dal FMI è sempre più probabile una soluzione molto realistica per il debito greco: con ogni probabilità verranno concesse ulteriori dilazioni sui rimborsi a partire dal 2013.
La Merkel, ha già fatto sapere di non essere disponibile. Qui rientrerà in gioco il Fondo Europeo di Emergenza con tutti gli annessi e connessi.

E' in viaggio per Dublino una commissione per valutare i passi necessari da fare per riportare l'Irlanda entro i parametri.
Il Governo non vuole aiuti mentre sembra sempre più propenso ad una soluzione che interessi solo il comparto bancario.
I vicini inglesi si sono detti disponibili nel cercare soluzioni.

Sul fronte dello spread/bund giornata interlocutoria: tensione sempre elevata su Grecia e Irlanda mentre sul gruppetto di coda si riordinano le idee.

Grecia 912 pb. (911)
Irlanda 597 pb. (582)
Portogallo 418 pb. (421)
Spagna 204 pb. (200)
Italia 157 pb. (159)


Forumer storico
The governments of Ukraine and Greece plan to sign an agreement on air traffic

Interfax - 18.11.2010

The governments of Ukraine and Greece plan to sign an agreement on air traffic, Transport and Communications Minister of Ukraine Kostiantyn Yefymenko has said. "The government at a meeting approved a resolution on the signing of an agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers and the government of Greece on air traffic," the minister said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine after a cabinet meeting in Kyiv on Wednesday.




Forumer storico

The Wednesday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance Germany's stern position on the overindebted countries, the troika's position on labour issues and cutbacks and the Federation of Hellenic Enterprises' (SEB) stance on lay-offs in the public sector, mostly dominated the headlines on Wednesday in Athens' newspapers.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "New swoop on civil servants".
AVGHI: "Tanks then (during the Athens Polytechnic uprising against the junta), troika now".
AVRIANI: "Germany pushing us full speed to bankruptcy".
ELEFTHEROS: "They (EU) have declared us....bankrupt, but Prime Minister George Papandreou belies it".
ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Cut whatever you find".
ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Extraordinary measures in the middle of the night".
ESTIA: "Greece targeted again".
ETHNOS: "Salaries in private sector in danger".

IMERISSIA: "Germany's show of power".
KATHIMERINI: "Threats for the third tranche of the loan".
LOGOS: "Eurozone is teetering".
NAFTEMPORIKI: "Europe presses for more 'necessary measures'."
RIZOSPASTIS: "Merciless industrialists demand lay-offs in public sector and cutbacks in social spending".
TA NEA: "Roadblock against Merkel".
TO VIMA: "Merkel uses the third tranche of the loan as a blackmailing weapon".
VRADYNI: "In a state of Fear".



Forumer storico
37th anniversary of Polytechnic students' uprising

ANA-MPA/Three-day events commemorating the 37th anniversary of the November 17, 1973 Polytechnic student's uprising that led to the collapse of the 7-year military dictatorship in Greece culminate on Wednesday, as officials and the public continue laying wreaths and placing flowers at the Polytechnic monument.

Prime minister George Papandreou placed three red carnations on the Polytechnic monument at noon, while Coalition of the Left, Movements and Ecology (SYN) leader Alexis Tsipras also paid tribute at the monument at noon.

The gates of the Polytechnic, which opened to the public on Monday at the commencement of the memorial events, closed at 1:00, as people gathered for the annual march through the streets of Athens that will wind up in front of the US Embassy.

Approximately 7,000 police officers will be patrolling the city of Athens to prevent incidents.

On Tuesday, President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias and political party representatives and people layed wreaths and flowers at the Polytechnic monument

In a statement issued earlier, Papoulias said that this year's anniversary comes in a very difficult year for the country in which many things are at stake.



Forumer storico
Gov't on memorandum period, German position

ANA-MPA/A veteran Cabinet minister on Tuesday reiterated that Greek Premier George Papandreou merely voiced the fact that many Europeans are annoyed with Berlin's recent initiatives in the euro zone economy, referring to high-profile statements by the latter at a Socialist International (SI) meeting in Paris a day earlier.

Papandreou was quoted on Monday from the French capital as saying that Berlin's position of letting banks and bonds markets contribute to any Euro-zone debt default could push weaker economies into bankruptcy.

"...(This) has created a spiral of higher interest rates for countries that seemed to be in a difficult position, such as Ireland and Portugal ... This could create a self-fulfilling prophecy ... This could break backs; force economies towards bankruptcy," the Greek PM was quoted as saying.

Back in Athens, Alternate Culture Minister Tilemachos Hytiris, a veteran PASOK cadre, underlined that "there is widespread concern in Europe that things have changed and that this is not the Europe we used to know. The Europe of the crisis is different. This is true (there is a leadership deficit in the EU) and this becomes much more evident in a period of crisis."

"The initiatives undertaken mainly by Germany while, at the same time, is trying to be in charge -- probably the only one in charge in Europe considering that France is being dragged along to support its (Germany's) positions -- are initiatives that start slowly to become annoying and this annoyance was expressed by the prime minister.



Forumer attivo
FY11 budget to be submitted to the parliament today
According to press reports, the FY11 budget will include further expenditure cuts in hospitals, social security funds, State owned companies and public administration. Additionally, the government may put a ceiling on the salary benefits and bonuses of the State owned companies employees, up to 10% of basic wage. Same reports claim that the government will increase the middle VAT band from 11% to 13% and the lower one to 6.5% from 5.5%, but will transfer some basic goods, such as medicine, from the middle to the lower VAT band. The government's target for FY11 will be to cut budget deficit to €17bn from estimated €22bn this year.


Forumer storico
Gov't finalises 2011 budget

(ANA-MPA) -- The Greek government finalised decisions over a 2011 budget plan after a meeting between Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou and EU-ECB-IMF "troika" officials in Athens on Wednesday. The meeting was attended by Lucas Papademos, a former European Central Bank vice-president and currently an adviser to Prime Minister George Papandreou.

The budget will be tabled to Parliament on Thursday.

Finance ministry officials said than an additional fiscal adjustment, following an upwards revision of the country’s fiscal deficit for 2009 and 2010, would be made fully in 2011, with the fiscal deficit expected to be cut from 22 billion euros to 17 billion euros.

The memorandum, signed with the EU, ECB and IMF, already envisages measures to cut the deficit, worth 9.15 billion euros, with additional measures expected to be included in the new budget, measures aimed to save an additional 3.5-4.0 billion euros. These measures will focus mainly on further cuts in public spending and will not mean more decreases in salaries and pensions, the finance ministry reassured.



Forumer storico
Papoulias on FYROM issue

SOFIA (ANA-MPA/B. Borisov) - Greek President Karolos Papoulias sent a message to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM) from here that "as long as they insist on their intransigent positions, so much the more they shall keep the door of NATO closed and the accession procedure towards the European Union frozen," as well as to Ankara that the issue of Cyprus is an issue that "deeply affects Greek-Turkish relations" and constitutes "a substantive obstacle for the European Union's relations with Turkey."

Speaking during the official dinner hosted in his honour by his Bulgarian counterpart Georgi Parvanov, President Papoulias, referring to fYRoM, stressed that "the problem lies in that Skopje show the entire geographical area of Macedonia as the fatherland of their own nation," and noted that "Greece supports a solution that will reflect the reality of the region."

On the question of Cyprus, President Papoulias said that "it is an international issue of invasion and occupation" and added that "Greece supports a solution that will respect the principles of freedom, democracy, the state of law and of human rights. A European solution that will implement the acquis communautaire and will implement the resolutions of the Security Council for Cyprus."


Ribadita, sulle complesse vicende di Cipro e Macedonia, la posizione ufficiale ellenica.
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