Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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Forumer storico
New wave of protests cripple Athens

08:47, November 25, 2010

Greece is preparing to receive the next part of its 110 billion euro bailout from the EU and the International Monetary Fund. EU and IMF officials say Greece is on track in reforming its economy. But the country's unions continue protesting, angry over the government's austerity measures.

Protesters clashed with police outside the Greek interior ministry in Athens.

Demonstrators moved through the city center in a march timed to coincide with a visit to Greece by International Monetary Fund and European Union officials.

Rubbish collectors have already been striking for days, with the consequences plain to see.

Ferries also remain tied up in Greece's main port, as seamen walked off the job in a dispute over wages.

Earlier this year the crippled Greek economy needed a 110 billion US dollar bailout, which only came after it promised to reform its economy and introduce dramatic cuts to government spending.

Its international lenders say those reforms are on track, and Greece has agreed to take additional measures to shore up its ailing finances.

(Il Quotidiano del Popolo, Pechino)


Forumer storico

E' da un pò che lo dico, per ravvivare il mercato e la concorrenza bisogna liberalizzare le professioni e le caste chiuse.
Meglio un notaio da 600k all'anno oppure 10 da 60k? Meglio 10 perchè avremo più soggetti che investono, comprano etc.

Poi qualcuno mi dovrebbe spiegare che senso ha l'accesso alla professione attraverso un 'esame di stato. Uno studia all'università per 5 anni, da 25 -30 esami e poi dopo la laurea se vuole esercitare deve dare l'esame. Ma a che cosa serve l'esame? solo a filtrare o ritardare l'accesso alla professione. Lasciamo che sia il mercato a far emergere i professionisti non un esame di stato. Togliamo i giovani laureati dalla schiavitù dei professionisti affermati che li pagano 500 euro in nero al mese oppure a partita iva.

Liberalizziamo le farmacie. Fosse per me tutti i farmaci li venderei anche ai supermercati (altro che parafarmacie), creiamo occupazione e abbassiamo i costi.

Il nostro è un paese è un sistema bloccato e avvitato su logiche di caste ormai superate.

Sono queste le riforme da fare altro che menare sempre con la tassazione sui risparmi. E se serva una crisi greca a dare la scossa aquesto nostro paese allora ben venga.


Forumer storico
PM calls for more flexible, development-friendly state

"The state is the ‘sick man’ and will have to be transformed into a state of law, one that will exercise its executive powers and be flexible; facilitating development, innovation and entrepreneurship," Prime Minister George Papandreou emphasised on Wednesday.

Addressing newly elected regional authority heads, deputy governors and mayors during a two-day training seminar for the new local government authorities, he underlined that the target for the next two years will be cutting extravagant spending namely, reducing the size of the public sector.

The premier made a brief review of what happened in the past year focusing on the fact that the country came very close to bankruptcy and suspension of payments, stressing that the challenge with which the government was faced was to avoid those developments and, at the same time, turn the crisis into an opportunity for the implementation of reforms.



Forumer storico
ND calls independent MPs to resign

In a swift reaction to the development, main opposition ND leader Antonis Samaras charged that "Prime Minister George Papandreou is seeking crutches from others; few but very a willing group. This is happening openly in the last two days. Today, it occurred again without any pretence."

Samaras evaluated that ND rising election strength and PASOK slide caused the latter to seek out willing allies from other parties.

According to officials from ND, however, the decision was widely expected, as Kontoyiannis is viewed as a political ally of the former minister. Moreover, the main opposition party called on Kontoyiannis and another MP, Lefteris Avgenakis of Crete, to resign from their Parliament seats, given that they were elected on ND's ticket.


L'opposizione è divisa: si va dall'estrema sinistra all'estrema destra. Ed il partito di centro-destra si sfarina ...


Forumer storico
fYRoM name solution imperative

A Greek foreign ministry spokesman on Wednesday pointed directly at the lack of constructive dialogue by the leadership of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM) to solve the nagging "name issue", noting characteristically that fYRoM Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki, amongst others, at "every opportunity attacks Greece in a provocative way and burdens the UN framework procedure".

Speaking at a regular press briefing in Athens, spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras was responding to a question on whether the time is right for a meeting between the two sides with UN mediator Matthew Nimetz, and given that Milososki has reportedly responded in the affirmative.


La questione del "nome" ...


Forumer attivo
L'aria che si respira intorno ai periferici è sempre pesante e grama.

Non ho i dati a portata di mano ma sbaglio o il differenziale tra Grecia vs Irlanda/Portogallo si è ridotto nelle ultime settimane?

In ogni caso appena la contadina e soci capiranno di aver acceso un cerino sotto una polveriera penso che la situazione si normalizzerà.

Perlatro il fondo di stabilità avrebbe problemi solo nel caso di una crisi seria di Spagna o Italia, evento possibile ma non probabile. :ciao:
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