Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (8 lettori)

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FinMin cites 10 major challenges

ANA-MPA/Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou on Tuesday outlined what he called the 10 most significant challenges facing the Greek economy in 2011, saying: "we have a lot of work ahead, we have structural reforms to ensure the sustainability of reducing deficits and viability of the country's public finances".
Speaking to reporters, the Greek minister sounded "open" to a possibility of extending the repayment period of loans received by the 110-billion-euro support mechanism, although he stressed that no decision over an extension has been taken. Moreover, he dismissed speculation of additional loans from 2013 onwards.

Papaconstantinou stressed that Greece's aim was to return to capital markets in 2011, saying "we are doing our job. The rest will come in due time, depending on how things are going".
Additionally, Papaconstantinou categorically reassured that "there is no issue of dismissals in the public sector", saying that transfer of workers in the public sector would not be counted as new hirings. The Greek minister thanked his colleagues in government for their cooperation with the troika experts, while he criticised the opposition for its stance.



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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude invariato dopo seduta instabile

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene termina una seduta volatile invariato a 1450,81 punti. I volumi si attestano a 109,7 mln euro.
"Nel contesto dei timori legati alle situazioni in Irlanda e in Corea l'instabilita' ha la meglio sulle contrattazioni", commenta un analista senior. "Il sentiment degli investitori rimane fragile in mancanza di buone notizie provenienti dal settore corporate e il mercato greco non riesce a trovare una sua direzione precisa", aggiunge l'esperto.
In territorio positivo AteBank a +2,8%, Eurobank a +2% e National a +1%. In rosso invece Ppc a -3,5%, Titan a -1,9% e Piraeus a -1,6%.


Forumer attivo
Con tutta la mia buona volontà, così come esce dalle Agenzie, la notizia non ha nessuna logica. Ci deve essere dell'altro che al momento non sappiamo. Se fosse vero che il vecchio debito sarà privilegiato rispetto al nuovo, dovremmo tenerci in cassaforte i nostri cari titoli, da vendere solo sopra 100. :rolleyes:
Ciao, Giuseppe

Se non ci sarà un obbligo di swap :-o inoltre se fosse tutto oro quello che luccica ci sarebbe la corsa all'accaparramento dei nostri TdS... non si dice che i mercati si muovono già in previsione di?


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Agricultural Bank of Greece Plans Capital Increase

November 24, 2010, 12:06 PM EST

By Maria Petrakis
(Adds chairman comment in second paragraph, loss in third.)

Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Agricultural Bank of Greece SA, the nation’s only bank to fail the European Union’s stress tests, plans a 1 billion-euro ($1.3 billion) capital increase.
“ATEbank will proceed, in concert with its main shareholder, the Greek State, with a share capital increase to boost and simultaneously improve the quality of its capital base,” Chairman Theodoros Pantalakis said in an e-mailed statement today. The sale will be accompanied by a “comprehensive” restructuring plan, the bank said.
The lender, 77 percent owned by the state, said today its nine-month net loss was 117.2 million euros, compared with a year-earlier profit of 82.4 million euros, as it increased charges for loan losses and had a trading loss. Deposits declined 9.4 percent from a year earlier, reflecting economic uncertainty and the impact of Greek government austerity measures on disposable income, the bank said.
The lender’s Tier 1 capital ratio, a measure of financial strength, stood at 7.12 percent. The proceeds from the stock offering will be used to boost capital, as well as repay 675 million euros of preferred shares held by the state.

Stress Test

ATEbank reported a shortfall of 242.6 million euros in European-wide stress tests in July with the lender’s Tier 1 ratio dropping to 4.36 percent under the most stringent scenario, less than the 6 percent threshold. The Athens-based institution is one of seven EU banks that failed the tests. EU regulators scrutinized 91 of the bloc’s banks to assess whether they have enough capital to withstand a recession and sovereign- debt crisis.
ATEbank is the latest Greek bank to announce plans to replenish capital after the country almost defaulted on its debt earlier this year. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which represents central banks and regulators in 27 nations, announced new rules in September that aimed to avert another global banking crisis by forcing banks to bolster reserves.
ATEbank shares gained 2.8 percent in Athens trading to 73 cents before the earnings were announced. They are down 62 percent this year amid concern Greek banks may have to write down their holdings of government bonds. A swelling budget deficit led to soaring borrowing costs for Greece and a 110 billion-euro bailout by the EU and International Monetary Fund in May.


Le banche elleniche stanno ricapitalizzando una dietro l'altra.

Se questo denota una certà "vivacità" delle Banche dall'altro potrebbe significare un contabilizzare formali (future?) perdite sui bond GGB, di cui sono piene le banche greche.


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Agricultural Bank of Greece Plans Capital Increase

November 24, 2010, 12:06 PM EST

By Maria Petrakis
(Adds chairman comment in second paragraph, loss in third.)

Nov. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Agricultural Bank of Greece SA, the nation’s only bank to fail the European Union’s stress tests, plans a 1 billion-euro ($1.3 billion) capital increase.
“ATEbank will proceed, in concert with its main shareholder, the Greek State, with a share capital increase to boost and simultaneously improve the quality of its capital base,” Chairman Theodoros Pantalakis said in an e-mailed statement today. The sale will be accompanied by a “comprehensive” restructuring plan, the bank said.
The lender, 77 percent owned by the state, said today its nine-month net loss was 117.2 million euros, compared with a year-earlier profit of 82.4 million euros, as it increased charges for loan losses and had a trading loss. Deposits declined 9.4 percent from a year earlier, reflecting economic uncertainty and the impact of Greek government austerity measures on disposable income, the bank said.
The lender’s Tier 1 capital ratio, a measure of financial strength, stood at 7.12 percent. The proceeds from the stock offering will be used to boost capital, as well as repay 675 million euros of preferred shares held by the state.

Stress Test

ATEbank reported a shortfall of 242.6 million euros in European-wide stress tests in July with the lender’s Tier 1 ratio dropping to 4.36 percent under the most stringent scenario, less than the 6 percent threshold. The Athens-based institution is one of seven EU banks that failed the tests. EU regulators scrutinized 91 of the bloc’s banks to assess whether they have enough capital to withstand a recession and sovereign- debt crisis.
ATEbank is the latest Greek bank to announce plans to replenish capital after the country almost defaulted on its debt earlier this year. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which represents central banks and regulators in 27 nations, announced new rules in September that aimed to avert another global banking crisis by forcing banks to bolster reserves.
ATEbank shares gained 2.8 percent in Athens trading to 73 cents before the earnings were announced. They are down 62 percent this year amid concern Greek banks may have to write down their holdings of government bonds. A swelling budget deficit led to soaring borrowing costs for Greece and a 110 billion-euro bailout by the EU and International Monetary Fund in May.


Le banche elleniche stanno ricapitalizzando una dietro l'altra.

Se questo denota una certà "vivacità" delle Banche dall'altro potrebbe significare un contabilizzare formali (future?) perdite sui bond GGB, di cui sono piene le banche greche

In altri termini....
E se vendessimo i TdS Greci e ci riempissimo di LT2 Bancarie Greche? :D
Magari non fanno la stessa fine delle LT2 Irlandesi :D


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In altri termini....
E se vendessimo i TdS Greci e ci riempissimo di LT2 Bancarie Greche? :D
Magari non fanno la stessa fine delle LT2 Irlandesi :D

Se noti, la Borsa di Atene va di pari passo con l'andamento dei bond GGB.
Qualche forumista ha provato a diversificare in ETF Az. Greece ma vedo che poi, gira e rigira, siamo tutti al solito punto.
Attualmente può essere una non - scelta.
Comunque una manovra che potrebbe starci, se abbiamo la certezza che i nostri bond non riusciranno a farcela.
Magari, però, senior ...
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